von BK-Christian | 08.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Dwarf Lords of the Depths: Kickstarter läuft

Bei Kickstarter gibt es neue Zwerge.

Hello everyone, my name is Álvaro González, I began sculpting figures 5 years ago. Over last year I have been working in miniatures and I have made different jobs for other brands and individuals.

I have always been fascinated by fantasy universes and from this idea was born to create my own miniatures brand and sculpt all these characters whose we love them. I do traditional sculpting with epoxy putty.

About the project.

For my first project I have wanted to put another step further sculpting these rough, bearded, proud, strong, greedy and epic dwarves whose live in deepest of mountains and we have watched so much in films, videogames and novels.

All dwarfs are 23mm tall around to eyes line  except the wizard who is 32mm tall so this miniatures are very suited for wargames and also grateful for painting.

The studio that collaborates with us has spent 25 years of experience casting this kind of miniatures and works to main companies. We use a high quality plastic resin that even doesnt need priming and gets back to original position if you bend it.

All the production will be made in Spain and the miniatures have been sculpted in tradicional mode so this is a great chance to support tradicional sculpting.

Das sind die Pledges:

BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 1 BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 2 BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 3 BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 4

  • Level 1. The „All in“ tier includes the 9 miniatures from the 3 sets and the strechtgoal mini in case it gets unlocked.
    45,00 Euro
  • Level 2. Set of 3 minis. There are 3 different themed sets with 3 miniatures each.
    15,00 Euro
  • Level 3. Add-on. You can choose your own items according to your pledge amount at a later stage in the pledge manager. You will be able to choose single miniatures and sets.
    7,00 Euro

BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 5 BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 6 BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 7 BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 8

Weitere Infobilder:

BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 9

The miniatures are being cast in crisp resin. They are 23mm tall around to line eyes except the wizard who is 32mm tall . You can see a size comparison here.

BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 10 BW Brindelwald Dwarf Lords Of The Depths 11

Die Kampagne läuft noch 6 Tage und war zum Zeitpunkt des Entstehens dieses Artikels noch nicht finanziert.

Quelle: Dwarf Lords of the Depths


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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