von BK-Bob | 31.01.2020 | eingestellt unter: Carnevale, Terrain / Gelände

Carnevale: Neue Previews

TTCombat präsentieren zwei neue Banden für Carnevale und passendes Gelände.

We’ve got brand new Carnevale kits coming your way this week, and some new scenery with it too!

Over the last year we’ve released loads of Carnevale boxes and blisters, and we’re not slowing down in 2020. We’ve already seen some previews in our advent calendar, but now it’s time for our first release of the year. So get your flippers on, do up your lightning-proof overalls, and pick up your finest rapier for some new releases coming your way on Friday!

Carnevale Noble Revellers

First off we have a new box for the Patricians. The Noble Revellers boxed set has five new characters, with 2 brand new miniatures for you Kickstarter backers.

The set contains at its centre a Fencing Master. This Hero choice is an excellent swordsman (as you might expect), and is also great at instructing his fellow gang members.

Armed with a sabre and a magical shrunken head, there’s also an alternate pose for the Adventuring Noble. Fast, excellent at hunting monsters, and complete with a little magic, he really is a multi-talented Hero!

Dressed in his finest clothing (quite literally – he probably doesn’t own much else), the Barnabotti here has a feather boa and a choice of pistol or sword.

Finally, skulking at the back are two Cat Burglars. These fast characters are excellent at running, jumping, and climbing. And of course sneaking and stealing! With Pickpocket you’ll be able to steal Will Points and Objectives from your opponents!

Carnevale La Grazla Researchers

Next we have a new set for the Doctors. Allow me to introduce the La Grazia Researchers. This band of crazies are maybe even madder than most of the Ospedale San Servolo!

At the front we have two Alchemist Doctors. Rather than studying the mystical effects of the Rent and how magic interacts with the fragile mind, they’ve decided to see how good magic is at blowing stuff up. Armed with loads of grenades and a blatant disregard for health and safety, they’re a great answer to the Doctors need for damage dealers.

At the back there are two Carrion. I’ve been saying how good Carrion are for a while, so indulge me a little more. Move 6, Dex 5, and Acrobatic 3 (thanks to their flexible limbs and Implanted Tools that are excellent at climbing) give them a unique position in the Doctors gang: they’re fast! With Infiltration and Pickpocket (not to mention Nexus) and you have some great characters for taking Objectives. Of course with Mindless you’ll have to take those Objectives back to a Doctor, but there you go.

Our final character is a brand new one. In the centre is the Electron Cannoneer. This aspiring doctor has volunteered to test this dangerous machine, and when you see what it can do, you’ll see that “volunteer” may not be the right word! Firing arching lightning it can chain shots through characters, although the more you hit, the more likely it is to arc right back and explode the cannoneer!

We of course will have a couple of extra characters coming your way on Friday too, but we don’t want to spoil the surprises yet!

Streets of Venice

What we will spoil though is some new Streets of Venice scenery kits. That’s right, not only are you getting new Carnevale kits, but another round of modular buildings for your board too.

TTCombat Streets Of Venice 1

We’ve got five new kits coming your way on Friday, and here are just three!

TTCombat Streets Of Venice 2

The Modular Villetta Uliva is out on Friday, giving you a brand new design on the smallest building available in the range. With a double slanted roof and extra brick columns, it’s great for extending your collection. Link it together with some more buildings to make levels to climb up.

TTCombat Streets Of Venice 3

The Villetta Nicolosa is a three-storey kit with a little archway at the bottom! It’s a three-sided building, which gives you a few angles from which to build your collection of houses. It works great for forcing players to choose between down near the canals, or high up in the air – both good options for the Nicolosa!

TTCombat Streets Of Venice 4

Our final preview today is the Venetian Small Walls set. Now, this might not seem like much, but we’ve just given a taster of what can be done with these in the group shot above. This kit is a game changer! It contains a bunch of solid walls and a couple of archways.

All the walls are one storey high and flat on top, big enough for a base to fit on. So now you can block off areas of your board, and create access to a slightly raised level of fighting. They seem like a simple thing, but the boards you can make with these walls will make your games of Carnevale so much more dynamic!

We’ll be back on Friday with the full range of new releases, so stop by then!

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Das „new set for the Doctors“ ist nett ausgedrückt,eine Katastrophe was Proportionen angeht… die 10cm langen Zehen, die abgeknickte Hand uvm.

    Schade,… dabei sehen sie im Grunde echt gut aus.

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