von BK-Bob | 23.12.2020 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Awaken Realms: ISS Vanguard

Awaken Realms ist mit ihrem neusten Projekt ISS Vanguard auf Gamefound unterwegs.

ISS Vanguard

ISS Vanguard is an upcoming major board game from Awaken Realms. It will feature a 1-4 player co-operative gameplay that will immerse you in an amazing adventure among the stars, as you lead the first human galactic exploration effort.

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Representing a new step for our games, ISS Vanguard blends the vast experience of AR designers, gathered in projects such as Nemesis, Tainted Grail, Etherfields, Lords of Hellas and This War of Mine: TBG. The story crafted by one of the best Polish authors Krzysztof Piskorski (the lead writer of Tainted Grail) will bring you right into the middle of an epic space opera with hard choices, unimaginable discoveries, and unlikely allies. And to give this game a unique look, we brought in a new lead artist, Dominik Meyer, who created an inspiring vision, based on a golden age of space exploration stories.

ISS Vanguard is 1-4 players co-op campaign Board Game experience. Players are controlling 4 different, asymmetric sections (security, recon, science, engineering) onboard ship ISS Vanguard. Base gameplay is divided into landing on planets and discovering its secrets and managing the ship in between missions, where you can recruit new crew members, research materials, produce new equipment, landers and ship modules. You can expect a lot of epic stories, hard gameplay decisions, some real sacrifices and consequences of your decisions!

ISS Vanguard 2

ISS Vanguard 6

Ein Blick in die Story findet man Hier

ISS Vanguard 7

Print & Play Komponenten findet man Hier

ISS Vanguard 8

ISS Vanguard 9

This is the headquarter of your operation, where you and your team-mates make all the hard decisions:
·         What systems and planets will you visit next?
·         What technologies will you develop?
·         Which research paths will you pursue?
·         What landing craft will you build or modify?
·         Which alien culture are you going to study?
·         Which crewmembers will you choose for your next landing?
·         Will Vanguard’s mission propel humanity toward a new future, or will the ship disappear without a trace in the vast blackness of space?

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In-game, these mechanics will be represented by a unique game component – a high quality binder that contains beautiful cardboard dividers and card storage pages with printed card sleeves that are a part of many interesting mechanics. This Ship Book serves as a manual (with rich, visual rule presentations), game-saving mechanism, a strategic decision center that you play through between the missions, and a summary of your collected discoveries and technologies.

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Preparations for humanity’s first and only multi-generation mission took decades and spanned everything from meticulous planning of the ship and its systems to social and political simulations. To avoid the crew splintering into antagonistic factions, a system of four Sections was created, each with their own focus and traditions, but all working together for a common goal:

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As a player, you will represent a leader of one the sections, second only to Captain. You will upgrade and develop your section’s gear, take part in many decisions about Vanguard’s mission, and most importantly – recruit people for your section, develop them, and take care of them if needed.

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Recruits are drafted from a huge pool of potential candidates – each with a unique ability. You will be competing with other players for recruits you want the most, as their perks are often a good match for every section.
Just make sure to take good care of your crewmembers – they earn experience and ranks during missions, but they can also suffer wounds or die. When faced with a dangerous world to explore, is it better to choose a novice and help him get more experience, or to risk an experienced crewmember with an advanced deck of cards who is more likely to succeed? Should you cut down the recovery time of a wounded crewmember and push them back into action with injuries, just because their abilities are a good match for this planet? The choices will often be hard!

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Every mission will be a 1-2 hours session where you explore a chosen planet or another explorable object. It’s up to you how many missions you wish to complete in your campaign, though findings from many different worlds are required to move the story forward.
Performing a successful mission isn’t easy – start by deciding how much energy and time you are going to spend to scan the planet in advance, learning about hazards and conditions on the surface, and discovering dangers awaiting on the approach.
Planets you land on will be represented by a book with many part-scripted, part-procedurally generated planetary boards that offer a great balance of story experience and re-playability! Even planets that use the same board can play very differently, with different planet-wide effects, hazards, and different tasks that can trigger on them while you explore!

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Once you know your destination, choose your spacecraft, your crew, their equipment, and even their position aboard the lander. Since the landing might be a dangerous process, you might want to prepare, so that you will not damage your ship, wound your crew, or lose some of your precious cargo!

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Once you have landed, you can start exploring the planet – using custom dice of your crewmember to perform different tests, learning as much as possible about your surrounding, and trying to complete your mission. Most of the dice are different, and with every test you can always use as many as you want – but at the end of a turn you usually only refresh 3 of them. Will you risk it, rolling the bare minimum? Or do you want to aim for exciting bonuses, available in many sectors of the planet? Is this a good moment to use up your Crewmember’s special dice? Or should you save it for a different taks that looms on the horizon?
Even your used dice factor in this equation, as many effects involve them, unlocking later in a turn, as your Crewmember spends more.
And as if that wasn’t enough, you can sacrifice a die permanently to refresh a different, much-needed die, leaving your character weaker for the rest of the mission.
Apart from the dice, you characters will have special cards that are cost-free, and allow you to modify or enhance your results.

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Moving through sectors on the planet is also tricky, as many hazards await you. The supplies you carry are limited, so your time is your biggest asset! You are never forced to finish your mission, but without supplies, with diminishing dice numbers, and with mounting negative statuses things slowly become more and more risky.
What will you encounter? Prepare to be surprised 😉 From lifeless tomb worlds full of artifacts, through interesting eco-systems or strange natural phenomena, up to conscious life forms. Every planet offers unique findings that you can take back to Vanguard – making it so much harder to call it a day and return when there’s another secret waiting behind the nearest rock.

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Some events that happen on the planet will be conveyed in a unique way – as special mission logs. They contain research notes, field reports, and even transcripts of dialogue between the crewmembers and Vanguard’s bridge, and will often ask you to make a key decision. What’s even more important, these logs will be integrated together with a save sheet, so that the whole experience is as seamless as possible, without additional components needed.
The logs will take you on an amazing adventure, with branching stories that will keep your group on the edge of their seat!
Die Pledges:

ISS Vanguard 4 1 ISS Vanguard 4 2 ISS Vanguard 4 3 ISS Vanguard 4 4 ISS Vanguard 4 5 ISS Vanguard 4 6 ISS Vanguard 4 7 ISS Vanguard 4 8 ISS Vanguard 4 9 ISS Vanguard 4 10 ISS Vanguard 4 11

ISS Vanguard: Core Box – 99,00 $
ISS Vanguard Core Box, including all unlocked relevant Stretch Goals from this campaign. This Pledge does not include shipping. You will be asked to pay shipping after the campaign – see shipping sections for more details!

ISS Vanguard 5 1 ISS Vanguard 5 2 ISS Vanguard 5 3 ISS Vanguard 5 4 ISS Vanguard 5 5 ISS Vanguard 5 6 ISS Vanguard 5 7 ISS Vanguard 5 8 ISS Vanguard 5 9 ISS Vanguard 20 1 ISS Vanguard 20 2 ISS Vanguard 20 3

ISS Vanguard Commander’s Pledge – 179,00$
ISS Vanguard Core Box and Close Encounters miniatures expansion, including all unlocked relevant Stretch Goals. This Pledge does not include shipping. You will be asked to pay shipping after the campaign – see shipping sections for more details!
Stretch Goals:

ISS Vanguard 3 1 ISS Vanguard 3 2 ISS Vanguard 3 3 ISS Vanguard 3 4 ISS Vanguard 3 5


ISS Vanguard Galactic Almanac 1 ISS Vanguard Galactic Almanac 2 ISS Vanguard Galactic Almanac 3 ISS Vanguard Galactic Almanac 4

Galactic Almanac – 19,00$

Artbook will contain highlights of some of the best art in ISS Vanguard.
It will also have extra story, giving you some extra snippets of information about the world.
It will be divided into:
1) Systems and planets
2) Intelligent lifeforms
3) Technology
ISS Vanguard Personal Files Expansion 1 ISS Vanguard Personal Files Expansion 2
Personal Files Expansion – 16,00$
Gameplay expansion, adding more character depth to all of the 90 crew members – learn their personal stories as well as unlock „veteran“ state after meeting special requirements.
– 90 Veteran cards
– Book with 180 extra personal stories

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Die Kampagne ist bereits finaziert und läuft noch 14 Tage.

Quelle: ISS Vanguard


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich habe aufgehört solch teure Spiele vor zu finanzieren (99$ + Versand ist mir einfach zu viel um eine Katze im Sack zu kaufen). Insbesondere da Tainted Grail und Etherfields bei meinen bevorzugten Reviewern schlecht abgeschnitten haben.
    Bei Tainted Grail habe ich sogar mit gemacht aber das spiel noch nicht erhalten (wobei ich da selbst schuld bin, da ich nur für ein 1-Welle Versand bezahlt habe)

    • Ich bereue mittlerweile bei Tainted Grail nicht all in gegangen zu sein. Das spiel war um einiges spaßiger, als ich erwartet hätte. So unterscheiden sich die Geister 😀

      • Ja, mir hat Tainted Grail auch viel Spaß gemacht.

        Was ich empfehlen kann: ein Freund und ich haben parallel gespielt und uns dann immer wieder ausgetauscht, was passiert ist und das war dann nochmal besonders faszinierend. Wir hatten sehr unterschiedliche Verläufe und ein sehr unterschiedliches Ende und das muss man dem Spiel echt zugute halten, dass die ganzen Entscheidungen nicht nur Staffage sind sondern sich bis zum Ende hin auswirken.

    • Also Etherfields ist kürzlich bei mir angekommen und das ist ein unglaublisch schönes Spiel. Einfach alleine schon von der Optik her toll. Die Qualität der Miniaturen ist fantastisch, besonders wenn man bedenkt, dass es ja „nur“ Brettspielfiguren sind. Und das Spielprinzip klingt auch sehr verlockend. Ich hoffe, dass ich über die Feiertage endlich dazu komme, es aus zu probieren. Aber ich kann schon jetzt sagen, dass ich den Kickstarter nicht bereue.

      • Na super, wäre ich nicht all-in gegangen hätte ich es wahrscheinlich schon. Ehterfields ebenfalls all-in. Allerdings deutsch und 2 Wellen. Das kommt sicher vor Tainted Grail in einer Welle.

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