von BK-Bob | 12.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Mittelalter

Footsore Miniatures: Barons‘ War Release

Aufgrund vieler Nachfragen haben Footsore Miniatures die Veröffentlichung der Barons‘ War Reihe vom Sommer 2020 auf ab sofort vorgezogen.

Footsore William Marshal & Bannerman

William Marshal & Bannerman – 7,50€

Pack contains two different figures, shields and weapons included. Banner pole and 25mm round bases included.

The miniatures are made from white metal, supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore William Marshal On Horse

William Marshal on horse – 8,50€

Pack contains one mounted figure, one barded horse and one heater shields. Pill-shaped base included.

Miniature supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Stephen Langton On Horse

Stephen Langton on horse – 9,50€

Pack contains one mounted figure, one barded horse and one heater shields. Pill-shaped base included.

Miniature supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Robert Fitzwalter On Horse

Robert Fitzwalter on horse – 8,50€

Pack contains one mounted figure, one barded horse and one heater shields. Pill-shaped base included.

Miniature supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Hubert De Burgh & Bannerman

Hubert de Burgh & Bannerman – 7,50€

Pack contains two different figures, shields and weapons included. Banner pole and 25mm round bases included.

The miniatures are made from white metal, supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Mounted Knights 1 Footsore Mounted Knights 2 Footsore Mounted Knights 3

Mounted Knights – 11,50€ je Pack

Pack contains two different mounted figures, two barded horses and two heater shields. Lances and pill-shaped bases included.

The miniatures are made from white metal, supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Foot Knight Command 1 Footsore Foot Knight Command 2

Foot Knight Command – 7,50€ je Pack

Pack contains two different figures, shields and weapons included. Banner pole and 25mm round bases included.

The miniatures are made from white metal, supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Foot Knights 1 Footsore Foot Knights 2

Foot Knights – 9,50€ je Pack

Pack contains four different figures and four heater shields. Weapons and 25mm round bases supplied.

The miniatures are made from white metal, supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Spearmen 1 Footsore Spearmen 2 Footsore Spearmen 3

Spearmen – 9,50€ je Pack

Pack contains four different figures and spears. 25mm round bases included.

The miniatures are made from white metal, supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Bowmen 1 Footsore Bowmen 2

Bowmen – 9,50€ je Pack

Pack contains four different figures and spears. 25mm round bases included.

The miniatures are made from white metal, supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Milites Christi Monks 1 Footsore Milites Christi Monks 2 Footsore Milites Christi Monks 3

Milites Christi Monks – 9,50€ je Pack

Pack contains four different figures and four heater shields. Weapons and 25mm round bases supplied.

The miniatures are made from white metal, supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Trebuchet Crew

Trebuchet Crew – 14,50€

Pack contains six different figures to crew the MDF trebuchet. 25mm round bases included.

The miniatures are made from white metal, supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.

Footsore Bills (polearms) Pack (12)

Bills (polearms) pack (12) – 3,50€

Quelle: Footsore Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Habe grade ein paar der Ritter ausgepackt und war von der Gußqualität ziemlich enttäuscht.
    Löcher, vergoßene Details und Gußreste zuhauf. Und die Minis sind ziemlich klein.

    Ich kauf davon erstmal nichts mehr.

    • Okay… die Probleme hatte ich nicht…
      Ich habe das Gesamtpaket beim Kickstarter genommen gehabt und bin mit der Gussqualität zufrieden. Die Modelle passen auch zu sonstigen Zinnminiaturen wie z.B. den Perry Zinn Miniaturen.

      Gussreste hatte ich auch fast kaum. Hab bisher nur wenig entgraten müssen.

    • Wenn du sagst, die Figuren sind klein, dann wäre interessant zu wissen,im Vergleich zu welchen anderen Figuren?

      • Habe bei Footsore den aktuellen Test of Honour release, die Ashigaru Scouts, ganz nebenbei excellente Güsse, mitbestellt, und die sind deutlich größer. Auch Brother Vinni Ritter und ältere Saxon Araber sind größer.

        Würde die Barons War Ritter größenmäßig bei GWs Herr der Ringe Minis verorten.

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