von BK-Herr Kemper | 16.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Terrain / Gelände

Corvus Games Terrain: Neuheiten

Corvus Games Terrain hat neue STL-Dateien im Programm.

CorvusGamesTerrain3DprintableapartmentbuildingforStarWarsLegion Infinity Warpath MarvelCrisisProtocolapartmentblockwithstairwell X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3DprintableapartmentbuildingforStarWarsLegion Infinity Warpath MarvelCrisisProtocolapartmentblockwithstackablestairwellandbalcony X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3DprintableapartmentbuildingforStarWarsLegion Infinity Warpath MarvelCrisisProtocolapartmentblockwithstackablestairwell X1400

MidRim City Small Apartments Digital STL 3D Printable – 4,00 EUR

This 3D printable MidRim Small Apartment building is perfect for your sci-fi wargaming tables. Scaled for 28mm – 34mm games to be compatible with Star Wars Legion, Necromunda, Infinity, Warpath and Marvel Crisis Protocol.

Great for creating an Imperial based urban or a wealthier overhive setting, or even part of a setting for a cosmic heroic battle. Build a single storey or multiple floored dwelling with the modular sections. Featuring a removable door and roof, with optional internal flooring. Ideal companion to the other MidRim City buildings in the range such as the Medium House D and the Small House A

The stairwell section prints separately to the main building and is also stackable. Features landings and balconies to position your troops on.


Lower – 92mm x 152mm x 73mm
Upper – 92mm x 152mm x 73mm
Roof – 92mm x 152mm x 23mm
Stairwell Lower – 113mm x 83mm x 73mm
Stairwell Upper – 136mm x 126mm x 73mm

CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankbundle X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankbundle2 X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankIntrepid X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankDauntless X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankGoliathMK2 X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankIndomitable X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankValiantMK1 X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankValiantMK2 X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankStalwart X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankValiantMK3 X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3Dprintable15mmscalefuturisticscifitankGoliathMK1 X1400

Protectorate Tracked Vehicles 15mm Digital STL 3D printable – 8,00 EUR

A collection of 15mm scale tracked vehicles compatible with sci-fi tabletop wargames. Nine futuristic 3D printable vehicles including battle tanks, assault guns, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns. Suitable for scaling to 28mm if needed.

The set includes:

Valiant Class Battle Tank Mk1
Valiant Class Battle Tank Mk2
Valiant Class Battle Tank Mk3
Goliath Class Battle Tank Mk1
Goliath Class Battle Tank Mk2
Indomitable Class Assault Gun
Stalwart Class Destroyer
Intrepid Class Destroyer
Dauntless Class Self=Propelled Gun

The Valiant Class includes separate turrets which are interchangeable with the hulls.

Average vehicle size: 51mm x 90mm x 31mm, so suitable for smaller sized beds and resin based printers.

Recommended printing resolution: 0.1mm minimum. Supports will be needed.

CorvusGamesTerrain3DprintableMedicalCenterfor28mmurbanwargaming X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3DprintableMedicalCenterfor28mmto40mmmodernurbanwargameslikeSpectreOperation MarvelCrisisProtocol X1400 CorvusGamesTerrain3DprintableMedicalCenterfor28mmmodernurbanwargameslikeSpectreOperation MarvelCrisisProtocol X1400

Urban Medical Center Digital STL 3D printable – 4,00 EUR

The Rhodes Medical Center provides quality primary care to the residents of Monroeville City and the surrounding areas. It is served by the Route 85 bus on Rickles Street and also by the Sherman Avenue Metro Station.

This 3D printable Medical Center model is scaled for 28mm and comes as 4 main pieces, with the upper sections stackable to make very tall structures. Perfect for urban settings like Fallout, Last Days, The Walking Dead All Out War, and compatible with Marvel Crisis Protocol.

The optional front canopy (which prints separately) can be attached using OpenLOCK clips to help keep it in place during gameplay. The support pillars also clip into the underside of the canopy. The EMS Ambulance is a great addition to the Medical Center.
Also comes with the option to print either a floored or non-floored version of each storey. The roof has 3 different options.

Scale to 126% to be compatible with Marvel Crisis Protcol.


Lower – 154mm x 143mm x 59mm
Upper – 154mm x 142mm x 59mm
Roof – 154mm x 110mm x 22mm
Canopy – 105mm x 100mm x 12mm

Link: Corvus Games Terrain

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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