von BK-Herr Kemper | 09.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Crooked Dice: Time of the Orcs Kickstarter

Der neue Crooked Dice Kickstarter „Time of the Orcs“ dreht sich um Miniaturen für klassische Fantasy-Settings oder das neue 7TV Fantasy.


Crooked Dice – Time of the Orcs Kickstarter:

From the northern hills comes a fell Orc warband led by the notorious Warlord Klagg. Emboldening the swarms of foul goblins and recruiting Ogre and Troll allies, this cruel but cunning commander comes to raid your lands!   

Welcome to the first Crooked Dice fantasy kickstarter. Our next 7TV boxed set – 7TV: Fantasyis out next year, so we hope to fund the production of new miniatures to support that – starting with some classic goblinoid forces and monsters. Orcs and Goblins and Ogres! Oh my!

New sculpts include a warband of big, brutish old school orcs designed with the creative geniuses of Dave Needham and John Pickford.

The campaign will also offer: twenty Goblins; ten Goblin Wolf Riders; an Ogre tribe; and a selection of Trolls. Perfect to prep your forces for 7TV: Fantasy coming in June 2021!

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You can pledge as a HORDER and buy individual packs (see our Unit Builder Calculatorbelow) right up to a MEGA-PLEDGE. Just choose the pledge that best suits your taste and budget and pick and mix the exact force you want!



We have a new pledge to help repel Klagg’s invasion – the Defenders of Kellar’s Fort!

This northern outpost is the first defence against the goblin horde! Can Warden Hazel rally the rag-tag forces of this border town against the invaders?

If you would like to include these 12 personality and town guard figures in your rewards, then simply add £35 to you pledge value. These figures are not included in the MEGA-PLEDGE.

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Stretch Goals:

While the campaign will be short and sweet, there’s always room for some extra goodies! At key milestones, your contributions will unlock both FREE models – to help build your forces – and paid ADD-ONs to your base pledge.


An army marches on its stomach, so come sample the delicacies of head chef Leathery Jackat the Boggart Cook Out. These ten figures sculpted by Andrew May are cast in white metal. They will be FREE to all backers who pledge the CHIEFTAIN level or higher (or a pledge a value of £94)!

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  • FUNDED! Free postcard for ALL backers!
  •  UNLOCKED – the COOKFIRE is FREE to all who back at CHIEFTAIN level or higher!
  •  UNLOCKEDSUP GOODBEER is FREE to all who back at CHIEFTAIN level or higher!
  •  UNLOCKEDHOB LONGHANDLE is FREE to all backers at CHIEFTAIN level or higher!
  •  8K LOCKED – Once unlocked FRIAR PAN is FREE to all backers who back at CHIEFTAIN level or higher!
  •  10K LOCKED -Once unlocked SWEEP McKLEEN is FREE to all backers who back at CHIEFTAIN level or higher!
  •  12K LOCKED -Once unlocked  TIP POTBOTTOM is FREE to all backers who back at CHIEFTAIN level or higher!
  •  14K LOCKED – Once unlocked PETE O’ BOWLS is FREE to all backers who back at CHIEFTAIN level or higher!
  •  16K LOCKED – Once unlocked WAT MERRYMEAT is FREE to all backers who back at CHIEFTAIN level or higher!
  •  18K LOCKED – Once unlocked LEATHERY JACK is FREE to all backers who back at CHIEFTAIN level or higher!
  •  20K LOCKED – Once unlocked CHOPPER TOM is FREE to all backers who back at CHIEFTAIN level or higher!

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There is also a chance to unlock some truly huge resin monsters to bolster your warbands! We have the Crooked Dice Giant at a discount from its retail price – plus new sculpts.

  • UNLOCKEDGIANT ADD ON! Get a fiver off the retail price of the Crooked Dice Giant! Sculpted by John Pickford.  This model stands 182 mm tall. It comes with three different head options, belt accessories and its own base. Multipart resin model. Requires assembly. RRP £60.
  • UNLOCKEDNORDIC TROLLS ADD ON! For £12 you can add these adorable nordic trolls. Sculpted by Iain Colwell and cast in resin. RRP £15.
  • UNLOCKEDCOLOSSAL SLUG ADD ON! This monstrous mollusc measures 180mm in length. Multipart resin model. Requires assembly. Sculpted by Pedro Navarro. Add £40 to include this in your rewards. RRP £45.
  • 9K LOCKEDEARTH ELEMENTAL ADD ON! Summon this massive creation into your rewards by adding £40 to your pledge! Stands 110mm tall. Multipart resin model. Requires assembly. Sculpted by Pedro Navarro. RRP £45.
  • 11K LOCKEDMOUNTED WARLORD ADD ON! Want Warlord Klagg riding his monstrous wolf? Then add £30 to your pledge to help unlock them! Sculpted by John Pickford. 45mm tall and 110mm long. Multipart resin model. Requires assembly. RRP £35.
  • 13K LOCKEDJABBERWOCK ADD ON! Add £35 to your pledge to help unlock this manxome foe!! 175mm tall from base to tip of wings. Multipart resin model. Requires assembly. Sculpted by Andrew May. RRP £40.

As new Add-Ons get unlocked, just add the value of any new miniatures to your pledge.  Or to help drive the funding total higher, you can over-pledge for any – or all – of the Add-Ons right now! Alternatively, simply upgrade to a MEGA-PLEDGE to receive an even bigger discount!

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Pledge Level:

There are SEVEN simple pledges:

  • HORDER – just show your support and run with the horde OR pick and mix between units! See the unit builder calculator below.
  • DEFENDER – Just receive the brave defenders of Kellar’s Fort! 12 white metal personality and Town Guard figures!
  • CHAMPION – ONE SET – choose just ONE Unit!
  •  MEGA PLEDGE – receive ALL FOUR UNITS, ALL ADD-ONs PLUS all FREE STRETCH GOALS. This pledge does not include the Defender’s of Kellar’s Keep.

Simply choose the number of units you want depending on your taste and budget! The four units on offer are:

  •  ORC WARBAND – 9 large white metal Orcs
  •  GOBLIN HORDE – 20 white metal goblins
  •  GOBLIN WOLF RIDERS – 10 white metal cavalry
  •  OGRE TRIBE & TROLLS – 8 resin shocktroops

ORC WARBAND – one unit choice

The Orc Warband is nine large white metal figures designed with Dave Needham and sculpted by John Pickford. This includes: one Warlord, one Standard Bearer, one Musician, one Axebearer, two Spearmen and three Swordsmen. All the troops, except the standard bearer, come with a shield. Some are multipart model and will require assembly.

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GOBLIN HORDE – one unit choice

The Goblin Horde is twenty white metal figures sculpted by John Pickford. The three warrior packs come with separate round and arched shields and will require assembly.

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GOBLIN WOLF RIDERS – one unit choice

The set of ten mounted troops and wolves are sculpted by John Pickford and Jo Brumby. In this set is a Champion with hammer and another with axe. Two swordsmen, two archers, two spearmen and two axemen.

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OGRE TRIBE & TROLLS – one unit choice

This unit of heavy troops includes a tribe of five Ogres sculpted by John Pickford and three Trolls sculpted by Iain Colwell. This set of eight large figures will all be cast in resin. This pledge includes an extra pack of five troll heads to mix between your Ettin and Troll with Axe.

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We have a new pledge to help defend against Klagg’s invasion – the Defenders of Kellar’s Fort!

This northern outpost is the first defence against the goblin horde! Can Warden Hazel rally the rag-tag forces of this border town against the invaders?

If you would like to include these 12 figures in your rewards, then simply add £35 to you pledge value. These figures are not included in the MEGA-PLEDGE.

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For backers who don’t want full units – or want to build bigger warbands by adding single packs – use our unit builder calculator below to work out the value of all your extras.

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Here are some extra pics of our Add-On monsters. Skeleton warrior supplied for scale purposes only – not included. All supplied unpainted.

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Ende: 15. Oktober 2020 22:00 CEST

Stand: 7.400+GBP (Ziel 1.500 GBP)


Link: Time of the Orcs KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Also für mich persönlich sind die Orks jetzt nichts, aber DAS sind endlich Mal schöne Minis, die zurecht sagen dürfen, dass sie ein klassisches Design haben. Wirklich sehr schöner Link zwischen aktueller Technik und klassischen Design.

    Viel zu oft wird der Begriff „klassisch“ als Alias für schlecht modelliert missbraucht.

  • Sehr schön. Schöner Retro Stil mit leichtem Comic Einschlag. Die werd ich mir wohl besorgen.
    Der Riese und die Goblins kommen mir bekannt vor. Gab’s die nicht mal von Otherworld?

    • Jup das sind die alten Otherworld Goblins + Riese! Crooked Dice und OW-Miniatures arbeiten recht eng zusammen bzw. gibt es bei Crooked Dice noch mehr alte Otherworld-Modelle zu kaufen! Das Regelwerk von Otherworld’s Fantasy Skirmisher basiert wiederum auf den 7tv-Regeln, also ein guter Misch-Masch!

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