von BK-Herr Kemper | 22.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Postapokalypse

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Neuheiten

Modiphius veröffentlicht Neuheiten für Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Elder Maxson And Captain Kells Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 763374 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Elder Maxson And Captain Kells Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 563743 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Elder Maxson And Captain Kells Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 722988 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Elder Maxson And Captain Kells Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 621641 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Elder Maxson And Captain Kells Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 785397 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Elder Maxson And Captain Kells Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 459656

Fallout Wasteland Warfare – Elder Maxson & Captain Kells – 24,50 GBP

The Brotherhood of Steel are an elite fighting force, and their high command are the best of the best. Whether wastelanders agree with Brotherhood and its aims or not, few would wish to put either Captain Kells or their leader Elder Maxson to the test on the battlefield. Wielding high tech weaponry and heavy armor on top of their incredible skill, these two heroes of the Brotherhood.

Maxson is a true blue Brotherhood member. Since an early age he lived and breathed the Brotherhood, himself a direct descendant of Roger Maxson, the faction’s founder. He was the youngest person ever to be elevated to the rank of Elder, and uses a mix of hardline and more lenient brotherhood ideologies to direct the east coast faction as an effective fighting force. His command is so effective he rarely has to enter the fray himself, having proved himself in combat many times over before. If the situation is dire he dons his power armor and takes to the battlelines, leading from the front with his custom tuned Final Judgement, dealing massive amounts of energy damage to any who dare oppose the clear and righteous will of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Lancer Captain Kells captains the Prydwen, the Brotherhood’s armored airship. Ready to fight off all comers to the Brotherhood’s mobile base, he is fiercely protective of his brothers and sisters, and will dispatch rank and file members to target threats and eliminate them with extreme prejudice and massed laser rifle fire.


1 x Elder Maxson
1 x Elder Maxson Power Armour
1 x Captain Kells

This boxed set contains three 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Brotherhood of Steel miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Institute Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box.


Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Order Of The Shield Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 430488 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Order Of The Shield Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 766538 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Order Of The Shield Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 326666 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Order Of The Shield Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 543163 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Order Of The Shield Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 237476 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Order Of The Shield Fallout Wasteland Warfare Modiphius Entertainment 418547

Fallout Wasteland Warfare – Order of the Shield – 23,50 GBP

orties into the wasteland can be a dangerous proposition for even the most well-trained Brother of Steel initiate. The Order of the Shield are a bulwark against all foes that may come across the path of their brothers, equipped with power armor and some of the best weaponry available to man.

Brothers in T-60 armor and toting laser weaponry storm their way through the battlefield, past-masters at fire and manoeuvre, close support infantry combat. Each brother or sister knows their role to the letter, and as a fire team they operate as a well-oiled machine. The power armored element makes its way forward, creating an opening for the more lightly armored field scribe to go about their business; salvaging technology, investigating rogue signals or tending to the wounded. Other tactics include offering the scribe as seemingly fragile bait, but they are far from defenceless. Laying mines, setting traps and rigging explosives are all well within the field scribe’s abilities, often making them even more dangerous than their steel clad brethren.

This boxed set contains three 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Brotherhood of Steel miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Institute Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box.

Link: Modiphius

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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