von BK-Bob | 02.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

Blaster: Volume 2

Die zweite Ausgabe des Blaster Magazin ist veröffentlicht worden.

Blaster Volume 2 2

BLASTER: Volume 2 – 19,99$ (PDF) oder 24,99$ (Softcover)

BLASTER – the independent wargaming anthology – returns! Five of wargaming’s most prolific indie designers bring you exclusive expansions for their awesome games as well as entirely new tabletop gaming experiences.

In volume two, you’ll find:

Blaster Volume 2 3

Mystic Skies – Mike Hutchinson and Sean Sutter

Imagine yourself as a powerful sorcerer, soaring above the desert on a magic carpet. Combining the nail-biting movement of Gaslands with brutal magic and combat systems, Mystic Skies is a complete and standalone wargame of high-speed magical duels, tower defence and monster hunting.

Blaster Volume 2 1

This Is Not A Test: Masters of the Wild (Part 2) – Joey McGuire

Following from our first installment of this expansion for This Is Not A Test, we now examine the lesser powers of the wild who can join your warband.  From the the nefarious beast controller who psychically dominates creatures into subservience to the beast friend, a natural animal empath.  We also include lesser versions of the tribal wildcaller of chimeric wildshaper.  Finally, animal skills are introduced, which are really fun and thematic and give your warbands an animal appeal.

Blaster Volume 2 4

Shadowgrave, Part I – Joseph A. McCullough

What happens when the creatures of the Mythos invade Frostgrave, Ghost Archipelago, and Rangers of Shadow Deep? Rules for sanity, madness, and permanent mental damage! Includes a new scenario for each of the three games, plus a host of nefandous creatures!

Blaster Volume 2 5

Last Days: Evolutions – Ash Barker

Last Days Evolutions brings new threats to your Post Apocalypse. You can totally re-theme your games of Last Days to include new types of the Undead or shift gears entirely to try to survive an unshackled AI collapsing civilization!

Quelle: Blaster Volume 2 auf DriveThruRPG

Quelle: Blaster Webseite


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Habs mir allein für Shadowgrave geholt und so viel mehr bekommen. 😀 Allein mit Mystic Skies gibt´s direkt ein ganzes neues System. 😀

  • 20 fürs PDF finde ich immer noch happig. Bei dateien finde ich, dass es einfach an happtischen Feedback mangelt.

    Aber die Print Version wandert wieder in die Sammlung.

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