von BK-Nils | 14.07.2020 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda

Focus Home Interactive: Necromunda Underhive Wars Preview

In einer neuen Preview zeigen Focus Home Interactive mehr zum kommenden Videospiel Necromunda Underhive Wars.


Welcome to the Underhive!

Greetings, friends and fellow Necromunda fans.

We’re extremely happy to take to the Forums again today, in order to bring you this first iteration of our DevBlog series, aimed at shedding more light on some of the cool elements you can expect to find in Necromunda: Underhive Wars. Today’s entry will not be focusing on a single feature, but will instead provide you with a first overview of the game’s basic gameplay mechanics.

And so, without further ado – get comfortable, grab your favorite beverage, and let’s dive right in!

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 1

Answer the Call

Before testing your mettle in Necromunda: Underhive Wars’ multiple Game Modes (which we’ll cover in more details in an upcoming DevBlog), the first thing you’ll need to do is create a Gang – your Gang, which will belong to one of the planet’s infamous Great Houses.

At launch, players will be able to choose from Houses Escher, Goliath and Orlock, each of which will come with their own flavour, special House Perk and Bonus Stats. Many of the skills that your Fighters will use in battle will also have special variants, depending on the House your Gang belongs to.

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 2

Assemble your Crew

You’ll then want to assemble and customise an Active Crew of up to 5 Fighters, in order to represent a force capable of facing the multiple dangers of the Underhive. Each Fighter will fill a specific battlefield role, first determined by its chosen Career: Deadeye, Brawler, Heavy, Saboteur or Lay-Mechanic.

Each Gang will be able to recruit a total of up to 15 Fighters at once, with 10 members held in Reserve – in case Active Fighters get injured, or to create different character combinations and synergies depending on the situation. Players will be able to freely rotate Fighters between each mission.

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 3

Each of the 5 different Careers will grant Fighters a unique Signature Skill, as well as special Career Perks and bonuses to certain stats. In terms of fighting capabilities, all Fighters will be able to learn and use a great number of general Skills, but many abilities will also be exclusive to certain Career paths.

Your Gang will also always need a Leader – a Fighter of any Career who has reached (or been recruited at) a higher experience level. Leaders will have access to a special selection of “Heroic” and “Order” Skills, extremely powerful (but sometimes limited) abilities meant to inspire their allies and tip the scales of battle in tense combat situations.

Load up!

Before jumping into battle, you’ll also want to make sure all your Fighters have the best possible loadout, which includes Stats, Skills and Equipment.

Stats are used to represent and measure a Fighter’s attributes and proficiency. Stats are separated in two main categories – Primary and Secondary. The 9 Primary Stats are the ones you’ll be able to upgrade whenever a Fighter ranks-up. Each of these will directly affect two of the 18 Secondary Stats, which will be used and modified by Skills, Equipment and other factors (such as Injuries) in combat.

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 4

Skills come in two main categories – Passive (which will automatically trigger when certain conditions are met), and Active (which need to be performed manually). Depending on their level, each Fighter will be able to learn, upgrade and use a loadout of up to 5 Active and 5 Passive Skills at once, and successful players will make sure to create synergies across the abilities of multiple Fighters in order to increase the effectiveness of each individual unit, and the Gang as a whole.

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 5

Equipment will also play an important role in Necromunda: Underhive Wars, with each Fighter being able to equip various Weapons, Armour and Consumable Items (of both Tactical and Offensive nature), as well as Implants and Bionics. While some equipment pieces will be restricted to certain Careers, a great majority will be available to use by any Fighter. From dual-wielded Laspistols, to devastating Heavy Bolters and iconic close-quarters Chainswords – the choice of how you want to build and specialize each of your Fighters will be entirely yours!

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 6

Of course, you’ll also be able to apply extensive cosmetic customization to your Gang and Fighters, but we’ll cover this feature in its own upcoming, and dedicated, Blog Post.

To Battle!

Once your Crew is ready, you’ll be able to select from multiple Online and Offline Game Modes (a topic for a future DevBlog) in order to face off against rival Gangs in the Underhive! Whilst there are many mechanics and tactics that will be important for you to master in order to be successful, let’s review the very basics for today.

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 7

Rounds and Turns

Necromunda: Underhive Wars is a turn-based strategy game, but with a twist. Each battle will be split in a number of Rounds, during which each of the participating Fighters will get their own Turn to act. At the beginning of each Round, every Gang will be able to select one Fighter to put into action – the Initiative stat of each of these chosen characters will then be compared to determine the order in which they take their Turn within the Round.

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 8

Moving and Performing Actions

Knowing how to maneuver through the battlefield and how to use all the tools at your disposal is half the battle, or so they say. In combat scenarios, performing most Skills will require Action Points (AP), while each meter moved will require a Fighter to spend one Movement Point (MP).

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 9

Movement Points will only be spent when either ending a turn, using a Skill or suffering the effects of one (such as triggering a Trap or receiving damage), meaning that you will normally be free to move your Fighters in real time before committing to a move.

Up High & Down Low

The battlefields upon which your forces will wage combat are humongous places, desolate and covered in wreckage from times long forgotten. Although these locations are very different from one another, they all have one thing in common – Verticality. From Makeshift Bridges, ancient Ziplines, winding pipe works and disused cargo Elevators, you will have to make the most out of all three dimensions in order to survive the brutal fights that await your Gang.

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 10

On top of letting your Fighters traverse the terrain more efficiently, making use of verticality is also useful for gaining Height Advantage, which will provide your forces with accuracy bonuses when targeting less elevated enemies with ranged weaponry.

Using Verticality, Terrain and Cover to your Advantage

In Necromunda: Underhive Wars, cover is dynamic, and it is based on the percentage (%) of a target’s body that is visible by attackers. Kneeling behind crates, concealing oneself around tall objects, or getting to higher floors will make combatants harder to hit. At the opposite, getting caught off-guard on open ground will most likely be an open invitation for a carefully placed – and most fatal – Heavy Bolter hit to the head.

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 11

While most default attacks will always target random body parts, some Offensive Skills (such as the Aimed Shot pictured below) will also allow Fighters to aim at specific body parts (in exchange for a higher AP cost to use the skill) – a prime occasion to focus attacks on unarmoured locations, or body parts clad in armour pieces that are weak to a weapon’s particular damage type.

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 12

Tactical Tools at your Fingertips

While it may be easy to become disoriented inside the Underhive, fear not! Necromunda: Underhive Wars will provide you with a host of powerful and user-friendly tools to get your bearings, and to maintain your battlefield awareness at all times.

Special view toggles such as the Tactical Overlay and Strategy View (3D Map pictured below) are extremely useful to plan strategies, allowing players to visualize the location of all Fighters, Objectives, Interactable Objects, Extraction Zones and other objects of interest.

Focus Home Interactive UNDERHIVE WARS DEVBLOG Gameplay Overview #1 13

Thank You!

This concludes today’s first entry into our DevBlog Series. Thank you for taking the time to read through this Blog Post, and we sincerely hope you liked it!


Greetings, friends and fellow Necromunda fans.

We hope that this message finds you well, and that you’ve enjoyed our previous Gameplay Overview #1 DevBlog. As promised, we’re back today with a new exciting entry, in order to cover the multiple Game Modes that will be available to you in Necromunda: Underhive Wars.

And so, without further ado, let’s dive right in!



Before we begin covering today’s subject, we’d like to take a moment in order to address a topic from our previous DevBlog that generated a lot of feedback from community members and content creators alike over the past week – and that is the 5-member limit for Active Crews.

Many people have been comparing this number to the larger Gang sizes found in our previous title, Mordheim: City of the Damned, as well as the original Necromunda tabletop game.

While we understand this comparison, we feel it’s important for people to regard this information as part of a broader picture, and the result of an overall design orientation consisting of multiple moving pieces, all working together to provide you with a dynamic, original and engaging twist on the classic Necromunda mechanics.


Up to four Gangs in each Match, for a total of up to 20 Fighters per Map.

Each of Underhive Wars’ three main Game Modes, which we’ll be presenting in detail today, allows for up to 4 gangs (in various Team or Free-for-All configurations) to be facing-off simultaneously in the same battles.

This means that players will often find themselves in situations where anywhere between 15-20 gangers will be present in the same map, each with their own turns to play, movements to accomplish and numerous actions to perform.

Redefining the classic formula by adding different Objectives

Underhive Wars will bring lots of twists to the classic Necromunda tabletop recipe, and one of the major ones is through the addition of different Objective Scenarios – special victory conditions, mechanics and sub-goals added to each match, in order to provide players with incentives to accomplish other goals than simply eliminating the enemy force(s)… although going in guns blazing (or chainsword swinging) is still definitely an option.

These Objective Scenarios will also be present in all three of the title’s Game Modes, offering new and interesting sets of opportunities and challenges with each battle fought.

Certain Objectives will sometimes also be accompanied by limited (albeit generous) Turn timers and Round counters, in order to reduce the downtime and ensure that the moments you spend in the title are less about waiting, and more about playing, strategizing, fighting and managing your Gangs. We’ll be covering more details regarding these various Objective Scenarios in an upcoming update, along with the Environments (26 hand-crafted vertical Maps) you’ll find them in!


No “Bottle Test” Mechanic

Players who are familiar with the classic Necromunda tabletop game know that Gangs often see their numbers dwindle as battle rages on – something called the “Bottle Test” – a series of dice rolls (called “Cool Checks”) performed by Fighters of a Gang after seeing one of their own becoming Seriously Injured, or being put Out of Action. Failing these checks can lead the remaining Gangers (and sometimes, whole Gangs as a result) to immediately flee the battlefield.

Underhive Wars has no such Bottle mechanic. While you will be able to manually extract Fighters from the battlefield, at specific locations and for specific reasons (securing a captured Objective Item, for example), it will be entirely YOUR choice of when to do so.

In other words, each member of your Active Crew will be able to hold its own during combat, provided he or she remains alive – a system designed to make each battle a very engaging and tense affair until the very end.


Striking the right balance – both in and out of combat

Over the past few months, we’ve spent a lot of time putting all the game’s systems to the test – striving to achieve a right balance of gameplay momentum, pacing and strategic choices on different levels. One thing to keep in mind in this regard is that Necromunda: Underhive Wars has two main, complementary elements: Battles and Gang Management.

Instead of focusing on one-off engagements, we’re putting together a complex-yet-approachable formula that will allow you to witness and forge the evolution of your Gang, to get attached to its members, and see them evolve from one encounter to another.

Rather than making each engagement drag on, we want you to be able to partake in multiple explosive scenarios in every play session. Whether you’re managing injuries(something bionic limbs and implants can help with), swapping Fighters to take full advantage of synergies between different career compositions, or experimenting with the Stats, Skills and Equipment systems – we want to give you ample tools to upgrade and tweak your Gang and its members in a meaningful way between each battle.

All-in-all, we’re absolutely convinced that the 5-member limit for Active Crews will make perfect sense when you finally get your hands on the game – it’s something you’ll have to experience for yourself in order to truly understand how all the pieces fit together.



Now, back to today’s topic!

Let’s dive in the three action-packed Game Modes you’ll discover in Necromunda: Underhive Wars – the Story Campaign, Operations and Online Skirmishes.

The very first thing we (strongly) recommend that all players do when first entering the game is to jump straight in the immersive and explosive single player Story Campaign.

Spanning 15 action-packed missions and written by acclaimed Warhammer 40,000 author Andy Chambers, this story-driven adventure will have you follow the fate of 3 infamous Gangs as they delve deep into the entrails of Hive Primus.

Led by a colourful cast of protagonists, these rival factions will be set on a true collision course with one another, as they race into the depths of the Underhive in search of the most valuable of long-lost treasures, encountering all kinds of dangers and memorable characters along the way.


Necromunda: Underhive Wars’ campaign will feature more than an hour of fully-voiced cinematics*, and will also serve as an in-game tutorial that will slowly guide you into learning and mastering all the tools you’ll need to fend against the numerous perils that await you in this dark and dangerous place.

*Full voice-over available for both English and French versions of the game.


The Operations game mode aims to provide you with an endlessly replayable single-player gameplay loop, where meaningful decisions both in and out of battle will determine the rise or fall of your Gangs. In it, you’ll travel to different sectors of the Underhive and secure their resources, while defending your HQ against the constant threat of rival factions…as well as putting their own defenses to the test!

This mode will allow you to create your own Gangs and experiment with deep customization mechanics, allowing you to tailor every (Gameplay and Cosmetic) aspect of the Fighters you will lead in battle. See them grow stronger with each hard-fought victory, as well as risk their lives with every new encounter!


Start by choosing a District

When beginning a new Operation, the first thing you’ll want to do is select a District where to send your forces. Each one will consist of multiple locations to explore and a corresponding set of available Missions.

District selection will allow you to modulate:

  • The overall content difficulty.
  • The “High Alert” duration – that is to say the number of Shifts (1 Mission = 1 Shift) during which previously attacked HQs will become impossible to raid again.
  • The base amount of XP gained by Fighters after each battle.
  • The number of other enemy Gangs present, and whom you might encounter.
  • The Enemy Crew Rating (the relative strength of enemy Gangs)
  • The Sector Rewards (potential Salvageable Resources from all Missions in this District)

Each District will also have its own associated House Request – a special, randomized and optional challenge that you can accomplish for additional Completion Rewards.


Setup Facilities and use your growing Infamy.

When entering a new District, you’ll be given the opportunity to select up to 2 different Facilities, which will grant you different bonuses at specific intervals. In the same way, you’ll also be able to spend your acquired Infamy Points – a resource bound to your entire Player Profile, meaning it can be spent on any of your created Gangs – to purchase and upgrade Infamy Skills, which are modifiers that will be implemented in the current District.

While Facilities will only provide benefits, Infamy Skills will sometimes require you to make a trade-off decision, for example increasing the HP or damage output of all enemies in the Sector, in exchange for extra Credits and Reward Caskets at the end of Missions.

You will be able to gain more Infamy Points by completing numerous and various Infamy Tasks – akin to Profile Achievements – that can be earned in all 3 Game Modes (ex: Put 10 Brawlers Out of Action / Win a Contest battle in PvP / Complete Story Mission 5 / etc.).


Enter the fray!

You’ve set the table, now comes the meal.

Every Shift, each Gang Commander present in the District (that means both you and the AI) will select a Mission they wish their Gang to undertake. Since the number of Missions available at any given time will be finite, this will lead rival Gangs to encounter one another on the battlefield, vying for the same resources and trying to accomplish the same objectives before the Sector’s entirely depleted.

Here comes the first twist – Gangs won’t know what Missions others have selected before confirming their choice. This will lead to very different possible scenarios. You could, for example, be the only Gang entering a location – in which case you’ll automatically succeed the Mission and reap its rewards. On the other hand, you and 3 other rival Gangs could all choose the same target – in which case all four of you will deploy your forces on the same map… and you can imagine what’ll then happen next.

There will be instances where 2 or 3 AI Gangs will select a Mission different from your own, in which case they’ll battle it out between themselves, and you’ll receive a Mission Report indicating who came out on top.

Another kicker comes from the emergence of certain events, which will influence your strategic opportunities and decisions on the District Map. Pieces of intel will sometimes lead to the discovery of incredibly valuable artefacts, inciting multiple Gangs to rush to their location. It is also possible for you – and rival factions – to uncover the emplacement of one another’s Headquarters (HQs). When this happens, you’ll be given the opportunity to attack/defend these fortified locations to steal your enemies’ hard earned resources, or to protect your own.


Maintain, grow and customize your Gang and Fighters

Between each Mission, you’ll be able to return to your Hideout, in order to manage the members of your Active and Reserve Crews – recruit new Fighters to replace the fallen, swap members in your roster, upgrade Stats, Skills and Equipment loadouts, as well as heal Injuries by replacing limbs with Bionics, install Implants, and more.

An endlessly-replayable loop to strengthen your Gang before bringing it online

While Operations are meant to offer all players an endlessly replayable loop of fun and challenging single player content, this mode will also be the perfect place to experiment with all of the game’s interrelated systems in order for you to create, grow and customize the perfect Gang – one you’ll be able to take online to prove your absolute dominance of the Underhive over other players!


*Offline Custom Skirmish Matches against the AI will always be available.

Now that we’ve covered the single player aspects of the game in more details, let’s take a look at what Necromunda: Underhive Wars will offer to players eager to take their Gangs online against other players and/or AI opponents!

If you’re looking for PvP (or PvPvE) action, you’ll be able to find it in two different ways – Contest and Exhibition – in either Matchmaking or Custom Matches – all featuring a multitude of different Objective Scenarios and rulesets to create tense and action-packed matches in one of the game’s 26 sprawling hand-crafted vertical environments.


No-holds-barred online action: Contest and Exhibition

Whether you’re aiming for a more casual play experience, or looking to up the stakes of battle, we’ve got you covered! The Contest and Exhibition online modes will both allow you to play 1v1, 2v2, Free-for-All and Custom scenarios against other players, while presenting different rewards and consequences.

Exhibition – Practice makes perfect

If you’re just looking for a friendly match, Exhibition is the mode you’ll want. This setting will allow you to create casual bouts (either in matchmaking or custom matching) that act as practice, consequence-free battles. Exhibition matches will not impact your Gang beyond the scenario, but will offer no specific rewards to the winner(s).

Contest – Where legends are born, rewards gained, and lives lost

Once you’re confident enough in your Gang’s abilities, and your own skills as a commander, you’ll naturally want to head to the infamous Contest grounds. This high-stakes multiplayer mode will offer the same customisable settings as Exhibition, but with more…permanent repercussions.

At the end of every Contest match, the winning Team(s) will be recompensed with a Reward Casket. All items looted from the environment by your Fighters over the course of the battle will also be yours to keep – including any equipment stolen from fallen enemies!

The flipside is this: negative consequences will also carry over, meaning Contest matches always involve a possibility of losing gear and receiving injuries, which might sometimes even lead to death for unlucky Fighters.


Matchmaking vs Custom Matches

Whether you’re playing in Contest or Exhibition, you’ll be able to select between automated Online Matchmaking, or to create your own Custom Matches.

Matchmaking will allow you and up to 1 party member to measure up in 1v1 or 2v2 matches against random opponents, sporting a Crew Rating similar to yours in order to ensure balanced match ups.

This setting will randomize the type of Objective and Map upon which scenarios are played, and comes with a default turn timer. Using matchmaking will also reward all players who remain in-game until the end of the match with a Participation Casket.

Custom Matches, finally, will allow players to host private matches with 1-3 other party members and/or AI Gangs, in order to create tailor-made scenarios.

These Custom Matches will allow you to:

  • Choose the number of Gangs (1 to 4) taking part in the Mission.
  • Set the composition of teams (anywhere from 1-4), allowing you to create any type of team game or Free-for-All encounter: 1v1 / 1v1v1 / 1v2 / 1v1v1v1 / 2v2 / 1v3 / 1v1v2.
  • Choose a desired Scenario Objective
  • Select a specific Map
  • Set custom Turn Timers



This concludes today’s second entry of our DevBlog Series, and we sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed this preview of all the different Game Modes you’ll find in Necromunda: Underhive Wars. As always, we want to sincerely thank you for taking the time to read through today’s entry.

Between the explosive 15-mission Story Campaign, the endlessly replayable Operations and all the options available for both online and offline Skirmishes, we’re absolutely convinced that you’ll find plenty of content to sink your tactical teeth – and Heavy Bolters – into, once the game finally releases!

Best regards,
The Rogue Factor and Focus Home Interactive teams

Quelle: Focus Home Interactive


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • „Eigentlich“ freue ich mich auf eine digitale Umsetzung von Necromunda. Schade ist, das wir nur drei Gangs bekommen. Ich hoffe, das wir da nach und nach mit DLCs neue Gangs erhalten. Außerdem bin cih gespannt, ob es zu einem schlechteren XCOM verkommt. Aber ich habe noch Hoffnung! Die Bilder sehen bisher ganz gut aus und bin gespannt, wie es sich spielen wird.

    Ich freue mich drauf

      • Dass das die gleiche Spieleschmiede ist, die auch Mortheim umgesetzt hat, hat meine Erwartungen auch etwas gedämpft, Northeim war für mich ganz nett aber mehr auch nicht, insbesoandere die fehlende Speichermöglichkeit und die Bandenzusammenstellung der KI hat dem ganzen zu einem Naja-Level verholfen. Allerdings hat mich auch GWs Necromunda schwer enttäuscht von daher passt das ja eventuell 😂 ansehen werde ich es mir ohne große Erwartungen aber wohl mal, vielleicht werde ich ja positiv überrascht 😁

      • Mortheim finde ich jetzt auch nicht so schlecht. Gut, die Texturen und das Leveldesign ist schon etwas altbacken und eintönig, aber das stört mich nicht so, wenn ich mich auf Taktik und Positionierung konzentriere.
        Gut, DER Funke ist bei mir auch nicht übergesprungen, aber ich könnte auch nicht sagen, was mir gefehlt hat. Wenn Necromunda a) auch für PS4 kommt und b) mindestens wie Mortheim ist, dann hole ich es mir auch.
        mir hat schon das digitale Blood Bowl von denen geholfen, das Brettspiel besser zu lernen. Vllt gehts mir hier dann auch so. Das TT Necromunda will ich ja auch mal spielen.

  • Die letzten Versuche von GW in Richtung Konsole/PC haben mich nicht überzeugt.
    Einzig die Total War Variante von WHFB ist imo teilweise ganz brauchbar. Der 40k Output (Dawn of War 2 und 3. BFG) war zuletzt sehr enttäuschend.
    Definitiv erst mal abwarten und schauen wie sich das entwickelt und dann (so nach einem Jahr) noch mal ansehen.

    • GW „versucht“ gar nix, das sind ja alles freie Spieleschmieden!

      Vor einigen Jahren haben die bei GW ihr Geschäftsmodell leicht umgestellt:

      Mittlerweile kann man bei denen „Mikrolizenzen“ erwerben. Ziemlich schlau:

      Du als freier Entwickler möchtest zum Beispiel ein Ork/Grot Cart-Racer entwickeln.
      Statt jetzt für teures Geld die rundum sorglos Lizenz für alles zu nehmen nimmst du die kleine,
      die bezieht sich dann nur auf Space Orcs.
      Sprich du darfst jetzt keine Space Wolves, Goliath Ganger oder etwa Kharadron Overlords in dein Spiel einbauen.
      Aber eben alles an Space Orcs!

      Will sagen:

      Über die Qualität der einzelnen Spiele hat GW keinerlei Einfluss.

      Probier btw mal Vermintide 2, ist ein nettes Left for Dead oder Battlefleet Gothic 2, das soll auch gut sein.

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