von BK-Herr Kemper | 07.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Deer Gods: Kickstarter läuft

Ein Kickstarter für eine modulare Miniatur des Deer Gods.

Deer Gods KS

Deer Gods

Who will be the God of your forest? You decide with this unique customizable modular miniature.

Customize your own Forest God with a selection of modular components. From the benign and beautiful, to the corrupt and horrific, the Deer Gods  are waiting.

Have you been searching high and low for the perfect mini to represent the powerful and gentle God of the Forest but not found the one that’s just right? Have you been hoping to find a mini of a powerful Demi-God that is slowly being corrupted by the power of an Eldritch Terror? Have you thought to yourself, „I really want to surprise my players with something unique and grotesque?“ Maybe you didn’t even know until now that you need any of these things, but now that need is unyielding. Fortunately, now you can have those Deer and more!

The Deer Gods are a mix-and-match type project, each part is interchangeable with any of its counterparts regardless of the set it belongs to. Want a Deer God with a skeletal head, the front feet of a bird and the back feet of a deer? No problem! Each part is also keyed so that they will line up easily. Test printing ahead of release will ensure that the keys are not too snug and all joints fit together with minimal gaps.

Deer Gods KS2

The models of the Deer Gods have been tested on a DLP resin printer. I welcome you to download and print the Trophy of a Slain God model. The head and antlers from this model will be compatible with the final Deer God collection, and the trophy mount will accept any of the head modules.  Get it on Cults3D or  thingiverse today:

Deer Gods KS3

Die Miniatur:

A modest campaign to you bring you a Divine Cervine, the tiers are crafted to grant access to the Deer Gods at a reduced rate for my backers. Unless otherwise specified, all rewards being offered are digital files, not physical items. All tiers will receive the Talisman of the Forest as a thank you gift. All backers at or above 10$ will receive all the *.stl files in the collection. The files will be delivered both unsupported so you can choose your size or for FDM printers and pre-supported for resin printers. All components will be test printed on a DLP resin printer prior to release. Small details and finer structures on some models may not be suitable for FDM printing. 

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If you don’t have a printer, but still want to fawn over a model of your own I am also offering a limited run of printed models, including a one of a kind assembled and hand painted by the artist Deer God of your choice.

Default size is 5th edition „huge“ and fits a 3″ round base. The basic God is 120mm tall and 70mm from hoof to hoof, others will be similar but vary based on chosen components.

Stretch Goals:

Deer Gods KS11

Your support is needed to summon more of the Deer Gods. Should this Kickstarter exceed the funding goal, the following rewards will be unlockable…


Deer Gods KS12

I will be updating this section as the prints finish. Any issues such as difficult to support areas or poor gaps will be updated in the models to provide the best possible final product.

Pledge Level:

  • 10,00 USD – alle Deer Mini STLs, Talisman STL, unlocked Stretch Goals STLs
  • 35,00 USD alle STLs und einen Resin Print nach Wahl
  • 50,00 USD alle STLs und 2x Prints nach Wahl


Die Kampagne hat ihr Ziel von 84 USD erreicht und ist derzeit bei 800+ USD. Sie endet Mit, 2. September 2020 21:52 CEST.

Link: Deer Gods KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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