von BK-Thorsten | 10.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Dunkeldorf: The Prancing Peacock: Kickstarter läuft

King Games haben einen weiteren Dunkeldorf Kickstarter gestartet. Dieses Mal mit Fokus auf ein besonderes Etablissement: The Prancing Peacock Tavern.

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Dunkeldorf  – Townsfolk & Tavern Miniatures

Welcome to The Prancing Peacock! Step right into the finest inn to be found in this otherwise dark and grim town known as „Dunkeldorf“. Grab a chair and meet the characterful townsfolk that will fit right into any fantasy RPG and tabletop setting as NPCs, player characters or even heroes! (Even though you probably won’t find many heroes in Dunkeldorf)

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Our second Dunkeldorf Kickstarter offers a mix of standing and sitting tavern miniatures along with regular townsfolk as we had in our first Kickstarter. We’ll also have a lot of accessories and furniture to go with the miniatures! All of the rewards are physical products cast in either resin or metal.

The Miniatures

This Kickstarter contains several sitting miniatures, all of these fit together with our chairs, benches and tables that you can find in the Add-ons section.

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To begin with, we have 14 different miniatures and we have a lot more planned that we hope to unlock through Stretch Goals to give you a bunch of different miniatures to choose from as well as more miniatures being added for free to your pledge!

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In addition to the miniatures above, you can also choose between any miniatures from our existing Dunkeldorf range.

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Und das sind die Pledge-Level zum Stand als diese News erstellt wurde (weitere Strechgoals könnten zwischenzeitlich mehr Inhalte hinzugefügt haben):


This section will be updated as more goals are unlocked during the campaign to give you an overview over what you’ll get with your pledge.

The Innkeeper Pledge is the main pledge of this campaign. We have a bunch of Stretch Goals that will be added to the pledge for free once unlocked. Including additional miniatures!

  •  15 Miniatures of your choice (16 for Early Bird Backers)
  •  All free „Innkeeper“ Stretch Goals that unlock during the campaign. 
  • Philipp der Pfau (The notorious peacock!)
  • 2 Tankards, 2 Bottles, 1 Jug,1 Goblet 1 Large Candle & 1 Bowl of Fruit

Der Innkeeper-Pledge kostet ca. 64 Euro.

The Patron Pledge is for those who want to just pick a few miniatures from the campaign. You’ll still be getting some free stretch goals, but not nearly as many as the main pledge.

  •  6 Miniatures of your choice
  •  All free „Patron“ Stretch Goals that unlock during the campaign. 
  • Philipp der Pfau (The notorious peacock!)
  • 2 Tankards, 2 Bottles & 1 Large Candle

Please note: In the Pledge Manager we’ll create a few bundle Add-ons that along with the main pledge will allow you to get all of the new stuff from the campaign! We’ll reveal more information about this near the end of the campaign!

Der Patron-Pledge kostet etwa 34 Euro.

Der Kickstarter war binnen kürzester Zeit finanziert und danach wurden fleissig Stretchgoals geknackt und King Games hatte sichtlich Mühe hinterher zu kommen:

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Und einige Add-Ons:

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Der Kicvkstarter endet am 7. Juli.

Link: Dunkeldorf: The Prancing Peacock auf Kickstarter


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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