von BK-Bob | 19.01.2020 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Forge World: Angel’s Tears und Horus Heresy Book Two

Bei Forge World gibt es zwei neue Einheiten für die Blood Angels und das Kampagnenbuch Massacre bekommt einen Reprint.

FW The Angel's Tears With Volkite Serpentas 1 FW The Angel's Tears With Volkite Serpentas 2 FW The Angel's Tears With Volkite Serpentas 3 FW The Angel's Tears With Volkite Serpentas 4 FW The Angel's Tears With Volkite Serpentas 5 FW The Angel's Tears With Volkite Serpentas 6

The Angel’s Tears with Volkite Serpentas – 62€

The Angel’s Tears serve the Blood Angels in place of the more common Destroyers of other Legions. They take to the field of war only at the direct command of Sanguinius himself, serving as his agents on those rare occasions when the Great Angel deems an enemy worthy only of annihilation.

The Angel’s Tears wear armour that is far more ornate than that worn by the Destroyer squads of other Legions – it’s resplendent with Blood Angels iconography. Their jump packs mean that you can easily bring their unique form of extermination exactly where it is needed with ease. With their paired volkite serpenta, they can eradicate enemy units in a hail of withering firepower.

This highly detailed 45-piece resin kit makes five Angel’s Tears armed with volkite serpenta and is supplied with 5x 32mm Citadel round bases. Also included are the parts to make one member of the unit into a squad leader.

Rules for using the Angel’s Tears in games of The Horus Heresy can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Eight – Malevolence.

FW The Angel's Tears With Grenade Launchers 1 FW The Angel's Tears With Grenade Launchers 2 FW The Angel's Tears With Grenade Launchers 3 FW The Angel's Tears With Grenade Launchers 4 FW The Angel's Tears With Grenade Launchers 5 FW The Angel's Tears With Grenade Launchers 6

The Angel’s Tears with Grenade Launchers – 62€

The Angel’s Tears serve the Blood Angels in place of the more common Destroyers of other Legions. They take to the field of war only at the direct command of Sanguinius himself, serving as his agents on those rare occasions when the Great Angel deems an enemy worthy only of annihilation.

The Angel’s Tears wear armour that is far more ornate than that worn by the Destroyer squads of other Legions – it’s resplendent with Blood Angels iconography. Their jump packs mean that you can easily bring their unique form of extermination exactly where it is needed with ease. Their grenade launchers fire rad grenades, ancient terror weapons that are able to reduce even the most powerful enemy to a feeble wreck.

This highly detailed 40-piece resin kit makes five Angel’s Tears armed with grenade launchers and is supplied with 5x 32mm Citadel round bases. Also included are the parts to make one member of the unit into a squad leader.

Rules for using the Angel’s Tears in games of The Horus Heresy can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Eight – Malevolence.

FW Blood Angels Legion New Releases

Blood Angels Legion New Releases – 124€

The Angel’s Tears serve the Blood Angels in place of the more common Destroyers of other Legions. They take to the field of war only at the direct command of Sanguinius himself, serving as his agents on those rare occasions when the Great Angel deems an enemy worthy only of annihilation.

The Angel’s Tears wear armour that is far more ornate than that worn by the Destroyer squads of other Legions – it’s resplendent with Blood Angels‘ iconography. Their jump packs mean that you can easily bring their unique form of extermination exactly where it is needed with ease. This bundle includes two units – one armed with grenade launchers, which fire rad grenades, ancient terror weapons that cause horrific damage; the other armed with volkite serpenta, able to eradicate enemy units in hails of withering firepower. The kits also include options to make one member of each unit into a squad leader.

– The Angel’s Tears with Grenade Launchers
– The Angel’s Tears with Volkite Serpentas

Rules for these units are available in The Horus Heresy Book Eight – Malevolence.

FW The Horus Heresy Book Two Massacre (Softback) 1 FW The Horus Heresy Book Two Massacre (Softback) 2 FW The Horus Heresy Book Two Massacre (Softback) 3 FW The Horus Heresy Book Two Massacre (Softback) 4

The Horus Heresy Book Two – Massacre (Softback) – 50€

Word of Horus’ treachery escapes the Isstvan system and now the Legions loyal to the Emperor mobilise to make Horus and those who follow account for their crimes. However the depth of the betrayal is yet to be revealed.

Inside you will find:

– Background on the fateful conclusion of the Isstvan campaign and four more Legions that took part
– Legion Appendix: Iron Hands – special rules, wargear, units and characters
– Legion Appendix: Salamanders – special rules, wargear, units and characters
– Legion Appendix: Night Lords – special rules, wargear, units and characters
– Legion Appendix: Word Bearers– special rules, wargear, units and characters
– The Isstvan V Campaign
– Additional entries for the Space Marine Legion Crusade Army list presented in The Horus Heresy Book One

The Horus Heresy Book Two – Massacre is a 192-page, full-colour, softback campaign book for The Horus Heresy game and requires a copy of The Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Rulebook to use.

Quelle: Forge World


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • also ich fange mal bei den köppen an und höre da relativ sachlich auch schon wieder auf:

    „Nää watt hässlisch“.

    bei den vielen dingen, die forgeworld meist richtig macht, war das ja mal ein griff ins klo.

  • Pfft, alle keinen Geschmack hier. Die Typen sind Bombe. Die „Nippelplate“, an der sich immer alle stören, gehört halt zur Renaissance, die nunmal die Inspiration für die Blood Angels ist. Wenn Ihr das nicht einordnen könnt und euch direkt in eurer Männlichkeit angegriffen fühlt, kann ich euch echt nicht helfen. Und diese spezifische Nippelplate sieht immerhin mal futuristischer aus als das Ding aus den GW-Boxen. Ich mag das Rüstungsdesign insgesamt.

    Auch die Helme sind fetzig, immerhin ist das hier die Destroyer-Squad der Blood Angels, und nicht der Engelschor. Und die Posen rocken.

    • Ich finde, dass die Köpfe nicht zum Rest passen: Dieser sehr metallische Helm (vielleicht liegt es auch an der Bemalung) beisst sich mit dem anthropomorphen Rüstungsdesign.

    • Aha! Schon wieder jemand mit detaillierten historischen Hintergrundwissen! Wann und wo während der Renaissance wurden nochmal Plattenpanzer mit Nippeln verziert?

      Ist es euch nicht peinlich einfach Fakten zu Erfinden und diese auch noch als Fachwissen im Internet verbreiten zu wollen?

  • Die Helme sind ganz großes Kino. Simples Design und megageeignet für diverse Ideen (die genannten Noise Marines nicht zuletzt – erinnern auch etwas an die alten Raptors).
    Die MKIV-Rüstungsvarianten finde ich auch nicht verkehrt, aber leider wären die dann doch ein wenig zu kostspielig, um sie nur der Helme wegen zu kaufen. Und da ich auch sonst mit Sanguinius Söhnen nicht viel am Hut hab…

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