von BK-Herr Kemper | 18.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Moderne

Corvus Games Terrain: Neuheiten

Corvus Games Terrain veröffentlicht Neuheiten.

Corvus Games Terrain  Urban Dez2 Kopie

Corvus Games Terrain – Urban English Pub Digital STL 3D printable – 8,50 USD

This 28mm scale brick-fronted 3D printable English Pub Buildingis great for games like Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse, Fallout, The Walking Dead, This Is Not A Test, and other 28mm survival games. Modelled on a real-life former drinking establishment, this is the perfect place to “have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.“

Supplied as a multi-part print with the option for blocked/empty window frames and drop-in floors for internal play. Also comes with a few themed scatter pieces to finish off the pub look.
The lower roof sections are split for easier printing and clip together using OpenLOCK clips. The front and main portion of the lower building clip together also.

Corvus Games Terrain  Urban Dez3 Kopie

Corvus Games Terrain – Urban English Terraced House Digital STL 3D printable –  5,00 USD

A terrace or terraced house (UK) or townhouse (US) is a form of medium-density housing that originated in Europe in the 16th century, whereby a row of attached dwellings share side walls. They are also known as row houses or row homes in the United States.
Two-up two-down is a type of small house with two rooms on the ground floor and two bedrooms upstairs. Often it is part of a terrace. This form of architecture was widely used in industrial towns in the British Isles.

This 28mm scale brick-fronted 3D printable Terraced Housecomes as three main pieces. Great for games like Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse, Fallout, The Walking Dead, This Is Not A Test, and other 28mm survival games. Scale between 115% and 126% to be compatible with Marvel Crisis Protocol, depending on personal preference.

The upper floor and the roof are removable to allow access to the interior. Optional printable drop-in floors are included for interior play. Simply mirror the parts in your slicer to create the opposite house in the terrace/row.


Corvus Games Terrain  Urban Dez4 Kopie

Corvus Games Terrain – Urban Farm Barn Suburbia Digital STL 3D printable – 6,00 USD

This 3D printable 28mm scale timber-sided farmyard barn is great for games like Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse, Fallout, The Walking Dead, This Is Not A Test, and other 28mm survival games.

Supplied as a multi-part print with optional drop-in internal floor for the upper piece to allow your models to use the interior space and access the upper doorways.
The roof also lifts off to allow access to the upper part of the building. A separate printable ladder is also included.

Corvus Games Terrain  Urban Dez1 Kopie

Corvus Games Terrain – Urban Arcade Building Digital STL 3D printable  – STL – 6.00 USD

This 3D printable 28mm scale Arcade Building is compatible with games like Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse, Fallout, The Walking Dead, This Is Not A Test, and other 28mm survival games.

Supplied as a multi-part printable file with optional drop-in internal floors for the lower and upper storeys to allow your models to use the interior space. The roof also lifts off to allow access to the upper part of the building. Comes with a number of printable arcade gaming machines to populate your lower floor. Both floors also come as a windowless version for those who like to use the windows for line-of-sight.

Link: Corvus Games Terrain

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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