Cult of the Abyss: STL Kickstarter
Gelände und Kultisten für die 3D-Drucker!
I’m an amatuer 3D designer that is currently using ZBrushCore to design my terrain and miniatuers. I post my designs on myminifactory for free. I just do this for fun. I’m a school teacher in real life. This little Kickstarter set is an attempt to earn some of the money needed to upgrade my design software to ZBrush 2020. If I get enough money to upgrade, I will use the upgraded software to create more designs for the gaming community to download and enjoy for free. If I don’t get enough money, I’ll just keep using ZbrushCore. 🙂
ZBrushCore Renders
Stretch Goal – $40
Stretch Goal $250
Stretch Goal $450
Stretch Goal $500
Stretch Goal $550
Stretch Goal $600
$700 Stretch Goal
$800 Stretch Goal – „Pre-Supported Resin Files„
$800 Stretch Goal includes pre-supported resin print files for all terrain and miniatures unless they have already been printed as supportless. The one exception to this is „The Opening“, which has only been tested on FDM with great results. If this goal is reached, the entire cost of upgrading my software will be covered by this Kickstarter and all you backers!!! 🙂 That would be amazing! If this goal is surpassed, all the extra money will go to investing in a resin printer. Another big thank you goes to Mike for helping out and creating the files for this reward!
Test Printed:
Die Kampagne läuft noch 12 Tage und ist finanziert.
Quelle: Cult of the Abyss