von BK-Bob | 16.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Creature Caster: Canuckmera Creation Campaign

Creature Caster bieten ein neues Modell zur Vorbestellung an.

Creature Caster Canuckmera 1 Creature Caster Canuckmera 2 Creature Caster Canuckmera 3

Canuckmera – 54,00€

By purchasing this product you are purchasing a preorder for a product that has not yet been sculpted. Any products ordered with this preorder will not ship until the preorder is available to ship (October 12th 2020). This Creation Campaign will be available until Canada Day, July 1st 2020!

Hi Everyone! Welcome to Creature Caster’s first ever Creation Campaign. If you are familiar with crowd funding, this is the Creature Caster home-brew version!

The Canuckmera is a model we have wanted to do for a long time, but just weren’t sure whether it would resonate with the global community. So far response to our concept art suggests that we have seriously underestimated the popularity of such an awesome character. Now is the time to find out for sure! Our Creation Campaign will let us know if this will be a one time limited run, part of a bigger range of chimera, or possibly a regular part of our catalog of models.

Stage 1: If at least one person purchases a preorder we will sculpt and produce the Canuckmera. Anyone who has purchased a preorder will get to see the sculpt, mastering, and production in progress with an exclusive newsletter. This will be a behind the scenes look as we take a model from concept to the final sculpt.

Stage 2: If we get 150 preorders then not only will we do a limited run of the Canuckmera, but we will also commit to doing a second chimera figure in 2021. Anyone who has purchased a preorder will be invited to help us design the next chimera figure. Our Creation Campaign supports will help choose which innocent creatures will be mashed together in the Creature Caster laboratory!

Stage 3: If we get 300 preorders then the Canuckmera will become a part of our regular catalog, and everyone who has purchased a Canuckmera preorder will receive a free flying beaver model as our thanks to you for helping us bring this fearsome beast to the entire world. The flying beaver, will be exclusive to the supporters of the Creation Campaign, and will not be available in the store.

We will provide regular updates to our preorder numbers on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages so follow us there:




The Canuckmera is hand-cast in pure, unfilled resin. He comes with both a 50mm and 60mm custom round bases and will have an approximate height of 11.5 cm from the bottom of his base to the top of his horns. Model is unassembled and unpainted. Intended for ages 14+.

Laut dem letzten Update gibt es schon 99 Vorbestellungen.

Quelle: Creature Caster


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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