von BK-Thorsten | 02.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Dropzone Commander

Dropzone Commander: UCM Neuheiten

Bei TTCombat finden sich einige UCM-Verstärkungen unter den Neuheiten.

TTCombat DZC Condor Angle 01 TTCombat DZC Condor Angle 02 TTCombat DZC Condor Angle 03 TTCombat DZC Condor Angle 04 TTCombat DZC Condor Angle 05 TTCombat DZC Condor Angle 06 TTCombat DZC Condor Angle 07

Titania Condor / Eagle – 15,49 Euro

Recently, the Titania Aerospace Corporation has expanded aggressively, with designs on supplanting Ferrous Motor’s pre-eminence, spearheaded by their Condor-AV program.

This brutal-looking variant manoeuvres similarly but has superior range, combat ceiling and avionics. Field trials have proved encouraging, fuelling speculation that the AASC may order as many as 50,000, their largest single procurement since the start of the Reconquest.

The Titania Condor flies out of the Colonies and onto the battlefield! This re-imagining of the classic Condor brings a bulkier design similar to the UCM’s ground units. Able to be built as either a Condor or the heavier Eagle, the new design will fit right at home among your UCM forces.

The Condor is the UCM’s premier dropship. With space to transport up to 2 Bear APCS or heavy tanks or 3 medium or light tanks, or even a single Kodiak, it really is a jack of all trades. With decent armour and manoeuvrability and a massive 3 Damage Points, you’re going to want a lot of these in your army, and the Titania pattern design makes them look better than ever!

The Eagle Heavy Gunship replaces all transport capacity for some really big guns! Twin Heavy Railguns will make a mess out of pretty much any enemy vehicle, and the Multi Missile Pods add even more firepower to this heavy platform. With mobility to bring the weapons to bear, the Eagle is a great choice for UCM players that like their big guns flying around.

Contains 1 resin miniature with the choice to make a Condor or an Eagle. These miniatures are highly detailed, approximately 103mm in length.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

TTCombat DZC Falcon 01 TTCombat DZC Falcon 02 TTCombat DZC Falcon 03 TTCombat DZC Falcon 04 TTCombat DZC Falcon 05 TTCombat DZC Falcon 06 TTCombat DZC Falcon 07

Titania Falcon Gunships – 12,99 Euro

Following on from their wildly successful Condor bid, the Titania Aerospace Corporation has bagged production rights for a full half of the Big Dozen’s military aircraft, and are even solely responsible for outfitting the Eden 1st – at least until Aurum decides otherwise.

Their latest aircraft is a new model of Falcon. An „easy win“ for the engineers behind the ship, the Titania Falcon follows suit from the standard design, simply up-gunning a Raven chassis. The idea is no less formidable for ease of construction, which brings it in line with the UCM’s ideals of an affordable and numerous military machine.

With a completely new kit, the Titania Falcon comes with all the firepower you love, in a brand new form with chunky panels and thrusters. Taking the design from the Titania Raven, this mobile gun platform is quick and dangerous!

With either Twin Gatling Cannons that can shred the toughest armour as if it were nothing more than flesh or Multi-missiles that will either pop light vehicles or aircraft with ease, there’s plenty to recommend the Falcon, even before taking into account its Evasion +4!

This new kit comes in two pieces, with inbuilt Gatling Cannons that can be covered up with a deadly-looking Multi-missile pod.

Contains 2 resin miniatures with a choice of weapons. These miniatures are highly detailed, approximately 52mm in length.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

TTCombat DZC Raven 01 TTCombat DZC Raven 02 TTCombat DZC Raven 03 TTCombat DZC Raven 04 TTCombat DZC Raven 05 TTCombat DZC Raven 06 TTCombat DZC Raven 07

Titania Raven Dropships – 12,99 Euro

The Raven is one of the most ubiquitous dropships seen in battle. Its lightweight design and speed means it can be in and out of a dropzone before enemy inteceptors have even scrambled.Such an iconic ship has been through redesign after redesign, with rival companies competing to have the best speed to cost ratio – something incredibly important when running the UCM war machine. The Titania Aerospace Corporation is the latest company to work on the design, prompting the AASC to place a substantial order.With thicker armour plates that don’t sacrifice speed, the Titania Raven is fast becoming the favourite among infantrymen. While it may not last much longer under direct fire, it offers passengers a far increased chance of survival, living to fight another day.Seen first transporting the new Wolf LAC commander, the Titania Raven Dropship is now flying into land on its own. This new design makes big improvements over the first Raven, bringing it more into line with the rest of the range.

The new style Raven still comes in and A or B configuration, transporting infantry or light vehicles respectively. The new kit comes in only two pieces – the full Raven B and an additional part that houses infantry.

With high Movement and enough transport for small squads or vehicles, the Raven is one of the most popular transports in the UCM army.

Contains 2 resin miniatures with a choice to make 2 Raven As or 2 Raven Bs. These miniatures are highly detailed, approximately 52mm in length.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

Dropzone Commander wird in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Die Minis gefallen mir richtig gut.

    Finde vor allem die mit der Weiterentwicklung der Einheit Klassen.
    Warum soll man für immer das Selbe Fahrzeug verwenden und nicht doch mal ein Weiterentwickeln.

    Wenn TTCombat so weiter macht, danach sieht es ja in der Letzten Zeit ja nach aus, könnte ich mir die UCM als dritte Armee gut vorstellen oder doch lieber die Resistons?

  • Endlich kantige Fenster und nicht diese runden Kuppeln.

    Das hatte mich damals immer abgeschreckt UCM zu spielen.

    Ich glaube es wird mal wieder Zeit sich mehr mit dem Spielsystem zu beschäftigen.
    Mir gefällt es ungemein.

  • Das weiß mal wieder zu gefallen.
    Ich muss mir endlich mal eine Mini zum testen besorgen.

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