von BK-Bob | 13.01.2020 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Brush for the Bush Fundraiser

Die australische Maler Community sammeln zurzeit Geld für die Opfer der aktuellen Buschfeuer in Australien.

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser

About Our Auction

Our goal is to raise much needed funds for those impacted by Australia’s current bushfire crisis.

Brushes For The Bush brings together a group of hobby miniature painters and artists generously donating their time and materials to raise money for this worthy cause.

All funds raised after of payment platform fees will be donated to the Australian Red Cross Disaster Recovery and Relief fund.


About Brushes for The Bush

An informal collective of hobby miniature painters and artists, focused around the OzPainters facebook group, coming together to raise much needed funds for those affected by Australia’s current bushfire tragedy.

Und hierauf kann man bieten:

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 1

BrokenToad Miniature MkIII Brush Set

About the item
This brush set contains four handmade Kolinsky Sable paint brushes, sizes 2,1,0 & 3/0, one of each of the sizes available in the BrokenToad Miniature Series MK3 range, all presented in a contemporary styled gift box.
As an added bonus the brushes will be signed by Fabrizio Rusto Russo and Roman Lappat, two of the best painters around, making these already much sought after brushes a unique collectors item.

About the Donor
BrokenToad is a producer of high quality painting and miniature hobby products, based in the UK.

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 2

Ciri (From The Witcher) to be painted by Natalia Oracz

About the Item:
Resin Ciri bust by CD Projekt Red (total height ~13,5cm), to be painted by Natalia Oracz

About me:
My name is Natalia and I like miniatures. I have 4 year experience as a painter. So far I’ve won:
Gold in Wyrd’s Iron Painter 2018
Bronze in Master Vignette and Single Miniature, Moson Show 2019
Honourable Mentions in Master Large Fantasy and Large SF, Hussar 2019
I also placed in top 100 in Games Workshop’s Everchosen.

Now I’m hoping to win your hearts with my interpretation of Ciri from The Witcher games. I like being creative so if you wish, I could paint any version of this bust – standard in-game Ciri, Ciri in My Little Pony shirt, Ciri on elixirs, Ciri holding sword etched with your beloved grandma’s name. Your pick!

My social media:

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 3

Devil Girl

A 90mm Resin bust by Eclipse Miniatures

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 4

Operation Capture Of Jaburo to be assembled and painted by Sean Lachlan Stevens

About the Item
This is a currently out of print set of High Grade Gundam Model kits, released as a group to recreate an event from the series.
These model kits come as a set of three, complete with markings.

One or all three, depending on the winner’s preferences, will be built painted according to their wishes.

About Sean

Sean is an accomplished modeller from Adelaide. He has been painting Gundam Model kits for five years now, and won first place in 2018 in the Gundam/Mecha category at the SAPMA Expo.

Having recently gotten more serious about painting, Sean also won first place in Science Fiction/Fantasy Figures and best in overall Science Fiction/Fantasy at SAPMA 2019 with a bust.

Sean can be contacted through his Facebook Page, Asgard Painting for any questions relating to this auction.


Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 5

04 By BrokenToad

About the item
This is a 1/10 scale ResinCast bust sculpted by Chris Clayton

About the Donor
Norm Ealand works for Broken Toad, runs greymountainreviews.co.uk and paints, mostly busts and display pieces these days.

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 6


The first miniature in the special Twisted Masters Edition

Launcelot comes cast in super-high quality resin.

Never have the streets of London seen the like of the cold, deliberate violence of Launcelot. The knight Launcelot is, as ever, brave and forthright. He has a strict code of honour and is a consummate warrior.

However, The Engine currently holds thrall over him and has found a means to control the knight. His actions are not entirely his own and this is a circumstance he wishes to change…In the meantime, woe betide any who come between Launcelot and a target The Engine wants eliminated!

Sculpted by Sebastian Archer.

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 7

Blood Angels Redemptor Painted by Neale Talbot

Neale is a Sydney gamer who recently rediscovered Warhammer. If you’ve been to the Sydney Town Hall store recently, you may have seen his Mad Max Genestealer Cults and Space Wolves robots. But his first love was Blood Angels. This Redemptor was one of the firt big models he bought and painted when get was getting back into the game. He hopes you enjoy it as much as he did. It’s fully magnetised for easy weapon load-out swap.

Neale is happy to pay shipping within Australia, International bidders would need to cover international shipping

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 8

Custom Terrain for Tabletop Games

A set of Terrain built to your theme choice

About the Prize

1 large piece, 3 medium pieces and a bunch of scatter terrain made to your theme choice.

About Erin

Avid Tabletop gamer, enjoying games of all types from RPG’s, Board Games and various wargames. One of my favourite areas of creation is tabletop terrain with a focus on natural elements as I love the look of a table full of terrain.
Self taught in many aspects but a master of learning through doing.

Click here to see more terrain examples https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/WanderlustTerrain

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 9

Dimitr painted by Trent Denison

About the Bust:
This is a 90mm resin bust by renowned sculptor Luke Starkie, please note that this bust is already painted

About Trent:
My name is Trent Denison, I am a long time painter and gamer based in Brisbane, Australia. I competed internationally in Warhammer, Warmachine and Guild Ball, and I was also the host of a podcast called OzMachine. Around two years ago I decided to focus more on my painting. You can check out some of my work at http://www.puttyandpaint.com/sious69.


Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 10

MIRAI – Humanoid Cyborg Assassin A.D.2074 Painted by David Colwell

About the Item

This is a 1/12 Scale resin bust by Life Miniatures, sculpted by Sang-Eon Lee

Expertly painted by David Colwell, this model won the Admin category for Eadbanger 5

About David

I have been painting for 5 years and have won
People’s Choice Best In Show at Crystal Dragon 2018,
Winner Banshee Anonymous Bust Creation Contest,
Winner People’s Choice Best Entry Eadbanger 4 2018
I have also won various other category awards in various competitions.

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 11

Old Warrior to be painted by Tobias Cary

About the Bust:
This is a resin bust sculpted by Ivan Mata Mielgo ( https://www.instagram.com/ivimat8/ ) as well as limited numbers and his first public release.

For the winning bidder, they may choose to receive the bust painted or new in box if they wish to paint it themselves. This can be discussed afterwards.

About Tobias:
My name is Tobias Hancock, living in Melbourne, Australia. I have always been a fan of futuristic realms or high fantasy things, be it in video games, movies or in this case miniatures. In the last 12 months I have started to take more of an interest in developing my painting and forever learning. You can check out some of my work at https://www.instagram.com/hancock.miniatures/

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 12

Road Girl to be painted by Mally Anderson of Journeyman Miniatures

About this Item and Artist
I’m Mally Anderson, I am the co-owner of Journeyman Miniatures, based in the U.K.
We are desperate to do our small part in helping those so massively affected by the fires in Australia.
My offer is a version of our 3/4 Road Girl figure that will be painted by myself.

I have been in the hobby for a handful of years and started the company nearly 2 years ago. Initially focussing on courses we now do figures.
The above is from a concept by John Wigley and sculpted by Charles Agius.

For my part, I have won several awards for my painting, Golden Demon, Eavier Metal, Euro Miniature Expo.
My biggest award being Silver in Masters Category flat at Scale Model Challenge

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 13

Sad Angel Painted by Golden Demon winner Jennifer Haley

About the auction item:

Jennifer Haley requires no introduction – she has been one of the driving forces in miniature painting over the past decade. In 2008, she painted the Sad Angel, a commission from Freebooter Miniatures. Sad Angel is a limited edition sculpt by Werner Klocke; this is a metal miniature, #327 of 500.

Jennifer has painted this Sad Angel, weeping over the carnage around her, in her singed gown. An apt representation of the crisis facing Australia at the moment – the heavens above cry for the lives lost and destroyed and forever changed, for the devastated wildlife, for the future of our children in this parched land.

In 2009, this piece wound up in my hands, as part of an effort to help its original owner. It is fitting, that the Sad Angel once again sets forth to help those in need.

Jennifer’s Statement of Provenance is available upon request, as proof that this piece was painted by her in 2008.

About the donor:

Kelvin is an avid collector of fine miniature art; his collection has pieces from many famous miniature artists, such as Craftworld Studio, Bohun, Francesco Farabi, and the Wappels. He paints occasionally (see http://www.coolminiornot.com/artist/gohkm), but for the most part prefers the piano.

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 14

Seeking Refuge to be painted by Charles Radford

My name is Charles Radford and I’d like to help the efforts for Australian bush fire relief. I live in New Zealand now, but spent 15 years in Australia and I have a huge liking for the people and place.

I am offering the “Seeking Refuge” bust from RobotRocket Miniatures to be painted according to the winners specs. It is primed, and ready to go, I am just waiting for the conversation with the winner.

I am an admin for the ‘eavier metal Facebook page and have assisted in painting comps as a judge and as dogs-body. Ever since I saw a blood bowl game being played when I was starting high schooli have loved the art of model painting. I’m on FB as crate 8 painting and instagram as crateeight

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 15

Sharn to be painted by Natalie Szymczak from Eva Studios

About the Item
The model is Sharn, from the 54mm Judgement Miniatures range

About the Artist

Natalie runs EVA Studio, a commission painting service on the central coast of NSW that caters from army painting to display pieces. Recently she was honored to have one of her pieces return home to Judgement as a studio model, with another soon to follow.

She has been heavily involved in the hobby for a number of years now, both speaking about painting as a special guest and teaching classes at PAX Australia for a number of years, as well as garnering a dedicated following over on Instragram under instagram.com/evalaina/

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 16

Sloppity Bilepiper to be painted by Steve Haydon

About the item:
Sloppity Bilepiper from Games Workshop will be painted by Steve Haydon. Winner chooses between a gaming base or display plinth.

About Steve:
I’ve been into miniature gaming since the mid 80’s but more seriously painting for the past few years. Also involved in running the Bust@ Facebook group and GreyMountain Reviews blog.

From London, UK but want to help in some way.

Still new to competition painting but has picked up silver from Salute 2019 and the 2018 Massive Voodoo challenge.

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 17

The Scribe – Kingdom Death to be painted by Jasmin Carey

The Model:

A 54mm resin cast of the Scribe from the board game Kingdom Death: Monster

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 18

Twisted Super Pack

Twisted Rulebook Box PLUS Choose any 4 Faction Box Sets of metal miniatures!

Kickstart your games of Twisted with this SUPER bundle pack!

The Twisted Rulebook Box contains all the base rules, card decks and counters/templates necessary to play Twisted, as well as an exciting 10-mission narrative campaign designed to teach you how to play.

The beautiful Twisted Hardcover Rulebook is filled with evocative background fiction and beautiful artwork detailing the world and Characters who inhabit it. It also has a special binding which allows the open book to be laid flat on the tabletop as you play!


Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 19

We Will Roc You to be painted by Grant Muir

About the Item:
This is a 150mm tall Reaper Bones sculpt with a 22cm wingspan. It was part of the Reaper Bones 4 Kickstarter.

About Grant:

I’m best described as an ‚enthusiastic amateur‘, I’ve been painting for about 5 years now, I’ve never won an award, or even entered a contest.

I have no formal training but can produce work that gets kind feedback like „That’s nice“, „Not bad“ and „I had no idea your kid was so talented“

I’m looking forward to painting this to the very best of my abilities.

5th Year Economics prize
5th Year Accounting prize
Numerous sports participation awards.

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 20

Wise Woman to be painted by Kara Nash

The miniature is a beautiful limited edition resin bust from Spira-Mirabilis, one of only 449 made.

About Kara:

Bio: Started painting miniatures because of D&D. Enjoyed bringing characters to life, working symbolism into as much of it as I could. Now mostly trying to master colour theory, to see how far I can push it. While messing with the perception of colours, it’s typically not what you think.

Hail from the inland city of Wagga Wagga. Spend my time outside of painting pampering my pet rats, trying to learn 3d sculpting, and lately trail riding.

Awards: All Crystal Dragon, no money to travel. 6 bronze, 6 silver, 3 gold, Judge’s Choice 2017, Most Entries 2019. Have written for The Illustrated Fantasy Artist, published in The Illustrated Fantasy Artist Calendar 2020 (January).

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 21

Your Model Painted

Tobias Hancock will paint a model of your choice

Tobias Hancock has generously offered to paint a model from the collection of the winning bidder

About Tobias:
My name is Tobias Hancock, living in Melbourne, Australia. I have always been a fan of futuristic realms or high fantasy things, be it in video games, movies or in this case miniatures. In the last 12 months I have started to take more of an interest in developing my painting and forever learning. You can check out some of my work at https://www.instagram.com/hancock.miniatures/

Brush For The Bush Fundraiser 21

Your Model painter

Sean Lachlan Stevens will paint one of your models

Sean has generously agreed to paint a model from the collection of the winning bidder.

Sean is an accomplished modeller from Adelaide. He has been painting Gundam Model kits for five years now, and won first place in 2018 in the Gundam/Mecha category at the SAPMA Expo.

Having recently gotten more serious about painting, Sean also won first place in Science Fiction/Fantasy Figures and best in overall Science Fiction/Fantasy at SAPMA 2019 with a bust.

Sean can be contacted through his Facebook Page, Asgard Painting for any questions relating to this auction.


In unsere Augen eine unterstützenswerte Aktion. Wer mitbieten will findet die Auktionen hier:


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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