von BK-Marcel | 17.07.2020 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Blackwater Gulch: Neuheiten

Es gibt neue Besucher in Blackwater Gulch. Ob der Besuch willkommen ist steht allerdings nicht fest.


Tunka is a brutal and immense Werebison. He is known to travel with large herds as a guardian, slaughtering any would-be poachers. He has recently come to the Wormwood Forest, to help his Skinwalker brethren to keep the human scourge at bay.
This Hero Pack contains 1 Tunka miniature, plus 1 40mm base and a hero card. Sculpted by Krisztián Hartmann.

Tunka kostet 13,00 USD.


Tiny is an ogre, a very rare race not only in Blackwater Gulch, but also throughout the world. He is a renowned bounty hunter, who first came to town looking for an escaped criminal, and aligned himself with the Lawmen around town, helping them bring the vile to justice. His large stature allows him to wield a modified, and quite heavy, gatling gun as easily as others would wield a rifle. This Hero Pack contains 1 Tiny miniature, plus 1 40mm base and a hero card. Sculpted by Krisztián Hartmann.

Tiny kostet 11,00 USD.


The Tall Man is a demonic entity said to kidnap children in the night, who are never seen again. Those he takes become his minions, the Black Eyed Children. He is a terrifying foe, many a brave man will flee at the mere sight of him, and in combat his unassuming cane becomes a terrible weapon able to rend flesh with ease.
This Hero Pack contains 1 Tall Man miniature, plus 1 30mm base and a hero card. Sculpted by Krisztián Hartmann.

Der Tall Man kostet 7,00 USD.


Brooke is often found traveling with her brother, Dr. Simmons, in the Tranquility Crew. She is a shy and quiet young lady, but in a dust-up she whirls into action with unmatched speed and ferocity. A true prodigy, none can hope to best her skills with a handgun (or two). This Hero Pack contains 1 Brooke miniature, plus 1 30mm base and a hero card. Sculpted by Krisztián Hartmann.

Brooke kostet 7,00 USD.


Jackalopes are vicious rabbit-like creatures with long, twisted horns and sharp, pointy teeth. They move quickly across all terrains and are known to impale their prey with their horns, ripping flesh to shreds with ease. This Beast Minion Pack contains 3 different Jackalope miniatures, plus 3 30mm bases and a minion card. Sculpted by Krisztián Hartmann.

Die Jackalopes kosten 18,00 USD.

Black Eyed Children

Black Eyed Children are demonic entities that prey upon their victim’s empathy, taking the guise of lost children who need help. It is said that those who help them are never seen again.
This Cursed Minion Pack contains 3 different Black Eyed Children miniatures, plus 3 30mm bases and a minion card. Sculpted by Krisztián Hartmann.

die Kinder kosten 18,00 USD.

Native Zombies

Zombies can often be found among the ranks of the Cursed, reanimated corpses bound to the will of powerful necromancers like Miss Lavoe. This Cursed Minion Pack contains 3 different Native Zombie miniatures, plus 3 30mm bases and a minion card. Sculpted by Krisztián Hartmann.

Die Untoten kosten 18,00 USD.


Armed with pistols, scoundrels like these will often join up with outlaw gangs with the hopes of striking it rich or just making a name for themselves. This Outlaw Minion Pack contains 3 different Bandit miniatures, plus 3 30mm bases and a minion card. Sculpted by Krisztián Hartmann.

Die Banditen kosten 18,00 USD.


Armed with shotguns, these deputized citizens are always ready to join up with the lawmen to keep the town clean. This Lawmen Minion Pack contains 3 different Deputy miniatures, plus 3 30mm bases and a minion card. Sculpted by Krisztián Hartmann.

Die Deputies kosten 18,00 USD.

Link: Gangfight Game Studios


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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  • Die Figuren finde ich sehr ausdrucksstark. Dieser Tall Man mit den Kindern zusammen, das hätte was.

  • von Hirschhausen, nein Hirschhasen, nein Wolperdinger, wie geil …

    wirklich coole und auch etwas abgedreht Minis, muss ich mir mal genauer anschauen.

  • Lange nichts mehr von dem Spiel gehört. Die Minis hier finde ich cool. Die werde ich mal im Hinterkopf behalten. Auch wenn ich mit Malifaux und ein paar WIld West Exodus Minis den Weird West schon ganz gut abgedeckt habe.

  • Big macht sich wirklich. Die sehen durch die Bank klasse aus und besser modelliert als die erste Serie. Muss ich vielleicht douc meine Crews noch mal erweitern 🙂

  • Das sind sehr atmosphärisch schöne Minis, aber ich muss gestehen, totalles blank bei mir was das Spiel angeht. Kann das was? Offenbar Weird West Skirmisher in die eher okkulte Ausrichtung aber wie darf ich mir das setting genauer vorstellen?

  • Offenbar machen die gern insbesondere popkulturelle Anspielungen.

    Brooke ist natürlich River Tam von Firefly.

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