von BK-Herr Kemper | 02.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Epic Encounters: Village of the Goblin Chief

Das neue Epic Encounters Set „Village of the Goblin Chief“ ist bei Steamforged Games angekündigt worden.

Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief2 Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief3 Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief4 Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief5 Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief6 Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief7 Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief8 Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief9 Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief10 Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief11 Epic Encounters Village Of The Goblin Chief1

Epic Encounters – Village of the Goblin Chief – 44,95 EUR

Grab an EPIC encounter for your next fantasy roleplaying game! Made for new and experienced players, every Epic Encounters set features an all-in-one boxed encounter that’s 5e compatible and ready to play.

Climb into a treetop adventure with Village of the Goblin Chief, including 20 highly detailed, preassembled minis and a packed adventure book!

Hidden in their treetop village, the giggling goblins plot their raids and feast on whatever they can steal or kidnap. But far beneath the branches, the ground has begun to rot—and the goblins know why. Can you venture into the trees to defeat the goblins and their devious hetman?


  • 20 Detailed Goblin Minis
  • Double-Sided Game Mat
  • Adventure Book with Monster Stats
  • Tips and tricks for running an awesome encounter (that work for any RPG game)

Make your next game night one to remember. With just one box, you can create an awesome, cinematic experience your players will be talking about for weeks!

Use Village of the Goblin Chief as a standalone encounter or as part of a new or existing RPG campaign. Or, combine this set with Swamp of the Hydra to continue your venture through the vegetation…

Quelle: Steamforged Games


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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