von BK-Thorsten | 29.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Bad Squiddo Games: Neuheiten

Wer noch eine Inneneinrichtung mit Nahrungsmittelbezug für seine Spielplatte benötigt wird bei Bad Squiddo Games vielleicht fündig.

BadSquiddo DiningTable

Dining Tables (4) – 12,50 GBP

4 pieces of unique hand sculpted dining tables. YES ALL THE FOOD AND TOPPINGS ARE INCLUDED! Wow! They are also one piece, so no glueing required, and they are SOLID. Time to get those adventurers nomming.

Cast in high quality resin, supplied unpainted. Made to work with 28mm scale minis. Sculpted by Ristul.

BadSquiddo StoneKitchen

Stone Kitchen (6) – 14,00 GBP

4 pieces of unique hand sculpted kitchen units with 2 separate pots. They are stone sculpted on the back and can be placed around or lined up against a wall. The pots can be put on the stove or off – perhaps on one of our tables, or being carried by an NPC!

Add some cute flair to any setting in game or display.

Cast in high quality resin, supplied unpainted. Made to work with 28mm scale minis. Sculpted by Ristul.

BadSquiddo FantasyBBQ

Fantasy BBQ Buffet (4) – 14,00 GBP

4 pieces of unique hand sculpted furniture for a BBQ in an olde or fantasy environment. Your adventurers need to celebrate their victory, so there is grub and ale abound! Or perhaps this is the party that your gang is sneaking up to?

Add some cute flair to any setting in game or display.

Cast in high quality resin, supplied unpainted. Made to work with 28mm scale minis. Sculpted by Ristul.

BadSquiddo TableAccessories

Table Accessories (16) – 8,50 GBP

16 pieces of unique hand sculpted table toppers, such as food, drinks, serving items, a plant, a book, and what else can you see? Oh yes definitely olive oil. Perfect! These can be used as conversions in many occasions, or perhaps added to your existing Bad Squiddo Scenics or other funriture you may already have which needs a bit of something extra.

Add some cute flair to any setting in game or display.

Cast in high quality resin, supplied unpainted. Made to work with 28mm scale minis. Sculpted by Ristul.

BadSquiddo MightyFeast

BUNDLE: Mighty Feast – 44,00 GBP

Why not save some coins and decision making and grab all of these incredible new dining items together?

In the thumbnail pic, the sets have been photoshopped together so they are not to scale with each other.

Included is:

1 x Stone Kitchen

1 x Buffet BBQ

1 x Table Accessories

1 x Dining Tables

Cast in high quality resin, supplied unpainted. Made to work with 28mm scale minis. Sculpted by Ristul.

BadSquiddo UltimateFood

BUNDLE: Ultimate Foods – 70,00 GBP

Why not save some coins and decision making and grab ALL OF OUR FOOD?

Included is:

1 x Stone Kitchen

1 x Buffet BBQ

1 x Table Accessories

1 x Dining Tables

1 x Food Supplies Basing Kit

1 x Food Supplies

1 x Picnic Food

Cast in high quality resin, supplied unpainted. Made to work with 28mm scale minis. Sculpted by Ristul.

Quelle: Bad Squiddo Games


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Menno, ich hab´doch erst letztens bestellt. Großartige Sachen. Wie schön, daß Ristul noch tätig ist.

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