von BK-Herr Kemper | 03.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: Battletech

BattleTech: Clan Invasion Update

Catalyst Games nähert sich dem Versand von Welle 1 des BattleTech Clan Invasion Kickstarters.

BattleTech – Clan Invasion Update

Hey Backers,

With nearly everything on the water and moving towards our hubs, where they’ll be organized and start shipping out to backers, we received final samples of everything late last week, and we’ve spent the weekend and the last few days reviewing everything, providing comments back to the manufacturer, and taking photos. And time to share a pile of those photos!

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First up is the Clan Invasion box sets; the retail version on the left and the Kickstarter-exclusive on the right.

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Here we have the Clan invasion box, along with all Wave One ForcePacks, and the three different types of SalvageBoxes.  (Sorry for the glare on top, but no amount of adjusting could completely eliminate it across all of that clear plastic.)

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That leads us to a spread of the full contents of the Clan Invasion box. (As a reminder, the Kickstarter-exclusive and retailer boxes are identical in content, just with unique covers.)

Next we’ve a series of photos of the miniatures for Wave One. Each has been placed on the Kozice Valley (CDS) map from MapPack: Battle of Tukayyid, alongside four ‚Mechs from A Game of Armored Combat: Locust, Catapult, Thunderbolt, and BattleMaster. (In all instances, these are straight out of the boxes, without any primer.)

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To go along with those miniatures, we’ve Die Cut Sheet #1 and Record Sheets Book #1.

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Next up we have the most exciting thing outside of the miniatures in Wave One, I believe, in MapPack: Battle of Tukayyid. We shared a long series of Updates detailing every single map. And the final product does not disappoint. Without a doubt the coolest, most universe-immersive maps ever published for BattleTech in its 36 years. YOU made this possible. Thank you!

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First, yup, there’s a die-cut sheet of fire and smoke counters included. While it’s designed for use with the Holth Forest (CGB) map, it’ll be very useful any time players want to bring fire and smoke rules to their games.

And now, because I know you’ll be asking, photos of the maps in all their glory. (They’re too big to fit in my light box, so the lighting is a little darker than I’d like, but hopefully the awesomeness of these maps comes through.)

First up, the Racice River Delta (CSJ), and on its backside the Pozoristu Mountains (CW).

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Next up is the Deployment Zone and then the Kozice Valley (CDS) on the reverse side.

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Moving onto Lake Losiije (CNC) and on the backside Holth Forest (CGB).

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Finally, we have Robyn’s Crossing (CJF) and on the reverse side, Devil’s Bath (CSV).

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And yes, by now, you’ve noticed these are double-wide maps. We spent a lot of time going round and round on this and asking whether the printer could produce them like that. Ultimately, the nature and scope of these maps demanded we go this route. Any other path and the maps would’ve suffered mightily for having to introduce a blank channel of hexes right down the middle of each of these wonderfully immersive maps.

It’s a hard choice, but for my money, the go-to maps to play any scenario on after playing through the Battle of Tukayyid campaign will either be Kozice Valley or Pozoristu Mountains. I’m already looking foward to how brilliant these colors will look on Wave Two neoprene matts.

Finally, for this Update we’ve got the 3-poster pack to show off.

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This Friday we’ll share photos of literally every single item shipping as part of Wave One…gonna take me that long to figure out how to arrange all of that on my big gaming table and take enough photos to show it all off appropriately.


Link: BT Clan Invasion Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ich persönlich finde das Cover der Retail Version schicker aber da kann Ich dann ja später noch eine Box kaufen. Adder und Mad CAt gehören ja zu meinen Lieblingsmechs bei den Clans. Da kann man nicht genug von haben oder? oder? 😀

  • Sieht schon alles sehr schön aus. Ich bin etwas von den „Legendary Mechwarriors“ enttäuscht. Die haben ja wirklich nur absolut minimal andere Posen als die normalen Modelle.

    Freue mich dennoch darauf irgendwann mal meine Mechs zu bekommen. Vielleicht klappts ja schon nächstes Jahr ^^“

  • Kann es kaum erwarten. Hab mich neulich durch MW5 in das Setting verknallt und grad mega Bock auf schöne Mechs, die alten Modelle sind ja alle Grütze. Kann es kaum erwarten, wenn die in den Handel kommen, die aktuell Grundbox hab ich schon und bemale sie zu je 220/230 Tonnen als Davion und Kurita!

  • Uiuiui – mitsamt Urbie für den Urbie.. eh.. mich^^
    Gei Lo Mat.

    hoffe, dass tritt nochmal ein wenig Battletech-Lust in der Umgebung los 😉

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