von BK-Herr Kemper | 07.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Postapokalypse

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Neue Erweiterung

Modiphius kündigt eine neue Erweiterung für „Fallout: Wasteland Warfare“ an: Into the Wasteland.

Fallout Into The Wasteland 

Fallout – Into the Wasteland – Preview

Modiphius is pleased to announce Into the Wasteland, a forthcoming expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.  Already, Fallout: Wasteland Warfare allows you to play exciting, story-rich scenarios in the world of Fallout, as well as fight pitch battles and have an on-going settlement, but what of the wandering wastelander?  What of those bold enough to enter the ever-dangerous landscape?  Roaming the expanse of the Wasteland is something familiar to all players of the videogames and now a new expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare delivers that experience.

We asked James Sheahan (designer of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare RPG expansion) to provide some details on this new experience.

Right from the start of designing Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, it was important that the scenarios deliver a wealth of variety and depth of story – not only is that fun, it’s also right at the heart of the Fallout experience and is what Adventure Wargaming is all about.  Right from the tutorial scenarios, I’ve written scenarios to demolish an overpass, re-start a factory, escape into a sewer, find and help a fugitive being hunted, race to clear a town of hazards, and lots more.  This is the same for solo and co-operative play too as the AI can perform any objective, rather than be limited just to attacking.

But what about solo/co-op players who just want to go out and explore the dangers of the Wasteland to see what they find?  This experience is quite different to other scenarios where an opponent (whether another player or the AI) directly wants to prevent your activities because the Wasteland is alive and in constant flux – creatures hunt each other, settlers protect their land, Super Mutants pass through, and much more.

Setting a scenario populated by pre-positioned AI all just waiting to attack when they see the player doesn’t feel like the living Wasteland because its inhabitants don’t just stand around waiting for a player to pass by.  Instead, inhabitants have their own tasks – yes, some may be out hunting and think the player would make a good meal, but many inhabitants are simply grazing, or protecting their home or nest, or travelling from A to B, or gathering what they need.  Inhabitants may interact with each other too.

As a result, Into the Wasteland has been created to allow you to take your force out into a living piece of the Wasteland to explore and (hopefully) to survive.  The Wasteland Scenarios section describes how to generate and populate areas of the Wasteland and set your objective to scavenge, travel, scout, neutralise, or something else.  The Habitat section provides some changes to the AI rules to give purpose and natural behaviors to the Wasteland’s inhabitants.

Plus, Into the Wasteland contains new Unit cards for some neutral creatures, some hostile creatures and (if you’re feeling exceptionally brave) some legendary creatures.  This is all topped off with a special campaign which has you travelling across a large expanse of Wasteland in a desperate race to save your comrades.

Into the Wasteland is due for release next week.  Before that, I will soon share more details.  So, gather your supplies, assemble your team and prepare to head… Into the Wasteland.

Until next time, happy wandering in the Wasteland.

Note: Due to the current COVID-19 situation, Into the Wasteland will be released as a digital product containing print-and-play cards.

Thanks to James for his introduction to Into the Wasteland and don’t forget to check in next week as he reveals more details about this exciting new narrative adventure expansion for Fallout Wasteland Warfare.

Into the Wasteland arrives next Friday, 13th November, just in time for our first #FalloutFriday. Hopefully you have all been busy painting your forces, building terrain to represent the elements of the Undiscovered Vault and taking lots of photos of the games you have played.

Don’t forget to share your efforts on the 13th, with the #FalloutFriday tag so we can all see the great results of your hobbying. The next scenario will also drop, alongside the release of the initial Enclave model releases, perhaps those two things will be linked…

  • kommende Freitag wird die neue Erweiterung erscheinen
  • Aufgrund von Covid-19 erscheint sie (zunächst?) rein digital . mit DIY Druck Karten
  • die AI-Regeln für CoOp und Solo Spiele stehen hier wohl im Fokus und sollen die Spielwelt „lebendiger“ machen

Quelle: Modiphius Entertainment

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Hier wird ja wieder etwas von Solo-Spielen geschrieben. Funktioniert das denn gut on Fallout? Die Idee, auch mal alleine ein TT zu zocken, finde ich schon interessant…

    • Ja, das funktioniert richtig gut bei Fallout. Die Regeln wurden mit dem Solomodus im Hinterkopf geschrieben.

      Etwas seltsam ist ein Solo-TT am Anfang schon, aber man findet recht schnell rein.

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