von BK-Herr Kemper | 07.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: Conquest

Conquest: Neue Startersets

Vier neue Startersets für Conquest sind vorbestellbar.

Start Playing Dweghom Holiday Bonus Start Playing Dweghom Holiday Bonus 1 Start Playing Dweghom Holiday Bonus 2 Start Playing Dweghom Holiday Bonus 3 Start Playing Dweghom Holiday Bonus 4 Start Playing Dweghom Holiday Bonus 5 Start Playing Dweghom Holiday Bonus 6 Start Playing Dweghom Holiday Bonus 7

Dweghom: Start Playing – Holiday Bonus! – 115,00 EUR

Everything you need to start your Conquest experience with the Dweghom in one box!

While the clamor of war spreads, the wisest among those living fear the rising of the Dweghom, the oldest disciples of War. The last time the entirety of their Hosts marched to battle, the eternal reign of Dragons came to an end in a conflict so violent, the land itself withdrew. Now, as the clamor of battle from above echoes in the tunnels of their Holds, they feel the pulse quicken in their veins. Their hearts are eager to beat in tune with the drums of War, their bodies eager to join the fray… and the doors of Holds open once more.

Box Contents

  • 24 Hold Warriors / Hold Ballistae
  • 12 Dragonslayers / Hold Thanes
  • 1 Hold Raegh
  • 37 Infantry Bases
  • 10 Infantry Stands
  • 7 Command Cards
  • 12 Oakie Doakie Dice
  • 6 Warcolours Paints
  • 1 DaVinci Artist Brushes Paint Brush, Size 0

Start Playing The Hundred Kingdoms Holiday Bonus Start Playing The Hundred Kingdoms Holiday Bonus 1 Start Playing The Hundred Kingdoms Holiday Bonus 2 Start Playing The Hundred Kingdoms Holiday Bonus 3 Start Playing The Hundred Kingdoms Holiday Bonus 4 Start Playing The Hundred Kingdoms Holiday Bonus 5 Start Playing The Hundred Kingdoms Holiday Bonus 6

The Hundred Kingdoms: Start Playing – Holiday Bonus! – 115,00 EUR

Everything you need to start your Conquest experience with the Hundred Kingdoms in one box!

With the Hollow Throne empty, the Hundred Kingdoms remain embroiled in internecine warfare, as the Nobility covets the remnants of the Empire, while the Church grinds its teeth at the weakened Orders. As threats rise in every corner of the Kingdoms, the memory of a once united Empire stirs shyly, more shyly than the forces who would oppose it. The time for humanity to once more prove its resilience may be at hand and it will do so with steel in hand.

Box Contents

  • 24 Militia / Militia Bowmen
  • 3 Household Knights
  • 1 Noble Lord
  • 25 Infantry Bases
  • 3 Cavalry Bases
  • 7 Infantry Stands
  • 3 Cavalry Stands
  • 6 Command Cards
  • 12 Oakie Doakie Dice
  • 6 Warcolours Paints
  • 1 DaVinci Artist Brushes Paint Brush, Size 0

Start Playing The Spires Holiday Bonus Start Playing The Spires Holiday Bonus 1 Start Playing The Spires Holiday Bonus 2 Start Playing The Spires Holiday Bonus 3 Start Playing The Spires Holiday Bonus 4 Start Playing The Spires Holiday Bonus 5 Start Playing The Spires Holiday Bonus 6

The Spires: Start Playing – Holiday Bonus! – 115,00 EUR

Everything you need to start your Conquest experience with the Spires in one box!

With mankind far from the glory and might of its Old Dominion, the enigmatic Spires exert their power for the first time in eons. Shedding millennia of custom and practice, the merchant princes seek the wealth of the lesser races, in an effort to break the stranglehold of power the Directorate and the Sovereign House exert. As the ruthless games of these elders spill into the mortal realm, misery and warfare spread like a disease from their domains, following the vicious creations spawned in the bowels of the Spires.

Box Contents

  • 24 Vanguard Clones / Vanguard Clone Infiltrators
  • 3 Brute Drones
  • 1 High Clone Executor
  • 25 Infantry Bases
  • 3 Cavalry Bases
  • 7 Infantry Stands
  • 3 Cavalry Stands
  • 6 Command Cards
  • 12 Oakie Doakie Dice
  • 6 Warcolours Paints
  • 1 DaVinci Artist Brushes Paint Brush, Size 0

Start Playing Nords Holiday Bonus Start Playing Nords Holiday Bonus 1 Start Playing Nords Holiday Bonus 2 Start Playing Nords Holiday Bonus 3 Start Playing Nords Holiday Bonus 4 Start Playing Nords Holiday Bonus 5

Nords: Start Playing – Holiday Bonus! – 115,00 EUR

Everything you need to start your Conquest experience with the Nords in one box!

Far to the north, lies Manheim, a frozen home of monsters, giants and warriors. It is the home of the Nords. Their gods may be dead, their heroes may be gone but their strength of mind and body has never waned.  With their hatred and numbers renewed, they keep their vengeful eyes turned to the soft lands of the south, bent on revenge on the children of Surtr who stole their destiny and their gods, and ready to fight any who stand in their way.

Box Contents

  • 24 Raiders
  • 3 Ugr
  • 1 Jarl
  • 25 Infantry Bases
  • 3 Cavalry Bases
  • 7 Infantry Stands
  • 3 Cavalry Stands
  • 4 Command Cards
  • 12 Oakie Doakie Dice
  • 6 Warcolours Paints
  • 1 DaVinci Artist Brushes Paint Brush, Size 0

Link: Para-Bellum

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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    Grundlegend definitiv was, was man sich mal anschauen kann. Die Regelvideos fand ich spannend, der Anspruch, die Modelle dann peu a peu aufs Feld zu bringen ist schön umgesetzt und das Spiel bildet verschiedene Phasen einer Schlacht dadurch schön ab.

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