von BK-Herr Kemper | 14.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Bomshell: Bikes & Bots Preview

Ein kleiner Kickstarter für STL Dateien aus dem Hause Bombshell Miniatures ist vorab zu besichtige – als kleines Bonbon gibt es dafür kostenlos die STLs eines kleines Droiden zum Download.

Bombshell Miniatures BIKES & BOTS

Bombshell Miniatures – BIKES & BOTS – 3D Printable Tabletop Models

A set of digital downloadable STL files for you to print on your 3D Printers and use with many Sci-fi battle games and RPGS.

FREE Robot Model!

Just for checking out our BIKES & BOTS Kickstarter Campaign you can download this FREE HLpR Bot model and print it now!

Bombshell Miniatures BIKES & BOTS2

Revv up your Rocket Bikes and get your Bot on with this collection of retro Atomic Sci-Fi inspired vehicles and robots ready to populate your tabletop games!

This campaign provides quality character & vehicle miniatures, scatter terrain, scenic pieces, and more for you to print at home on your own resin 3D or FDM printers. The rewards are for digtial STL files to print the models shown and are inteneded to be used in the most popular tabletop gaming scales such as 28-32mm. There are many items that would be suitable for all manner of sci-fi, atompunk, dieselpunk, and pulp miniatures games and RPG settings.

PLEASE NOTE – This Kickstarter is for digital files (STLs) to make all these items on your own home 3D printer – these are not physical goods **

Bombshell Miniatures BIKES & BOTS3 Bombshell Miniatures BIKES & BOTS4


Here are all of the model STL files you will receive, plus any unlocked stretch goals, alternate modular parts, and bonus models added over the course of the campaign.

[***PRE-LAUNCH NOTE*** – We are currently sculpting and rendering additional models. This is only a small sample of what will be offered at the launch of the project.]

Bombshell Miniatures BIKES & BOTS5

Quelle: Bikes & Bots KS Preview

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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