von BK-Thorsten | 25.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Empress Miniatures: Neuheiten

Empress Miniatures haben einige Neuheiten im Shop.

Empress Otter 01 Empress Otter 02 Empress Otter 03


Todays release is a 1/50 scale USMC Otter vehicle that was used for forward resupply and also as a troop carrier on occasion.

The vehicle comes in white resin with metal parts and is damned cute so every Marine unit should have one as a pet. Also remember re supply keeps the soldiers in the field. If you are a VC player then it make a great target.😲

There is an assembly guide on Assembly FB page.

Empress PT76 01 Empress PT76 02 Empress PT76 03 Empress PT76 04

Soviet PT 76 – 24,00 GBP

I have always had a bit of a love of the PT 76 Amphibious recce vehicle as its design and usage seemed pretty advanced especially when one considers that it came into service with the Soviet military in 1951.

It is still used by the Russian Federation as well as many military forces around the world.

Our 1/50 SCALE model comes with a separate snorkel attachment which can be fixed onto the back of the rear turret door. I used Blu Tac on the one in the pictures.

This is now available in the shop in the Modern vehicle room.

Empress NVA PT76 01 Empress NVA PT76 02 Empress NVA PT76 03

NVA PT 76 – 24,00 GBP

We have just released the NVA PT 76. This is now in the shop in the Vietnam room. This is a 1/50 SCALE VEHICLE.

These light amphibious recce tanks were used by the North Vietnamese Army in the later stages of the war

„The first successful action of NVA armor in Vietnam was against the Lang Vei Special Forces camp on 6/7 February 1968[17] (they had already been used in the preceding Battle of Ban Houei Sane, which was just across the border in Laos however). Thirteen PT-76s, of the NVA 202nd Armored Regiment spearheaded an assault against approximately 24 Green Berets, 500 Vietnamese irregulars and 350 Laotian Royal soldiers. The defenders fought back with their 106 mm M40 recoilless rifle (one at the entrance took out three PT-76s until it was knocked out), and ineffectively with M72 LAWs (one-shot disposable 66 mm Light Anti-Tank Weapon). They requested support from nearby Khe Sanh, which was unable to help, as it too was under siege.[17] The Lang Vei camp was overrun, with the PT-76s using their turret-mounted spotlight-equipped heavy machine guns to shoot down any irregulars who panicked and ran out of the underground bunkers. A few survivors broke out and were airlifted to safety.

„The first tank-to-tank engagement occurred in mid-1968 when a US reconnaissance airplane observed a PT-76 being washed by its crew in the Bến Hải River in the DMZ (17th Parallel). The Forward Air Control pilot radioed the tank’s position to a nearby M48 Patton tank unit of the US 3rd Marine Tank Battalion. With the FAC adjusting fire, the Patton fired three 90 mm rounds;[17] obtaining a hit with the third round. The tank crew abandoned their vehicle. Shortly afterwards, some returning F-4 Phantom jet fighter bombers, with ordnance to expend, observed the PT-76 and bombed the remainder of the vehicle.“

Empress BritishVickers 01 Empress BritishVickers 02 Empress BritishVickers 03

Late war British Vickers MMG team – 7,00 GBP

Today’s release is a British late war Vickers team.

This is in the shop in WW2 28mm room.

Quelle: Empress Miniatures auf Facebook


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Hm, Maßstab von 1/50. Schon wieder eine andere Größenordnung. Neben den gezeigten 28 mm Figuren müssen das dann recht große Fahrzeuge sein. (28 mm Maßstab ist eher 1/60)

    • Eher nicht, die 1:46 Modelle sind meist zu klein (sehen einfach winzig aus).Weswegen oft auf 1:48 oder 1:43 Modelle zurück gegriffen wird.. Aktuell benutze ich für Zona Alfa auch 1:43..

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