von BK-Herr Kemper | 06.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy

Cobramode: November Neuheiten

Cobramode zeigt Previews der Modelle für November.

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Cobramode – November Neuheiten

Now for this month’s Lore!

Boondaburra is a large Island Nation, across the sea that is South of the Mikata Wetlands. Being that nearly everything that lives there is venomous or poisonous, Boondaburra’s main trade is in poisons and their antidotes, as well as medicines of all types.

Esmar, Boondaburra Diplomat – Brilliant, confident, verbose, and definitely sneaky, Esmar is one of the most skilled diplomats from the Island Nation of Boondaburra. It’s no accident that she was sent to Jebel Irhoud, the largest and most prosperous trading hub in the world, and also a place famed for its complicated and sometimes deadly politics. Don’t let her small stature and adorably fussy appearance deceive you; Boondaburra are masters of using poisons and medicines in creative ways. Even so, she is rarely seen without her two large bodyguards, Ishu and Goru.

Ishu & Goru, Boondaburra Bodyguards – Ishu and Goru are twins that may look intimidating, but at heart they are musicians; hence the drums on the ends of their clubs.

Haneboshi, Hanzaki Gunner – Haneboshi is a stalwart infantrywoman with a long rifle. Her specialty is sharp shooting, so her favorite position is at a distance and behind a shield. She earned the nickname “Silver Needle” after shooting through the chaos of a battle to strike an armored enemy General in the eye. She is usually teamed up with her partner, Hikiyama.

Hikiyama, Hikiga Gunner – Hikiyama is a gunner with two hand-cannons. Nicknamed “Dragon Fire”, for the unique designs of her pistols, she uses her superior agility to get close (but not too close) to her targets. With a shorter range but more devastating damage, she’s a perfect complement to her partner, Haneboshi, who uses a long rifle.

Ein Monat kostet 10,00 USD + VAT.

Link: Cobramode Patreon

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Die Schnabeltier Bodyguards sind Mal der Hammer 😄
    Jetzt müsste ich die Dinger nur noch drucken können…irgendwas ist ja immer

  • Verdammt schicke Minis, die Schnabeltiere sind genial und der Ryujin sieht auch richtig gut aus. Wenn ich jetzt nur noch Platz für nen 3D-Drucker hätte…

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