von bkredaktion | 04.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Carnevale

Carnevale: Neue Preview

Die Truppen des Vatikans stellen sich mit Verstärkung den unheiligen Mächten bei Carnivale.

The Vatican Want To Tease

TTCombat The Vatican Want To Tease 1

Believe me, you don’t really want to be teased by a guy with a hammer and nails…


It’s Carnevale week this week, and it’s a Vatican special week.

We have a new boxed set for the holy crusaders: the Holy Crusaders box!

TTCombat The Vatican Want To Tease 2

Coming to your pre-orders this Friday are five new Vatican miniatures! Oh and only one of them was previously available in the Kickstarter; the rest are brand new!

The Prelate of the Flaming Sword (top right) is joined by a friend (bottom right). They have flaming swords, what more do you need to know? They’re tough and excellent fighters, and provide some real offensive clout to your gang.

We’ve actually seen a couple of teases of the Crucifier (top left) previously, and now he’s ready to join the ranks of the Vatican in Carnevale.

He’s not alone though! There’s a new pose for the Cross-bearing Deacon (bottom left), in case your Vatican gang doesn’t have quite enough Will Points already.

Finally there’s a brand new character class we haven’t shown before! Right in the front and centre is the Stigmatist. This guy has completely given himself to his Lord, and in turn has been blessed with lesions and bleeding hands. What a treat! With a crown of nails, the Stigmatist really likes pain. He’s a bit weird. But he provides your gang with some great blood magic!

TTCombat The Vatican Want To Tease 3

Not only that, but this week we’re also releasing an alternate Scorpio Marksman. We loved the first sculpt (and you did too), so we thought we’d do another!

This time the Altar Boy helping him out is acting as his crossbow stand, ready to shoot a deadly bolt to push your enemies off of the roof tops!


These new Vatican offerings (plus one extra treat) will be available on the TTCombat webstore this Friday! If lockdowns and elections are getting you down, what better than to dive into a world of magic and fish monsters and fancy costumes and people randomly bleeding from their hands? Check out Carnevale today!

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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