von BK-Christian | 13.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Blood & Plunder: Raise the Black Previews

Firelock Games haben einen neuen Kickstarter angekündigt.

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For the last 4 years, Blood & Plunder has introduced thousands of people into the world of 28mm amphibious wargaming within the attractive setting of the 17th Century New World. Our last expansion, No Peace Beyond the Line, covered everything from campaigns to larger scale battles and added tons of new units, factions, and ship options. We are excited to continue to add to the gameplay options and to push the timeline of the game forward by exploring a new chapter of history.

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The Set Up

Queen Anne’s War book

The universe of Blood & Plunder will be moving onto the 18th century! This expansion book will feature new units and factions with a focus on active powers during the first two French & Indian Wars, King Williams War, and Queen Anne’s War. Mixed European and Native American raiding parties, the last of the buccaneers, and regular army units for all European factions are just some of the exciting additions you can expect. We have even added the option for 18th-century doctrinal reforms for some hugely impressive, well-coordinated tactics!

If you love your 17th-century units, fear not! Not only will Forces from the previous period be balanced to play against the newer ones, but we will continue to support and add to that setting even as we progress the timeline.

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The Golden Age of Piracy

Raise the Black Kickstarter Campaign

We are getting asked about our next Kickstarter weekly at this point, so it is high time we address it! We have faced several obstacles in getting this ready to launch. Everything from issues stemming from the worldwide pandemic to staff members dealing with significant illness. But I am happy to say that things are now back on track and we will be announcing a launch date very soon!

This Kickstarter will launch an all-new series of multi-part plastic miniatures, including a 28mm plastic Bermuda Sloop and customizable unit sprues! These first soldier kits will include enough to build 12 models with several body, head, and weapon options. You can use these kits to build out many of the game’s existing units and even add some new options to those units (like boarding pikes and brace of pistols for all sailors!). They will also be useful in creating some of the new units in the upcoming Queen Anne’s War supplement, such as Provincials, Grenadiers, and Jamaican Privateers.

The Kickstarter will also feature 10 famous pirates of the Golden Age. We will release bios and character art for each pirate over the next few weeks leading up to the launch of the Kickstarter!

Finally, the main event of this whole Kickstarter: A Blood & Plunder 2 player starter set! The starter set will be themed around Blackbeard’s last battle with Royal Navy Lieutenant Robert Maynard. Pirates vs. the Royal Navy, classic Blood & Plunder action! As you may know, this was a naval battle between two small sloops, so this starter set will include two sloops and two crews to man them! You can also expect this box to be a one-stop-shop for players looking to get into the game. Like our Oak & Iron Core set, the box will feature everything needed to play except plastic glue!

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Following the new range of plastics for the Kickstarter, we plan to fill in the present time periods with lots of great plastic options. That means new units and ships for both the 17th and 18th centuries in full plastic.

We will also be continuing to move the time period forward. All the way to the early 19th century, at least. I am especially excited to be able to cover the American Revolution!

We are excited by how far Blood & Plunderhas come and by all the great things on the way. Be sure to follow us on Facebook & Instagram, sign up for our newsletter, and check our website for the latest news!

Quelle: Firelock Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Oooooooh das liest & sieht ja alles schon sehr gut aus! Ich glaube mit dem angekündigten 2 Spieler Set sowie Plastik Modellen kriegen sie mich endlich! Das Piraten Zeitalter reizt mich sehr und mir gefällt der authentische, historische Ansatz. Black Sails lässt Grüßen und Blackbeard ist gesetzt! 😀

  • Gekauft bzw der KS ist gesetzt. Vielleicht nicht All-In. Aber mindestens das Regelbuch wird bestellt. Hatte zwar bisher immer nur die Gelegenheit es mal auf Conventions zu spielen. Aber das Game ist super.

  • Solange mein Oak&Iron Kickstarter nicht bei mir ist, bekommen die Jungs in keiner Form mehr Geld von mir…

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