von BK-Herr Kemper | 24.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Corvus Games Terrain: Neuheiten


Neuheiten von Corvus Games Terrain – u.A. das Pilgrim City House ‚F‘ – ein kleiner Gebäude-Komplex der als STL Datei angeboten wird.

CorvusGamesTerrain3DprintablePilgrimCitybuildingforStarWarsLegion X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3DprintablePilgrimCitybuildingforStarWarsLegion Infinity 28mm 34mm X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3DprintablePilgrimCitybuildingforStarWarsLegion Infinity X1400

Pilgrim City House ‚F‘ Outpost Digital STL-Datei – 10,00 EUR

The building is designed as part of our Pilgrim City range, and fits with the existing Pilgrim City Bundle, Pilgrim City Commerce Guild and the Pilgrim City Junk Dealers Corral to form a huge piece of gaming terrain ideal for creating the ancient streets of the holy city.

The sculpt is scaled to be compatible with Star Wars Legion and comes as two main buildings that can be arranged in multiple ways to create an impressive piece of area terrain for your table. Each roof and upper floor is removable allowing access to the interiors, and the doors print separately allowing you to lift them out for access.
The bundle also comes with a massive tower structure that adds to the thematic feel and is great for blocking line-of-sight and provides a platform for long-range fire.

Four different steps variants are included, as well extra roof designs for each building featuring removable hatches. The lower part of the main building comes with an option for printing it as a garage type structure as well.


Building A Lower – 152mm x 186mm x 63mm
Building A Upper – 146mm x 187mm x 60mm
Building A Roof – 101mm x 86mm x 8mm
Steps – 50mm x 110mm x 59mm
Building B Lower – 139mm x 141mm x 63mm
Building B Upper – 130mm x 137mm x 92mm
Building B Roof – 61mm x 102mm x 27mm
Tower Lower – 113mm x 97mm x 141mm
Tower Upper – 117mm x 117mm x 57mm
Tower Top – 100mm x 100mm x 68mm
Tower Roof – 125mm x 125mm x 65mm


CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintablemiddleeasternurbanhousefor28mmmodernurbanwargamingSpectreOperations TheWalkingDead Fallout 87954185 B006 476e 864a 0fb16298110b X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintablemiddleeasternurbanhousefor28mmmodernurbanwargamingSpectreOperations TheWalkingDead Fallout28mmurbanmodernwarfare Efd1e6d6 7d72 4f53 97e6 Cd6e6169c4a7 X1400

Modern Warfare Middle Eastern Building‘ Type A‘ Digital STL – 4,00 EUR

A 3D printable 28mm scaled middle eastern style house for modern urban combat. Prints as three main pieces to build a double height building with access to the upper floor via an external stairs that prints separately, and also comes with an optional internal room layout to slot in.

Each floor comes with two versions to print, with and without floors depending on if you want to use the internal play space.

The building can be built as either a single or double height house. Mirror the components in your slicer and get double the amount of variety! Options to print a version with doors in place is also included.


Lower – 152mm x 123mm x 58mm
Upper – 152mm x 135mm x 58mm
Roof – 152mm x 125mm x 22mm
Stairs – 30mm x 79mm x 55mm

CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintablemiddleeasternapartmentblockfor28mmurbanwargamingSpectreOperations X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintablemiddleeasternapartmentblockfor28mmmodernurbanwargamingSpectreOperations TheWalkingDead Fallout 28mmmiddleeasterninternalfloorlayout X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintablemiddleeasternapartmentblockfor28mmmodernurbanwargamingSpectreOperations TheWalkingDead Fallout 28mmmiddleeasterninternalfloorlayoutwithstairwell X1400

Modern Warfare Stackable Apartment Building Digital STL – 5,00 EUR

A 3D printable 28mm scaled Apartment Building for modern urban combat. Featuring four separate stackable floor designs with removable roof. Comes with a stairwell that prints separately, as well as an optional internal room layout to slot in.
Each floor comes with two versions to print, with and without a stairwell cutout.


Floor – 198mm x 137mm x 58mm
Roof – 198mm x 140mm x 5mm
Stairwell – 50mm x 73mm x 53mm
Room Insert – 186mm x 77mm x 53mm

Corvus Games Terrain 3D Printable Mystical House For Urban Games Like Fallout The Walking Dead This Is Not A Test Marvel Crisis Protocol Last Days Doctor Strange Bleecker Street X1400 Corvus Games Terrain 3D Printable Mystical House For Urban Games Like Fallout The Walking Dead This Is Not A Test Marvel Crisis Protocol Last Days Doctor Strange Bleecker X1400 Corvus Games Terrain 3D Printable Mystical House For Urban Games Like Fallout The Walking Dead This Is Not A Test Marvel Crisis Protocol Last Days 28mm Modern Urban X1400

Urban Mystical House Digital STL – 4,50 EUR

In the middle of an ordinary city street sits an extraordinary house. Hiding in plain sight is the mystical home of a powerful magic user. This arcane sanctum is warded by an esoteric rooftop sigil, and along with the ancient magical seal set into an ornate window, keeps the world below protected from darkness.

A 3D printable Mystical House to add thematic interest to your urban gaming table. Ideal as a setting for massive superhero brawls and inter-dimensional skirmishes.
Prints as 4 main parts, with a separate thematic inset window. The upper floor also comes as an alternate sculpt without the circular inset motif, to allow you to add extra height to the overall building.
A perfect companion to the Bleecker Street Bundle.
Assembled size at 28mm scale: 166mm x 137mm x 207mm


Lower – 165mm x 136mm x 63mm
Upper – 165mm x 127mm x 70mm
Lower Roof – 164mm x 123mm x 45mm
Roof – 166mm x 111mm x 39mm

Scale to approx 120% – 126% depending on print bed size to be compatible with Marvel Crisis Protocol.

No supports needed. Rendered miniature model shown for scale is 28mm to the eyes.

… weitere Neuheiten – u.A. moderne Fahrzeuge finden sich auf der Seite des Herstellers – derzeit gibt es einen 15% Nachlass: „Get 15% Off all Digital STL Files

Grab a bargain to help during isolation with a discount code. Use DONTGETCABINFEVER2020 at checkout“

Link: Corvus Games Terrain

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Das Modern Warfare Stackable Apartment Building hab ich schon länger hier stehen, also ein paar mal gedruckt.

    Das ist nicht neu. Na egal für den Preis gar nicht schlecht gemacht und lässt sich auch gut für 15mm runter scalieren.

    Bin auch der meinung die anderen Sachen wären schon länger im Shop hm

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