von BK-Bob | 28.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Call for Help: Kickstarter läuft [NSFW]

Thorbjørn Barone ist mit einer neuen Figur auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

Call for Help – Cast + STL-files

120 mm Scale Miniature

Call For Help 1

„Call for Help“  – Usually portrayed dramatically in literature and film, but in reality a call for help is often quiet and sadly unheard. Subsequent to a suicide in the local hobby community, i began reflecting on how these tragedies often go unnoticed. Not long after this event i began painting the concept art and consequently sculpting the model.

Call For Help 2

 – People may find themselves balancing between going on and letting go. Reaching beyond her confines, out of limbo and  into your reality. A final call for help. Will you take her hand or turn a blind eye? This existential dilemma is the main subject of Call for Help“.

About me

My name is Thorbjørn Barone and i am a 3D miniature sculpter located in Copenhagen, Denmark. I work primarily in Zbrush and i like to study and portray the beauty of the female figure. I’ve been in the hobby for several years but i switched to digital sculpting last year.

Call For Help 3

Availability and General Information

For the miniature to be available for as many as possible, it will be released as both an STL-file for 3D printing, and as a physical copy cast in resin. These copies may be shipped worldwide. The limits of the different rewards may be altered if i notice one of the rewards are running low. I would like to limit the amount of copies of around 150, so i will try to allocate these copies to where the demand is. This 150 copy limit is so i can ensure i can deliver in a timely fashion.  The physical cast of Call for Help will be 100 mm from top to bottom of the oval, 74.76 mm wide and approximately 22.48 mm tall. This equates to a scale of roughly 120 mm.

Call For Help 4

Additional information

Production Plan

The model will be available as an STL-file in start september. Master print will be done start september by Mario Ferreira owner of Bold Miniatures utilizing a Form3 3D printer. Model will be cast in two pieces in resin by Ciprian Negut, one of the best casters in the world, mid-november 2020. Casts are estimated to be shipped december 2020 / january 2021. Boxart will be done by Arnau Lazaro, extremely talented miniature painter.


As soon as the models have been packed, I will send them your way. Beware, however, that what normally took five days to arrive might even take five weeks during these crazy times, due to the novel corona virus. If for some reason a package is lost I will sent another to you – but – I will ask you for patience as it sometimes takes a long time for postal items to arrive.


The models will be packed in a very sturdy cardboard box, ensuring they are safe in postage. They are sent in padded/bubble wrap envelopes or cardboard boxes with paper filler. Of course, something could happen during shipment, but it is hard to imagine. Nordlys Miniatures packs Daphne and I will pack Call for Help.

Call For Help 7


If you for some reason are unsatisfied, I accept returns (you cover shipping on your end) and you will be refunded the price of the miniature(s) but not cost of shipping, fees and handling.

Digital copies

Digital copies are sent as STL-files. The 3D files are not pre-supported. The STL-files will be sent off right after the kickstarter ends, 13th of sep. 2020.

Dialogue and problemsolving

This kickstarter is made by me, Thorbjørn Barone, in friendly cooperation with Jakob from Nordlys Miniatures. We are reasonable hobby people who want you to have fun printing, building and/or painting. If you have suggestions, comments or (we certainly hope not) complaints, you should write and I will try to accommodate your needs. Thank you very much! Your support is greatly appreciated and ensures I can make models in the future.

Call For Help 8

Stretch Goal:

Call For Help 5 Call For Help 6

Freebie – Burning of the Witch

Due to reaching the first stretch goal of €5000, the burning of the witch sculpt will also be available for free, for all backers as an STL-file. For backers who are unable to print the model themselves, it will be possible to buy a physical resin 3D printed copy, for €18. To order the model, manually increase your pledge in the pledge manager by 18€, and send a message to me, noting you would like the model. Note, that you will need to have chosen a reward with shipping to have the physical copy delivered, unless you add another €12 for shipping.

Die Kosten für Call for Help liegen bei der STL-Datei bei 5,00€ und für einen Cast bei 28,00€.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 16 Tage.

Quelle: Call for Help Miniature


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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    • Ja, war auch mein erster Gedanke… passt gut…

      Allerdings hatte die gute Kylie damals mehr an… 😉

      Sehr schönes Teil, leider hätte ich keine Idee zur Verwendung; aber der Modeller war wohl etwas älter und hat schon mal Brüste „in echt“ gesehen, nicht nur auf Youporn und Konsorten… die sehen endlich mal gut aus… keine Megaeuter, für die die Gesetze der Physik nicht gelten…

  • Ein Thema dem man mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken sollte und das kann auch ruhig durch Minis passieren aber warum muss die Mini dafür nackt sein? Sex sells? Hierdurch macht er für mich die Idee mit dem „Call for Help“ wieder kaputt.

  • Gefällt mir sehr gut. Kann man schön Haut malen üben. Auch die Körperform finde ich sehr ästhetisch.
    Wenn ich ne nackte Frau bemalen wollte, würde ich das kaufen.
    Nur der Titel macht gar keinen Sinn für mich, der ist im Grunde auch bedeutungslos.

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