von BK-Thorsten | 12.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Neuheiten

Nachschub von Modiphius für die Postapokalypse.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave Core Box 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave Core Box 02

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Enclave: Core Box – 49,55 €

The Enclave are the last vestiges of the pre-war system of government in the United States of America. Formed as part of the continuity of government system, the Enclave was formed of high-ranking government officials as well as wealthy industrialists and leading scientific minds. They were to be protected and sheltered from the great war by bunkers and isolated locations, thus preserving the top echelons of the country to rebuild.

Protected from the worse ravages of the war, the Enclave began to plan the re-colonisation of the USA. Years of study has allowed top scientists to perfect weapons and armor technology, as well as training troops from a young age to an almost fanatical level. In combination with isolated living conditions, the Enclave has evolved to see themselves as the true and only heirs to America; above and better than all others, mutants and wastelanders alike. Their plans stretch from annihilation of all non-enclave life to systematic conquest of all that remains of the old world, ‘purifying’ it to their own narrow standards.

Enclave forces are necessarily small but elite, employing sophisticated technology and highly trained soldiers. They break into assault and infiltration teams; special operations forces that further the Enclave’s interests as a scalpel or hammer, depending on orders. Sorties into the wasteland are led by seasoned officers whose zeal for the Enclave is as unwavering as their disgust for mutants and lesser specimens.

The officers are flanked by heavily armed and power armored soldiers who have trained from a young age to wear their rigs. Often painted black to be even more intimidating, their enhanced protection also sports stylised horned helmets, leading it to be called ‘black devil’ power armor. Together with experimental energy weapons, they make for fearsome opponents in a conflict.

The last but most potent members of an assault team are the Tesla Troopers. These electrically-charged fiends blast, zap, burn and liquify any opponents with high-powered energy weapons, carving a path into any foe they come across. Their specially adapted power armor re-energises their guns, increasing their overall damage and rate of fire while reducing time between reloads.

With these forces at their disposal, the Enclave is understandably confident of swift and total victory in the wasteland.

This boxed set contains five 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Enclave miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Enclave Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box. 

©2020 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave High Command 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave High Command 02

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Enclave: High Command – 27,53 €

The Enclave is a highly militarised society, and its upper echelons are made up of the elite that the faction can provide. Their officers wield the authority of the Enclave in the wasteland and the various outposts it controls, ruling with an iron fist and stamping the Enclave’s values onto the landscape.

They are often accompanied by the scientists that the faction is so well known for. Advanced weaponry and armor technology requires testing and attuning, and Enclave scientists go about their task with single minded determination and drive. They stoically scrape the remains of wastelanders and creatures off power armor suits, and adjust power settings on energy weapons to burn flesh and metal longer and more efficiently. All for the advancement of the Enclave, of course.

No one has advanced the Enclave more than Colonel Augustus Autumn. He was the power behind the computerised-throne of John Henry Eden, and took point on the Enclave’s efforts to secure and control Project Purity in the Capital Wasteland. His ruthless drive to put the Enclave first and re-establish their dominance over post-war America verged on the fanatical; he did anything he had to to ensure the goals of the Enclave were achieved, and nothing and no one would stand in his way.

This boxed set contains three 32mm scale multi-part high-quality resin Enclave miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Enclave Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box. 

©2020 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave Hellfire Set 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave Hellfire Set 02

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Enclave: Hellfire Set – 26,43 €

Of all the power armor variants that the Enclave deploy, the Hellfire armor causes the most fear among wastelanders. The armor is rightly named as its wearers go to battle equipped with flame-throwing weaponry designed to bring desolation and ruin to all.

Specially designed to be resistant to the heat of flame weapons, the Hellfire armor allows maximum flexibility and resilience while incorporating advanced respiration masks to keep oxygen flowing in burning environments. 

This all combines with fanatical focus to mean that Hellfire soldiers have the will and weaponry to ‘cleanse’ the wasteland of anyone they feel to be inferior – in most cases, any non-Enclave wastelanders or creatures. They are instrumental in spreading fear of the Enclave and encouraging subservience to the faction’s ultimate goals.

This boxed set contains two 32mm scale multi-part high-quality resin Enclave miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Enclave Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box. 

©2020 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave Frank Horrigan 01 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave Frank Horrigan 02

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Enclave: Frank Horrigan – 33,04 €

Frank Horrigan it the ultimate foot soldier for the Enclave–though ‘walking tank’ might be a better description. Starting as an unstable soldier deployed in the ruins of California, he quickly became known as a brutal instrument of murderous efficiency. While on a mission to the Mariposa Military Base he was exposed to FEV, beginning his mutation. He was experimented on still further by Enclave scientists to exacerbate his aggression, size, and strength, to the point where he could decapitate a deathclaw with one blow and put his first through the combat-armored chest of a Brotherhood of Steel knight.

Horrigan’s size and strength are not coupled with strong will or sense of self. Repeated conditioning made him utterly loyal to the Enclave and its president, willing to deal out casual violence with no thought and return to his masters for the next mission. His limited conversation and rigid loyalty to the cause make him a fearsome adversary; few stand against him and live to tell the tale.

This boxed set contains one 32mm scale multi-part high-quality resin Enclave miniature of Frank Horrigan reaching over 55mm from head to toe (66.7mm including the base), plus a unique scenic base, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Enclave Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box. 

©2020 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.


Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Accessories: Enclave Wave Card Expansion Pack – 26,43 €

The ominous shadow of human ‘purity’ hangs over the wasteland as the rhythmic crunch of power armored feet echoes from ruin to ruin – The Enclave are making their presence known. Join the cause or fight your corner with new allies and fearsome enemies.

The Enclave themselves bring multiple power armor variants and heavy weapons to the wasteland, ready to reclaim it for their president. Their top brass take to the field, with Colonel Autumn commanding and Frank Horrigan bludgeoning his way though anything brave (or stupid) enough to stand in the way.

At the same time attacks have been increasing from the shoreline. Seasonal migrations and the vibrations of war draw creatures to the fray in increased numbers. Skittering and chittering across the sand, wave of chitinous Mirelurks find prey on the shoreline. Their hunters seek out potential food for hatchlings and their eggs, while larger specimens lay in wait in the depths. All the while sinister monsters hunt the twilight fogs on the shore, glimpsed then gone; few have seen them up close and lived to tell the tale…

All the rules for units, weapons, and equipment in the Enclave Wave are included in this card pack. Also included are new AI Cards, chems, mods, events, dangers and more, all for expanding the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare experience.

Included in the set are 45 poker size and 159 Euro mini cards for:

Enclave Core Box
Enclave High Command
Enclave Soldier Set
Enclave Tesla Set
Enclave Hellfire Set
Frank Horrigan
Unaligned T 45 Power Armour
Mirelurk Hunters
Mirelurk Hatchlings + Eggs
Mirelurk Queen
Fog Crawler
Lorenzo Cabot

This boxed set contains cards to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need this Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of other wave release boxes.

©2020 Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved. 

Quelle: Modiphius Entertainment


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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