Bad Squiddo Games: Neuheit
Bad Squiddo Games erweitert ihre Miniaturenreihe mit ungewöhnlichen britischen Haimatfrontminis für den 2. Weltkrieg.
Bad Squiddo Games – Neuheit
Are you my mummy?
These gas masks for babies were developed during WW2 when it was important for all British citizens to carry gas protection in the case of an attack. Luckily these were never required to be used and were potentially dangerous to the babies, so it was just as well! They look terrifyingly sci fi right? The helmet part was made of steel.
This lady is carrying her two babies and they are definitely safe from an attack or Nottingham trams during a pandemic.
Quelle: Bad Squiddo Games FB
Keine Ahnung wofür, aber die Mini brauche ich.
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