von BK-Herr Kemper | 21.05.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Pulp

Bombshell: Pulp Heroes

Bombshell zeigt den ersten Teil der  Mai-Kollektion ihres Patreons. Diesmal sind es Helden-Miniaturen rund um das Thema klassischer Pulp.

Wie üblich werden die Minis nach dem Patreon auch im normalen Webstore von Bombshell zu bekommen sein.

Bombshell Pulp HeroesBombshell Pulp Heroes Bombshell Pulp Heroes2 Bombshell Pulp Heroes3 Bombshell Pulp Heroes4 Bombshell Pulp Heroes5 Bombshell Pulp Heroes6 Bombshell Pulp Heroes7 Bombshell Pulp Heroes8 Bombshell Pulp Heroes9 Bombshell Pulp Heroes10 Bombshell Pulp Heroes11 Bombshell Pulp Heroes12 Bombshell Pulp Heroes13 Bombshell Pulp Heroes14 Bombshell Pulp Heroes15

Bombshell – Pulp Heroes

This month our theme is Pulp Heroes! First up we have the Ghost! There have already been requests for different version of him so I will try to include a few alternate options as different characters. We also have some thugs, gangster types, and a few other heroes lined up for this month. We will be posting more pics as they are completed and added to the downloads area. Also as a an added bonus, David Phipps over at Pulp Alley has offered to do a write-up of stat cards for the characters so you can use the models in your games. The PDF will be available as a bonus download once all the characters are done.

Quelle: Bombshell Miniatures auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Uuuuuund, gekauft, endlich mein heiß ersehnter Rocketeer, ich meine natürlich Jetster…wenn es die auch fertig gibt. Darf ich den Verweis auf den Webshop so verstehen?

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