von BK-Bob | 02.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Footsore Miniatures: Mortal Gods Mythic Pre Order [NSFW]

Nach dem erfolreichem Kickstarter kommen die Miniaturen für Mortal Gods: Mythic Ende Oktober regulär in den Handel.

Footsore Cyclops

Cyclops – 71,50€

Favoured of Zeus, in times past a master armourer that made mighty weapons for the Gods now fallen on harder times and full of anger.

Pack contains one Mortal Gods Miniature. Made from resin and supplied with an 80mm round MDF base. May require assembly.

The cyclops measures 105mm to the top of the head.

Footsore Hydra

Hydra – 82,50€

Guardian to the entrance to the Underworld the Hydra is truly a horrific monster that only the brave or foolhardy would try to vanquish.

Pack contains one Mortal Gods Miniature. Made from resin and supplied with an 80mm round MDF base. May require assembly.

The Hydra measures 110mm to the top of the head. Hoplite miniature included for scale purposes only and is not included.

Footsore Medusa

Medusa – 38,50€

The embodiment of evil, once beautiful now petrifying (literally).

Pack contains one Mortal Gods Miniature. Made from resin and supplied with an 60mm round MDF base. May require assembly.

Medusa measures 70mm to the top of the head.

Footsore Theno

Theno – 38,50€

A sister of Medusa and just as deadly.

Pack contains one Mortal Gods Miniature. Made from resin and supplied with a 60mm round MDF base. May require assembly.

Theno measures 68mm to the top of the head.

Footsore Euryale

Euryale – 38,50€

The third of the sisters matching them in looks and malevolence.

Pack contains one Mortal Gods Miniature. Made from resin and supplied with an 60mm round MDF base. May require assembly.

Euryale measures 69mm to the top of the head.

Footsore The Gorgons

The Gorgons – 104,50€

Together this triumvirate of evil are virtually unstoppable.

Pack contains three Mortal Gods Miniatures. Made from resin and supplied with three 60mm round MDF bases. May require assembly.

Footsore Fallen Hero

Fallen Hero – 6,50€

A heroic death does not necessarily bring peace, Hades has no problem with using a mighty warriors skill again and again.

Pack contains one Mortal Gods Miniature. Made from metal and supplied with an 32mm round MDF base. May require assembly.

Footsore Priest Of Hades

Priest of Hades – 5,50€

In keeping with his God this priest is emaciated and close to death so he can commune with Hades more easily.

Footsore Priest Of Zeus

Priest of Zeus – 5,50€

The living embodiment of the King of Gods, full of life and vitality and gifted with thunderbolts to do Zeus’s bidding.

Footsore Priestess Of Hera

Priestess of Hera – 5,50€

Favoured by Hera with beauty and Intelligence but also with a spiteful streak that matches her Patron’s.

Footsore Minotaur

Minotaur – 38,50€

Truly the embodiment of an enraged Zeus the Minotaur is a beast of muscle and fury armed with a deadly axe that can cut it’s foes in half. Only the mightiest heroes would pit their skill against him.

Pack contains one Mortal Gods Miniature. Made from resin and supplied with an 60mm round MDF base. May require assembly.

The Minotaur measures 62mm to the top of the head.

Footsore Wild Centaur With Spear

Wild Centaur with Bow – 16,50€

Centaurs are naturally good with weapons for close combat but are equally as dangerous with a bow.

Pack contains one Mortal Gods Miniature. Made from metal and supplied with an elyptical MDF base. May require assembly.

Footsore Wild Centaur With Bow

Wild Centaur with Spear – 16,50€

Representing Zeus wild side Centaurs are quick to anger, quick to drink and quick to fight, this one armed with a spear.

Pack contains one Mortal Gods Miniature. Made from metal and supplied with an elyptical MDF base. May require assembly.

Footsore Harpies

Harpies – 19,50€

Malignant bringers of misery, representing Hera’s vindictive side and with the ability to fly to wreak her will anywhere.

Pack contains three Mortal Gods Miniatures. Made from metal and supplied with an 60mm round MDF group base. May require assembly.

Quelle: Footsore Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Schön klassisch… Mir gefallen sie sehr und an Mortal Gods bin ich sehr interessiert. Vielleicht kann man die auch in Verbindung mit Saga verbinden.

    Bei den Preisen habe ich allerdings schon schlucken müssen..

  • Die Gorgonen und die Harpyen sind jetzt nicht so mein Fall, das kann aber auch an der Bemalung liegen.
    Die Hydra ist der Hammer auch Monitaurus und Zyklop sind toll.

    Generell haben die Modelle einen super 60er Jahre Vibe und passen richtig gut in den Stil von Ray Harryhausen

  • Auf das regelwerk freue ich mich schon 😃👍das wird gekauft.Jedoch muss ich leider sagen finde ich die Monster Figuren nicht besonders gelungen und extrem teuer dafür.

  • Hübsche Minis aber was sind das denn für abartige Preise bitte? Da gibt es genug Alternativen auf dem Markt. Einzig die Priester scheinen mir ok bereist.

  • Jep, bei den Preisen kann man sich gleich zu Mierce Moniatures greifen, es sei denn man legt expliziert Wert auf eine rustikale Modellierung um es mal so zu beschreiben 🤔

  • Die Hydra wird hier früher oder später für meine Dunkelelfen landen, ansonsten gefallen mir eigentlich nur die Zentauren wirklich.

  • Die Modelle sind der Trish ja super gelungen. Vor allem die Hydra gefällt meinem Oldschool Warhammer Herz sehr. Aber die Preise sind leider Hausnummern und somit wird da nicht zugeschlagen.

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