von BK-Herr Kemper | 20.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Blood & Plunder: Raise the Black

Firelock Games plant für das Piratenspiel „Blood & Plunder“ eine Erweiterung namens „Raise the Black“ – finanziert wird das Ganze mal wieder durch einen Kickstarter im Mai 2020.

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Firelock Games – Blood & Plunder: Raise the Black – Kickstarter Preview

Warfare and political struggle for control of the rich resources of the New World have raged for over 100 years. Spain has held a tight grip on the majority of those resources for most of that time, but her hand grows weak. In the wake of the War of Spanish Succession, or “Queen Anne’s War” as it is known by the English colonists, the monopoly is broken and trade has taken the place of lucrative privateering. In the wake of this shift, many former privateers are not content with harsh treatment and poor wages offered by merchants and turn a hand to their old trade. Only now, they will not have the backing of their home countries. They make their base in the abandoned English colony of New Providence in the Bahama Islands. From there they set out to make war on the whole world. They make their declaration with the death’s headset upon the black flags they fly. From 1714-1730, thousands of sailors will “Raise the Black” in what will be the final chapter of the golden age of piracy.

Raise the Black is the next major expansion for Blood & Plunder, below are some of the big changes coming to Blood & Plunder :

  • Hard Plastic Range: This expansion will feature an all-new wave of hard plastic sprue kits of Sailors, Militia, and Soldiers. All of which will include multiple customization options allowing them to be used for most nationalities and as various unit types.
  • Plastic Ship Kits: The wait is over! A two-section ship with a variety of rig options allowing you to build several types of ships out of a single kit!
  • Timeline Expansion: As we continue to move the timeline of Blood & Plunder forward, the time of the buccaneer fades away and a new wave of pirates will carry on their old trade.
  • Pirate Captain Legends: All kinds of infamous pirates covered by A General History will be represented in this range including Jack Rackham, Anne Bonny, Charles Vane, Black Bart Roberts, Sam Bellamy, and many more!
  • New Rulebook: Since we launched Blood & Plunder over four years ago, we have made many revisions and changes to the rules as we have received feedback from players. This new book will include new units, new factions, and all errata updated. This version is receiving a layout refresh so that it is easier to understand. This is not a new edition of the game, all previous editions of the rulebook will remain valid. Retailers, fear not! Your product will not become obsolete! Stay tuned for more details!
  • Open-and-Play 2 player box sets: This Kickstarter campaign will be centered around a 2 player starter set including everything needed for your first skirmish on the high seas. The two-player box set will include everything two players need to get started, including 26 miniatures and two ships, all in hard plastic! The set will be themed around Blackbeard’s final battle with the British Royal Navy’s Leftenant. Robert Maynard and will include exclusive miniatures for each.

Coming To Kickstarter
May 2020

Link: Firelock Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Miniaturen und Schiffe aus Plastik machen die Sache jetzt mal richtig interessant. Bin mal auf den Preis gespannt.

  • mein Blutdruck steigt gerade… Ich liebe die Spielmechanik aber die Schiffe waren mir bislang zu teuer für ein Nebensystem.

  • Oh endlich, darauf warte ich schon eine ganze Weile, nachdem sie bei Ontabletop die ersten Previews zu den Plastik Modellen sowie erste Infos angekündigt bzw. gezeigt hatten!

    Da simma wohl mit dabei, wenn die Qualität stimmt, bisher habe ich nur gutes über das System gehört und gesehen, aber deren Metall Modelle waren nicht so meines und die teuren Schiffe, aber das könnte sich ja ab Mai endlich ändern! 😀

    Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr & Yo hoo! 😀

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