von BK-Herr Kemper | 02.01.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Pulp

Crooked Dice: 2020 Pläne

Crooked Dice blickt zurück und nach vorn – mit den Plänen für 2020.

Crooked Dice 2020 Ausblick Crooked Dice 2020 Ausblick2 Crooked Dice 2020 Ausblick3 Crooked Dice 2020 Ausblick4 Crooked Dice 2020 Ausblick5 Crooked Dice 2020 Ausblick6 Crooked Dice 2020 Ausblick7 Crooked Dice 2020 Ausblick8 Crooked Dice 2020 Ausblick9

Crooked Dice – 2020 Ausblick

Crooked Dice is ten years old this year. From humble beginnings as a part-time idea run out of a corner of a spare room, it’s now a humble full-time business run out of a garage!

Crooked Dice started when Graeme and I bumped into each other online and it was clear we shared an uncanny number of loves for design, cult TV and wargaming. We were a cracking match and had a great run. Huge thanks to Mr D for everything – although never get him to make you a cup of tea.

Along the way, I have had the delight of working with wonderfully talented, generous and creative people – sculptors, writers, painters, designers, illustrators, casters and printers – each one brilliant in their own right. So thanks to them and to everyone else out there who have supported Crooked over the last decade.

So what does 2020 have in store? Well the usual eclectic mix of monthly miniature releases and at least of couple of Kickstarters.

With the help of an excellent and growing development team, I am trying to expand game releases. Currently in the works are some Pulp campaign packs, a new deck for 7TV: Apocalypse, a new 7TV: The 80s boxed set and a dungeon crawler featuring a new co-op system that we hope to expand into other genres including Colony 87.

The big focus for this year will be 7TV: Fantasy with Edge Hill University as we prepare for it’s release in summer 2021. The team are making great strides and are currently designing profiles for over 200 new profiles from across all fantasy genres.

Plus I have been busy growing a range of fantasy miniatures and lucky enough to acquire some cracking minis from Otherworld and Statuesque as well as commissioning new sculpts. Some of these will find their way into general releases or maybe form part of a new kickstarter to get you all ready for the release of the 7TV: Fantasy boxed set. Here’s a small preview of what’s in store…

So stay tuned and have a great year!

Quelle: Crooked Dice auf Facebook


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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