von BK-Bob | 16.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Zubehör

Fog Monster 2: Kickstarter läuft

Real Game FX sind mit der zweiten Version ihrer Nebelmaschiene fürs Tabletop auf Kickstarter zurzeit unterwegs.

Welcome to Fog Monster 2! Fog, Smoke, and Steam FX For Tabletop Games, and Photography.

Remote Control Fog Monster 2  brings real Smoke Fog & Steam FX to tabletop game terrain with the push of a button!

New remote control features: On/Off – Fan speeds: low, medium, high. New „Puffer“ mode setting. Puffer mode = fan 8 seconds on / 8 seconds off for realistic geyser FX. 9 color LED selection for the clear Fog Chamber.

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Fog Monster 2 outputting cold steam fx to over 40 vents in our Primordial Steaming Terrain

Less Condensation. Fog Monster 2 focuses on backer requests for less condensation. To do this we created special terrain tiles that direct fog up into the air (like steam) where much of the condensation is dissipated. The result is great smoke and steam FX with less moisture.

Greater Fog Volume.  Fog Monster 2’s variable speed fan puts out 2x the fog of FM1. Create creeping crawling ground fog FX, or steaming geyser FX throughout your terrain.

Introducing theSteaming Terrain System“ The steam system features a 12mm thin pan that sits under our new „Steam Tiles“ for water collection. Fog Monster 2 forces fog down into the pan and out the top of the terrain tiles to create vertical steam FX.  If you have not done so already please look at the Workshop video below for details.

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Its easy as 1,2,3 to get steaming terrain! (3d printed parts, Pan will be clear plastic)

 Fog Monster 2 Tabletop Fog Machine

Comes with everything you need to make epic fog, steam, and smoke FX. No odor or oily residue runs on tap water. Create creeping crawling cold Fog FX that roll across your terrain, or directly connect FM2 to our Steam Tiles to create vertical steam FX. We are featuring the 25mm pipe in this design to reduce the profile on the terrain. The machine fog outlet size is still 40mm for large pipe sizes. (Additional Pipes will be available on our reward calculator.)

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NOTE: For players with wood, card game tiles and boards, paper or cardboard terrain. Fog is humid air. Fog will cause moisture build up. Moisture may cause paper or wood based pieces to peel or warp.

Fog Monster 2 Power Head Upgrade

Already Own Fog Monster 1? No Problem, Get Your Monster A New Head! Fog Monster 1 owners can upgrade to all the new features of FM2 at a discount.

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Pipe Works – Small Ground Level Pack

Use this pipe pack to send fog into your game terrain via our new Steam Terrain tiles or as rolling ground fog. 25mm pipe will directly connect to Port tile in either 4×4 or 8×8 Steam Terrain. More pipe kits will be available in the reward calculator.

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Primordial Terrain

What could be more fitting for steaming tiles than Primordial Terrain? Our Steaming Terrain Tiles come in 4×4 and 8×8 inch sizes to fit with popular tabletop terrain. The 2×4″ transition pieces create a finished look to blend in seamlessly with the surrounding terrain. Each tile has unique vent holes that allow fog to pass through for smoking, steaming FX. They are made with clear resin which allows light transmission from underneath via Light Pods or EL panels for glowing lava FX. Paint the tiles as you wish or let our artist do it for you. Note: 4×4 tiles can be lit from the bottom by the Steam Pod, an EL panel. (detailed with cool little fossil creatures)

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Tiles shown 3d printed, finished version will be high resolution clear resin.

8×8 Steam Tiles have 13 steam vents and allow quick setup. They are designed to accept either a large or small remote control Light Pod for super easy lighting FX. They can also be lit by EL panels.

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Tiles shown 3d printed, finished version will be high resolution clear resin.

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Primordial Rock  for Terrain Lighting

Our new Primordial Rock casts light into the fog for stunning FX. We designed it to accept the new Large Light Pod and create immersive lighting in your terrain. The large Light Pod has 3x the battery life of the Small light Pods in our first KS!

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Overview of Rock Light Setup

Pipe Creature

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Pipe creatures add an immersive way to bring fog into you game. They fit over the 25mm pipe.

Die Stretch Goals:

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Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 13 Tage.

Quelle: Fog Monster 2


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Hmmm, habe noch so einen ausgebauten Vernebler rumliegen von einem solcher Zimmerbrunnen mit Nebeleffekt. Mal sehen, ob man die Idee mit den pipings auch weiterspinnen kann.

    • Kann ich nicht empfehlen, ich habe das auch mal mit so einem Nebelerzeuger probiert, da wird alles nass. Sie schreiben ja selber, dass die V2 nötig war weil die erste Version zuviel Wasser transportierte.

      • Sofern Du destilliertes Wasser verwendest, bilden sich immerhin keine Kalkränder. Ich hatte den V1 mal leihweise im Einsatz und fand zwar den Effekt toll (gerade für Fotos), aber das Gerät wirkte auf mich wenig ausgereift: Am fest angebrachten Stromkabel gab’s direkt eine Sollbruchstelle und gelegentlichen Wackelkontakt …

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