von BK-Herr Kemper | 22.05.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Terrain / Gelände

Corvus Games Terrain: Modular Sets Preview

Corvus Games Terrain kündigt neue modulare Sets für SF Spiele an.

Corvus Games Terrain Modular Sets Preview

Corvus Games Terrain – Modular Sets Preview – STL

How’s everyone doing?

Hey guys, hope you’re all keeping safe and well during these crazy times. With any luck you’re getting plenty of hobbying done and maybe even exploring new game systems and miniatures.

I’ve got some new shiny things in treat for you this month and next.

Have a look for yourself!

Introducing the Derelict Warp Runner

A brand-new collection of modular printable wall and floor tiles perfect for games like Space Hulk.

Since the release of the original Warhammer Modular Corridorset of OpenLOCK compatible pieces and the Chemworks, I’ve been constantly asked when I was going to create an expansion or update to either set.

Between creating pieces Legion and Crisis Protocol I’ve had plenty to keep me going, but thought I needed a side project to work on to keep things interesting. What better than some new OpenLOCK compatible pieces?

So here’s the Derelict Warp Runner, a Space Hulk inspired set of over 60 pieces designed to create scifi starship interiors.

The walls are double-sided with a different design on each side, allowing a lot more variation in layout than just blank external designs.

The set also includes a lower version of each wall for easier access to models for RPG players and also for faster printing.

A total of 12 square 50mm floor designs will be included, along with 3 increasingly-ruined versions of each floor tile.

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When and where can you get these?

The Derelict Warp Runner set is due to be released on the Corvus Games Terrain website on Friday 22nd May.

A new massive bundle of modular sci-fi terrain will be heading to Kickstarter in the coming weeks. These will be perfect for games like Deadzone, where each cube measures 3″ square, but will work brilliantly for Kill Team, Necromunda, Star Wars Legion and even regular 40k.

Currently there are over 80 walls, and 20 roof pieces finished with more to come.

A small adaptor piece will fit these smaller walls to make them compatible with the 2×1 walls from WarLayer 4.0 too.

More news on this next month!

Corvus Games Terrain Modular Sets Preview5 Corvus Games Terrain Modular Sets Preview6

Link: Corvus Games Terrain

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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