von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Black Site Studio: Neuheiten

Black Site Studio veröffentlich zwei neue MDF Bausätze – unter anderem ein nettes Art Deco Kino.

Black Site Studio The Capri Cinema2 Black Site Studio The Capri Cinema3 Black Site Studio The Capri Cinema4 Black Site Studio The Capri Cinema1

Black Site Studio – The Capri Cinema – 44,99 USD

Built in 1927, this cinema was once home to movie premieres and fancy galas. The long forgotten past of rubbing shoulders with celebrities and socialites are a distant memory, now it only serves as a home to squatters and drug dealers.

This building comes with a removable roof, optional signage and working doors. It also has blank open floors for easy positioning of larger units…We have packed this building full of awesome exterior details and add-ons!

This is a 32-40mm scale building kit.  It comes pre-painted on sprues and once assembled its ready to use! This is perfect for games such as Batman the miniatures game and Marvel Crisis Protocol.

The Capri Cinema is ~11.25×8.75×10″

Miniatures are shown for scale purposes only. Colors may vary slightly from the photos

Black Site Studio  The Bayer Residence2 Black Site Studio  The Bayer Residence3 Black Site Studio  The Bayer Residence4 Black Site Studio  The Bayer Residence1

Black Site Studio – The Bayer Residence –  24,99 USD

The only shotgun shack left in town after the developers moved in like hawks and tore down all the old unsightly structures; the Bayer’s family home is a bastion of old fashion-values like turnip peeling and chicken pluckin’…oh and some sweet sweet banjo tunes.

The classic shotgun shack was a cheap, easy way to build vast lots of homes (now often used as fancy airbnbs) They represent a great icon of the American South. This product is perfect for using in games such as, Mantics The Walking Dead, Batman or any modern or historical 28mm game.

This Bayer Residence is ~12x4x5.5″

This is a 28mm scale building kit.  It comes pre-painted on sprues and once assembled its ready to use! Features working doors and a removable roof!

Miniatures are shown for scale purposes only. Colors may vary slightly from the photos


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Tja, Holz wiegt viel. Weiß nicht, ob man das in den USA bestellen sollte. Sieht zwar toll aus, fürchte aber, dass das echt viel kostet.

    • Das Porto von denen ist leider ein echter Killer.

      Sie können nichts dafür aber es hat mich schon mehrfach abgehalten

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