von BK-Herr Kemper | 23.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Weltkriege

Bolt Action: French Resistance

Neu für Bolt Action: French Resistance.

Bolt Action FR 402215502 FrenchResistanceSquad01 D9ab790e E22f 4823 9907 91434ae7877a Bolt Action FR 402215502 FrenchResistanceSquad02 Bbb1d83f D7f0 49b0 A498 00ba02663dce Bolt Action FR 402215502 FrenchResistanceSquad03 1a08fd3f D12f 4172 93ff F4b0de04967e Bolt Action FR 402215502 FrenchResistanceSquad04 824a4bb2 9616 4e3b A733 5eb2771212f4

French Resistance Squad 18,00 GBP

The exceptional men and women of the French Resistance were fiercely patriotic citizens who risked everything to fight back against the occupying German Forces. From sowing disinformation or assassinating German personnel and collaborators, to direct attacks on German infrastructure, they prevented thousands of German troops from fighting the Allies on the frontlines.

Armed with captured German weaponry, Allied supplied guns and their own local shotguns and hunting rifles, the Maquis made good use of their intimate knowledge of their homeland to keep the German forces on guard, unsure where or when the next guerilla attack would come.

The figures in this set represent the partisans of the French Forces of the Interior (FFI), but are equally suitable for most resistance forces, be they in Poland, the Soviet Union or many of the other countries living under the heel of Germany’s jackboot.

  • Contains 10 metal French Resistance models, plastic weapons sprue and plastic bases

Bolt Action FR 402215508 FrenchResistanceSupportGroup01 Bolt Action FR 402215508 FrenchResistanceSupportGroup02 Bolt Action FR 402215508 FrenchResistanceSupportGroup03 Bolt Action FR 402215508 FrenchResistanceSupportGroup04

French Resistance Support Group 20,00 GBP

Germany’s occupation of France was resisted by the Maquis – the famous French Resistance. Led by ex-officers or charismatic local leaders, these brave men and women fought desperate guerilla actions which were pivotal in disrupting German forces during the Battle for Normandy. The members of the French Resistance risked everything for a chance to fight back against their Nazi oppressors.

Allied airdrops supplied the French Resistance with invaluable heavier weaponry such as the Vickers medium machine gun and 3″ mortar included in this set.

The miniatures in this set represent the partisans of the French Forces of the Interior (FFI) but are equally suitable for most resistance forces, be they in Poland, the Soviet Union or many of the other countries living under the heel of Germany’s jackboot.


  • HQ Team
  • 1 medium mortar team
  • 1 MMG team
  • Plastic German weapons sprue
  • Plastic bases

Bolt Action FR 402215504 FrenchResistanceOfficerteam01 Bolt Action FR 402215504 FrenchResistanceOfficerteam02

French Resistance Officer team 6,00 GBP

Often after the surrender of an army, some officers decided to continue the fight on their own. Partisan military structure was often at least loosely based on the military organization with which these officers were familiar. In other cases, capable leaders emerged from the civilian populace, eager to continue the struggle against the occupying force. Regardless of their roots, a Partisan Officer represents one of those rare individuals able to lead and maintain a group of irregular opposition troops, resisting the tyranny of the occupying enemy.

Bolt Action FR 403011303 FrenchResistanceLightArtillery01 Bolt Action FR 403011303 FrenchResistanceLightArtillery02 Bolt Action FR 403011303 FrenchResistanceLightArtillery03

French Resistance Light Artillery 16,00 GBP

The most useful kinds of light artillery were often mountain guns, as these were more easily moved about and could be disassembled and carried by mules if necessary. All kinds of artillery would be used. The old World War I French 75mm field gun was one of the most common artillery pieces used by many nations at the start of the war, and no doubt a number fell into the hands of partisan forces.

Bolt Action FR 402215503 FrenchResistanceMMGteam01 Bolt Action FR 402215503 FrenchResistanceMMGteam02 Bolt Action FR 402215503 FrenchResistanceMMGteam03

French Resistance MMG team 7,00 GBP

Machine guns were relatively heavy weapons for partisans and therefore highly valued. German machine guns, such as the MG34 and MG42, were used in great numbers – and being air-cooled weapons were relatively easy to move and operate. Older designs, such as Maxims, were used as well. The Allies also airdropped machine guns to partisans including the Vickers medium machine gun represented in this miniature.

Bolt Action FR 403011301 FrenchResistanceMediumMortar01 Bolt Action FR 403011301 FrenchResistanceMediumMortar02 Bolt Action FR 403011301 FrenchResistanceMediumMortar03

French Resistance Medium Mortar team 7,00 GBP

Rarely, but more often later in the war, heavier weapons like 81mm mortars would fall into the hands of partisan units. These weapons were almost always only used effectively by experienced crews and, when appropriately employed, proved devastating against occupying forces. Given the static, entrenched posture of these German security troops, well placed mortar rounds proved very effective.

Bolt Action FR 403011302 FrenchResistanceLightATgun01 Bolt Action FR 403011302 FrenchResistanceLightATgun02 Bolt Action FR 403011302 FrenchResistanceLightATgun03

French Resistance light anti-tank gun 13,00 GBP

Captured anti-tank guns were put to use again their former owners – these would very likely include German 37mm guns.

Bolt Action FR 402215505 FrenchResistanceSniperandLightMortar01

French Resistance Sniper and Light Mortar Teams 6,00 GBP

A Sniper Team in a Partisan Bolt Action army represents anything from an untrained civilian out for revenge on the occupiers to a seasoned hunter that has decided to join the resistance.

Like most weapons used by the partisans, light mortars were often captured examples and short of ammunition. Light mortars were also relatively easy to supply by airdrops. For most partisans, mortars were too precious a resource to waste, and they were usually saved for just the right moment to surprise the enemy and pin them down as fighters advanced towards their targets.

Bolt Action FR 402215506 FrenchResistancePIATandATRteams01 Bolt Action FR 402215506 FrenchResistancePIATandATRteams02

French Resistance PIAT & Anti-tank rifle teams 6,00 GBP

Partisans had little in the way of anti-tank weaponry. Fortunately, most of the heavier armour of the occupying forces was at the front line, and thus it was mostly outdated and lightly armed vehicles were used for security duty in occupied territory. Some partisan groups were able to get hold of anti-tank rifles such as the British Boys or local ex-army weapons PIAT anti-tank launchers were amongst some of the heavier gear that could be airdropped or smuggled through enemy lines to partisan forces.

Bolt Action FR 409905501FrenchResistancePlatoonPre OrderBundle

French Resistance Platoon Pre-Order Bundle 71,00 GBP

Full Contents:

  • French Resistance Officer Team (3 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Infantry (20 miniatures)
  • French Resistance PIAT team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Anti-tank rifle team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance MMG Team (Weapon and 3 Crew)
  • French Resistance Medium Mortar Team (Weapon and 3 Crew)
  • French Resistance Light Anti-Tank Gun (Weapon and 3 Crew)
  • Plastic German Weapon Sprues x 3

Bolt Action FR 409905500FrenchResistance AllInPre OrderBundle

French Resistance – All In Pre-Order Bundle 75,00 GBP

Full Contents:

  • French Resistance Officer Team (3 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Infantry (10 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Sniper Team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Light Mortar Team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance PIAT team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Anti-tank rifle team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance MMG Team (Weapon and 3 Crew)
  • French Resistance Medium Mortar Team (Weapon and 3 Crew)
  • French Resistance Light Anti-Tank Gun (Weapon and 3 Crew)
  • French Resistance Light Artillery (Weapon and 4 Crew)
  • Plastic German Weapon Sprues x 2

Bolt Action FR 409905502FrenchResistanceSupportWeaponsPre OrderBundle

French Resistance Support Weapons Pre-Order Bundle 52,00 GBP

Full Contents:

  • French Resistance Sniper Team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Light Mortar Team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance PIAT team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Anti-tank rifle team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance MMG Team (Weapon and 3 Crew)
  • French Resistance Medium Mortar Team (Weapon and 3 Crew)
  • French Resistance Light Anti-Tank Gun (Weapon and 3 Crew)
  • French Resistance Light Artillery (Weapon and 4 Crew)

Bolt Action FR 409905503FrenchResistanceInfantrySectionPre OrderBundle

French Resistance Infantry Section Pre-Order Bundle 45,50 GBP

Full Contents:

  • French Resistance Officer Team (3 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Infantry (20 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Sniper Team (2 miniatures)
  • French Resistance Light Mortar Team (2 miniatures)
  • Plastic German Weapon Sprues x 2

Bolt Action ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In, Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Link: Warlord Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Da warte ich lieber auf die Wargames Atlantic Resistance! Die hier sind mir dann doch zu “Old School“ von der Ausführung und den Proportionen (Hände groß wie Kinderköpfe, Arm- und Beinlängen stimmen nicht). Ich weiß ja, die Briten sind ein bißchen nostalgisch beim Historical Wargaming und die passen gut zu den alten Foundry’s-Sachen, aber mich überzeugt das nicht. Bei den schweren Waffen (Pak 36 und die 75mm Fk) hört es dann ganz auf. Wie wäre es denn mit nem Beute Tiger für den Maquis, oder ner Stuka? Scheinbar war die Resistance eine reguläre Armee mit allen assets?!

    • Ja, manche von denen haben echt Arme wie Popeye z.b. der Widerstandskämpfer, der einen Molotow-Cocktail wirft, der in dem Trupp kniet oder die Mörser Mannschaft 😳

  • Ich frag mal hier, weil ich im Netz keine Antwort gefunden habe:

    Gibt es irgendein bekanntes Problem mit Warlord Games Metal-Blistern? Bestimmte Blister sind seit Monaten bei keinem deutschen Online-Shop lieferbar (zB late nap. french command)! Bei jedem Besuch auf den Seiten der einschlägigen Shops schaue ich nach – durchgängig „nachbestellt“ oder „nicht lieferbar“.

    • Ich hatte im Leadadventure Forum von dem Problem gelesen. Warlord hat der zweite lock down in UK kalt erwischt. Das Unternehmen war gerade dabei in ein größeres Gebäude umzuziehen als alles runter gefahren werden musste, was alles stark verzögert hat. Das hat anscheinend besonders die Abteilung erwischt, die für die Produktion der Metallfiguren zuständig ist.

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