von BK-Herr Kemper | 07.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Steampunk

Brigade Models: Neuheiten

Brigade veröffentlicht Neuheiten.

Brigade Models – Micro Miscellany 6mm

Today’s new release is a mix of new 6mm models in the Hammer’s Slammers range – models that have already been released in 15mm and are now making the move down to our smaller scale.


Ander’s Legion get four new support vehicles to complete their ToE. The Machete AA vehicles are based on the chassis of the Rapier heavy tank and come in two variants – one with four tri-barrel powerguns, the other with twin rapid fire lasers and Manta missiles.


The Legion also gets the Kopis Recce vehicle with an open turret mounting twin lasers, and the Astrapi AA variant mounting the same weapons in a high-speed ball mount.


The Slammers regiment themselves get two new variants of the Icarus M2 blower tank. The M2A1 version has a smaller turret than the ubiquitous M2A4 version but still mounts the 20cm powergun. The experimental M2A3 carries a heavy ruby laser in the same small turret; this variant wasn’t adopted by the Slammers but saw service in the Neu Friesland army. The two vehicles pictured below are in the silver/black parade colours of the NF Iron Brigade.


HS6-111d – M2A1 Blower Tank – £1.50
HS6-111f – M2A3 Laser Blower Tank – £1.50
HS6-3611a – Machete P/4 with tri-barrels – £1.25
HS6-3611b – Machete LM/2 with laser/missile system – £1.25
HS6-3613 – Kopis Recce Vehicle – £1.00
HS6-3613a – Astrapi AA Vehicle – £1.00

Brigade Models – Building Bitz – 15mm

We’ve been working for a while on a set of 15mm sci-fi building components for scratchbuilders. The 15mm SF community seems to be a very creative bunch of people who come up with lots of clever items of scenery from all sorts of bits and pieces, and we thought that a set of building parts would help towards this.

Rather than separate doors and windows, we’ve created a set of frontages, all around 70-80mm long, made up of a variety of doors and windows cast as one piece. This means that to create a simple building, you just need to stick one of these pieces to the side of a small box or piece of packaging, and there you have a basic house. If you need more flexibility, it’s a simple matter to score along the lines between each section and snap them apart to separate the individual doors and windows.

Buildings 1 B15 901 1

The range also includes an all-important set of roof vents for ventilation, along with larger industrial and hangar doors, chimneys, balconies and awnings.

BAD4E549A85346D88516653B5763F40D GS Preview Buildings 3 Buildings 2 EarlyBlowers M6CombarCars BaseShot KopisViking GFOH 1 GFOH 2

For many of these buildings we’ve used UK-pattern surface mount pattress boxes – these are the plastic boxes that electrical sockets are fixed to. A single box will make a simple house, you can stack them to make a small apartment block or there are double-depth boxes that can be used for garages or workshops. These are a couple of pounds from DIY stores, but if bought in bulk from specialist trade counters (eg Screwfix or Toolstation) they can be as cheap as 50p each. Random bits of plastic or polystyrene packing also make a good basis for a building, or vac-formed blister packaging also works. A further option is to use them to dress up commercial vacform plastic buildings (Amera Mouldings have several North African buildings) or MDF ones (I have a couple of Middle-Eastern buildings from Blotz that I’ll be looking at in the near future). Just use your imagination – I have a pair of hangars I made from a salad crisper box that came with an old fridge!

B15 908 1 B15 902 1 B15 903 1 B15 904 1 B15 905 1 B15 906 1 B15 907 1

B15-901 – Frontages (x5) – £3.00
B15-902 – Balconies (x2) – £2.50
B15-903 – Industrial Doors (x2) – £2.00
B15-904 – Roof Vents (x3) – £1.50
B15-905 – Chimneys (x2) – £3.00
B15-906 – Awnings (x3) – £1.75
B15-907 – Porch and Window (x2) – £2.50
B15-908 – Hangar Door – £1.50

The components are all resin castings. We’re hoping to post some blog articles over the coming weeks about making various buildings from our selection of components, to show what can be done with them.

Briagde Models – Pacific Torpedos – Aeronef

Quite high on our list of ‘Aeronef models we really must remake’ are some of the small torpedo craft – the US and Japanese ones particularly, for which we’ve never had a reliable production mould. They’ve now moved from the must remake list to the finally done list, and at the same time we’ve been able to add a patrol boat to each nation’s fleet. We’ve also gone for the 3-models-on-a-sprue plan that we’ve used with other small boats, which makes handling easier for us and allows us to get moire models in a mould.

The US Great White Fleet get a replacement for the Hunley torpedo boat, which is slightly bigger than the original, along with the River class patrol boat on the same hull.


Japan gets replacements for the K-37 bomber and S-12 Torpedo boat, and gains the C-64 patrol boat, which is built on the K-37 hull.


Both side’s torpedo flotillas have been updated as well – they go up slightly in price, but you now get six torpedo craft per pack instead of five.

VANFP-211 – US Torpedo Squadron – £4.50
VANFP-612 – Japanese Torpedo Squadron – £4.50

VAN-206 – Hunley class Torpedo Boat (x3) – £1.50
VAN-217 – River class Patrol Boat (x3) – £1.50
VAN-608 – Type K-37 Nef Bomber (x3) – £1.50
VAN-609 – Type S-12 Torpedo Nef (x3) – £1.50
VAN-618 – Type C-64 Patrol Boat (x3) – £1.50

Brigade Models – Ben Mehdi’s Legion – 15mm

The mercenary unit now known as Ben Mehdi’s Legion has had an interesting past. Naming your unit for its commander is always asking for trouble, as two name changes will testify. Initially known as Baffin’s Legion, the death of Colonel Baffin led to the unit being taken over by Lucas Broglie, a former officer in the Slammer’s Regiment, thereby becoming Broglie’s Legion. Broglie then met his end in the Meridienne War in 334TW, and the command baton passed to Colonel Hussein ben Mehdi, formerly part of Fasolini’s Company.

Ben Mehdi oversaw a major equipment upgrade, with the Legion’s older GD-800 series of hover vehicles replaced by Gull Combat Systems’ GS-1000 series. Their M12 tank destroyers were also upgraded from A1 to A4 standard, with thicker armour and a 20cm powergun instead of the older vehicle’s 15cm weapon.

Their smaller vehicles were also replaced, with the FN A21-series hover jeeps phased out in favour of Gull’s newer GS-700 model. A new vehicle also came into use – the GS-934 Recce Car. This uses a smaller version of the GS-1000 hull with its distinctive hex-patterned skirt, mounting a remote twin powergun turret over the engine deck. The roomy two-man cabin has plenty of space for detection equipment as befits its rôle as a forward scout vehicle.


Both new vehicles have a resin hull; the GS-934 has a metal gun turret, while the jeeps come with two crew figures for the basic version, or one crew plus a mortar sprue for the mortar version.

HS15-2017 – GS-934 Recce Car – £4.00
HS15-2018 – GS-700 Jeep – £2.50
HS15-2018a – GS-710M Mortar Jeep – £3.00

And before anyone asks … yes, I had a bit of a varnish problem with these, hence the odd white spot

Link: Brigade Models

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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