von BK-Christian | 04.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Eldfall Chronicles: Kickstarter Previews

Ein neues Brettspiel soll bald auf Kickstarter kommen.

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Eldfall Chronicles is a strategic and engaging fantasy wargame in which 35mm-sized miniatures are used to simulate dynamic skirmishes and battles in a world filled with conflict and ancient terrors.

Immerse yourself into the engaging world of Calad. Collect and assemble your parties of adventurers from the representative factions, each with a unique playstyle and looks. Clash with your opponents or terrible beasts, hone your skills in strategy and tactics and lead your troops to triumph.

Forge your own fate, create your own story or simply learn more about the setting through various media.

Read more about the gameplay below!

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Greetings dear player!

Before you can fully jump into the game, a somewhat tedious task must be done. Studying the rules. And as it may pose a challenge, we tried to make it more easily understandable, which is why I wrote the following summary text. Before you is a quick summary of the general gameplay, boiled down to its main ideas. These will sound very dry, but will hopefully give you an overview of the game itself. When you finish, the core rules should be a bit easier to chew (and there will be a video form of the general rules sometime in the near future!). And when you finish that, I sense it will all be worth it: it will be the beginning of some really fun times around the table! The game itself isn’t that hard to play at the end, the true challenge is to figure out all of the engaging intricacies the game has to offer!
So, let’s jump right in!

Playing one game (when familiar with the rules and played in a cheery atmosphere) takes about 40-60 minutes on average.

It is currently play-tested for 2 players, but is ultimately intended for a simultaneous play of up to 4 players or more. It is possible for a solo player to face the AI of the game alone.

When players agree to a game, they decide on a Quest they intend to undertake. First, each player assembles their party by recruiting units, individual combatants. They may choose them from a certain faction or select neutral units, available to all factions.

Then, the players perform a so-called Initiative Check: a roll that determines their turn order and their starting position on the field.

After this is completed, players place the units onto the field in the determined turn order, and the game begins.

At the beginning of each turn, each unit on the field receives an amount of Activation Points, corresponding to their Stamina. The player whose turn it is may conduct their Active turn. During this, their opponent, the Reactive player, performs their Reactive turn, reacting against the Activations of the other player’s units.

(If we look at this in detail: The Active player may activate a unit by spending one of its Activation points. That unit may then move and perform an action. However, this may get complicated, if an opposing -reactive- unit sees the activated unit during its movement. The reactive unit can choose to react against it by spending one of its own Activation points (eg. Dodge, Attack etc.). The activated unit must now decide whether to deal with the reacting unit and adjust its action (eg. Dodge, Attack etc.) or to continue with its original intent.)

After the Active player concludes their Active turn, the roles of players exchange: The former Active player becomes the Reactive player and vice versa.

The game ends either when players complete their 5th round, or are left without alive units, or complete a certain objective of the Quest at hand. After the game ends, the players calculate the Victory Points, which they received as rewards for completing objectives. The one with more points becomes the victor.

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the game has two main ways of play. The first one is against the other opposing player (or more), and the second one is playing against creatures (either via an AI system or manually played). You can think of it as if the game had a way to play even in co-op mode.

Quelle: Eldfall Chronicles

Quelle: Eldfall Chronicles auf Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Also mir ist nicht ganz klar was das für ein Spiel sein soll. Skirmisher wie auf Facebook beschrieben, dass ich auf einer Spielplatte wie Frostgrave und Co spielen kann? Oder ein Bettspiel wie zu Anfang hier beschrieben, was mit einem eigenen Spielbrett daher kommt, auf dem die Spieler agieren?

    Was aber auffällt, der Fokus scheint auf den Minis zu liegen. Ich hab da dann den Eindruck, das Spiel ist nur so ein Randthema, und dementsprechend auch meine Erwartung daran.

    Naja mal schauen wann es was konkretes gibt. Dafür das man den Kickstartenr bald beginnen will gibts viel Mini und wenig Spielsubstanz für meinen Geschmack.

  • Das scheint kein Brettspiel sondern ein Skirmisher zu sein. Die Minis sehen auf jeden Fall Bombe aus. Das könnte sich schon alleine als Malprojekt lohnen.

    • Prinzipiell sind das durchaus spannende Malprojekte. Aber bei manchen der Sculpts würde ich die Erwartungen in Bezug auf Details der Texturen ordentlich zurück nehmen. Zumindest wenn das Material PVC sein wird.
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