von BK-Herr Kemper | 14.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Brigade Models: Neuheiten

Brigade veröffentlicht Neuheiten für kleinere Maßstäbe.

SSS 8155

Brigade Models – Oil Tanks

First up this week is a set of 1/1000th Oil Storage tanks, a common sight at ports, airports and harbours around the world. There are four in the set, two each of two designs.

The white tanks have detailing on the top, but it’s a bit bleached out in the photo so not very visible.

The Oil Tanks are discounted by 7.5% (19p), and for each sale we’ll also donate the same amount to HEROES, a fund set up to help frontline NHS staff as they battle the Covid-19 outbreak. This will run until May 1st.

SSS-8155 – Oil Storage Tanks (x4) – £2.50 £2.31

SSS 8156

Brigade Models –  Tower Blocks

Next up in this week of Small Scale Scenery releases is a set of three Tower Blocks. These are larger than our existing Apartment Block set, being up to 12 stories high (the tallest is 53mm or around 175 scale feet). They’re based on Postwar examples in Berlin, so we’ve listed them under German Buildings, but they would be suitable for just about anywhere in the world.

I’ve painted these in colourful cladding using Citadel Contrast paints over a white undercoat (the black is especially useful when painting the windows).

The Tower Blocks are discounted by 7.5% (53p), and for each sale we’ll also donate the same amount to HEROES, a fund set up to help frontline NHS staff as they battle the Covid-19 outbreak. This will run until May 1st.

SSS-8156 – Tower Blocks (x3) – £7.00


SSS 8150c SSS 8152a 1 Scaled SSS 8152b 1 SSS 8152c 1 SSS 8150a 1 SSS 8150c 1

Brigade Models – Vauban Forts

The final set of Small Scale Scenery releases this week are a series of modular Vauban fortifications. We have bastions, walls, gateways, hornworks and ravelins to allow you to build a multitude of different layouts. There are three pre-packaged sets for fortresses with four, five or six bastions, or all the components can be bought separately if you want to design your own impregnable fortress. The bastions come in three types that connect to the walls at different angles, allowing the different numbers of sides and corners.

SSS-8150a – Four-Pointed Vauban Fort – £7.50 £6.94
SSS-8150b – Five-Pointed Vauban Fort – £9.00 £8.32
SSS-8150c – Six-Pointed Vauban Fort – £10.50 £9.71
SSS-8151 – Curtain Walls (x4) – £2.00 £1.85
SSS-8151a – Gateway – £0.75 £0.69
SSS-8152a – 90º Bastions- £3.00 £2.78
SSS-8152b – 72º Bastions – £3.75 £3.47
SSS-8152c – 60º Bastions – £4.50 £4.16
SSS-8153 – Hornwork – £1.50 £1.39
SSS-8154 – Ravelins (x5)- £2.00 £1.85

Link: Brigade Models


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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