von BK-Herr Kemper | 02.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Footsore Miniatures & Games: Neuheiten

Footsore wird für zahlreiche Reihen und Systeme Neuheiten veröffentlichen bzw. einiges wieder lieferbar haben.

Barons‘ War:

Barons' War 2 Late Pledges

Barons‘ War 2 Late Pledges Now Available

Great news for those of you who missed Andy Hobday and Paul Hicks‘ epic Barons‘ War 2 Kickstarter: late pledges are now available! With options ranging from one of everything (only £145!) right down to Robin Hood and Friar Tuck (£4.00), there’s something to suit all tastes and budgets.

Barons' War Decals Barons' War Decals2

Barons‘ War Decals Back in Stock

Such has been the popularity of the entire Barons‘ War range that the Barons‘ War decals—as produced by our friends at CitadelSix—have been out of stock on our webstore. Now, however, we’re thrilled to say we’ve had an extensive restock and these superb decals are available once again.

Mortal Gods:

Mortal Gods Shields

Mortal Gods Shields

Our new Boiotian Hoplite shields have also been selling well. With this in mind we’re thrilled to tell you more shields will available soon. Keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages for more news. Available in packs of nine, these Boiotian shields are cast in white metal and scaled to our range of 28mm Mortal Gods miniatures.

Kushite And Persian Cards Kushite And Persian Cards2

Kushite and Persian Cards

Whilst delivery has been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic, we’re pleased to announce our Mortal Gods Persian and Kushite cards are due to be delivered imminently. Get your pre-orders in now (if you haven’t already!) to be amongst the first to bring your Persians and Kushites to the table.

Kushite And Persian Cards3 Kushite And Persian Cards4 Kushite And Persian Cards25 Kushite And Persian Cards26 Kushite And Persian Cards27 Kushite And Persian Cards28 Kushite And Persian Cards29

Mortal Gods: Kushites

Kushites were found fighting for both Persia and Greece. Wrapped in the skins of lions and leopards and with with bodies daubed in both vermilion made from the powdered mineral cinnabar and white made from chalk powder, these warriors were a frightening sight to behold.

Mortal Gods Camp Set Mortal Gods Camp Set2 Mortal Gods Camp Set3

Mortal Gods Camp Set

And whilst we’re talking Mortal Gods, check out this incredible new camp set! Available exclusively from Footsore North America, this 28mm scale camp is cast in resin and not only includes a tent and assorted sacks, baskets and other vessels, but also lots of provisions for your Mortal Gods warband.


Gangs of Rome:

Gangs Of Rome Daughters Of Sappho

Gangs of Rome – Daughters of Sappho

Beholden to no man, the Daughters of Sappho spend their days discussing philosophy and reciting poetry. However, when their domina requires it, these learned fighters bring balletic death to her foes.


Coming Soon…

Harold Godwinson

There’s been a Harold Godwinson-shaped hole in our Late Saxons range for some time now. Not for much longer… Sculpted by the incredible Matt Bickley, this set of three 28mm scale miniatures includes Harold, a priest and a house bannerman. It be available on our webstore

Link: Footsore UK


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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