von BK-Herr Kemper | 27.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Brigade Models: New Ukrainian Army

Brigade Models veröffentlicht eine neue 15mm Armee für das Sci-Fi Setting von „Hammer’s Slammers“ – die New Ukrainian Army.

Brigade Models New Ukrainian Army2 Brigade Models New Ukrainian Army3 Brigade Models New Ukrainian Army4 Brigade Models New Ukrainian Army5 Brigade Models New Ukrainian Army6 Brigade Models New Ukrainian Army7 Brigade Models New Ukrainian Army8 Brigade Models New Ukrainian Army1

Brigade Models – New Ukrainian Army

The New Ukrainian Army was formed from the core of the Zaporoskiye Brigade when their commander, Colonel Orlyk, decided to retire to his homeworld of New Ukrainia and emulated Alois Hammer by taking most of his troops with him. After he was elected president, he amalgamated the Zaporoskiyes with the existing local NU troops to form a very powerful standing army.

The regiment went through a significant re-equipment programme; their older equipment (Bizons, Kunitsa and Rosomakhas) were passed onto some of the more under-equipped NUA regulars. The newer tanks (Bars MBTs and the BMP infantry carriers) were refitted with new turrets and systems purchased from the Aurorean arms manufacturer SNCCA (Société Nationale des Constructions Chars du Aurore) and a number of new vehicles were developed by the fledgling indigenous NU arms industry; local firms built the chassis, which were then mated with imported turrets and weapon systems.

We have six new models in this first phase of New Ukrainian models; three tank types (light, medium and heavy) along with a tank destroyer, MICV and tracked jeep. We recommend our Neo-Soviet Guards figures for NU infantry. There will be more vehicles to come soon. An updated detachment list for the New Ukrainians will also be available very shortly.

HS15-3901 – Vyriz Medium Tank – £8.50
HS15-3902 – Bulava Heavy Tank – £9.00
HS15-3903 – Zhalo Light Tank – £6.00
HS15-3904 – Shershnem Tank Destroyer – £6.00
HS15-3905 – Yastrub MICV – £8.50
SF15-1210 – Polevka Tracked Jeep – £4.00


Link: Brigade Models

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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