von BK-Thorsten | 15.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Wild West

Dead Man’s Hand: Neue Zivilisten

Neu in Dead Man’s Hand: Zivile Persönlichkeiten, wahrlich die Säulen der Gemeinschaft.

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Pillars of the Community I – A.W. Merrick, Jon Garret, Hugh Jarry – 8,00 GBP

Set of three metal civilian models to populate your town and get gunned down in the crossfire!. Models supplied unpainted. Sculpted by Darren Edwards, painted by Artmaster, based by GEG. Weight 80g for postage purposes. See Customer Service page for details of postage charges.

A.W. Merrick is founder, owner, main reported and chief photographer of the Dead Man’s Hand Chronicle. He’s a little bit bumbling but his jolly nature and honest demeanour makes him popular and with no enemies. But men are often forced to take sides…

Hugh Jarry, Attorney and Dentist! As you know, dentists love to inflict pain and lawyers love to inflict misery and Jarry, despite being an oaf, ensures that he bootlicks the influential folk in town and exploits the rest. He’s a mean but cowardly piece of work.

Jon Garret, rich by name and a new arrival seeking to make his name and escape his father’s shadow. Just the type of fresh face to exploit but how much money and influence does he really have?

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Pillars of the Community II – Stuart Wheatley, Mayor Farnum, Caleb Harper – 6,00 GBP

Set of three metal civilian models to populate your town and get gunned down in the crossfire!. Models supplied unpainted. Sculpted by Darren Edwards, painted by Artmaster, based by GEG. Weight 80g for postage purposes. See Customer Service page for details of postage charges.

Stuart L. E. Wheatley is the ruthless and cunning owner of the Sassy Gal. Wheatley has made it up the hard way to build his boardwalk empire. When it comes to competition Wheatley has remembered every lesson of his past.  He has been as ruthless as he was cunning and even thought by many to be the paymaster of the road agents that prey on weak travellers on the roads out of town.  Rumours persist he is also responsible for disappearances and so many of the unfortunate, possibly not so, accidental recent deaths.  Almost an instinctive winner he has had to tighten his grip of late, but maybe he has now met his match with the advent of ‘Slick’ Dan Pottinger’s gambling parlor ‘The Blue Canary’.  It doesn’t help that the tiresome daughter of dead Jim Rogan, ‘Kat’ is still doing well with her ‘Rogan’s Bar’!

William E Farnum is the Mayor of Dead Man’s Hand and is thought to be a puppet of Wheatley. He’s weak willed and sycophantic and can often be seen scraping around various upstanding citizens of Dead Man’s Hand.

Caleb Harper is new to town and rents a pitch for his Dry Goods business from Stuart Wheatley. From the northeast, Harper took his earnings from his time in the Union army and struck out west. He hooked up briefly with Calamity Jane and the pair travelled together to Dead Man’s Hand. Some think he’s a tool of Wheatley despite his good mannered demeanour and diligent work ethic.

Quelle: Great Escape Games


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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