von BK-Herr Kemper | 04.07.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Artist’s Café: neu bei Kimera/Pegaso

Kimera/Pegaso werden unter dem Namen Artist’s Café neuen Talententen eine Plattform bieten.

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Artist’s Café

What is Artist’s Café?
Next week we’ll launch this new program and area in the website that’s called Artist’s Café. We will release the 2 miniatures you can see in the pictures as the first step in this program.

But what it is really? What’s the difference between Pegaso and Kimera with Artist’s Café?

Artist’s Café is a new brand under the pegaso company that is entirely devoted to make new sculptors grow in the market through our help.

It’s an artistic program where the artists involved will concept and sculpt the pieces and Pegaso/Kimera staff will help them in various ways: improving the ideas and the technical aspects, with the production, packaging, commercialization, panting and many other little things.

The aim is to make the artists grow while keeping their own voice. This doesn’t mean that we will accept anyone under the Artists‘ Café program, we choose the ones we think they have the potential to grow or to bring a new vision to this world.

So Artists‘ Café is a brand of miniatures made by various artists outside Pegaso and Kimera that we are helping come out in the market. When you buy a model from Artists‘ Café you are actively helping those sculptors to emerge with their original work.

Who are the first artists in the café?
We started this idea with Lorenzo Nino Lorenzoni under the Pegaso Models brand. Producing his own vision of historical models, that you can already buy on the website (but that will be moved in this new area as soon as we release it). He will soon present some fantasy ones too.

The second one, shown in the pictures, is Achab. Achab is a nickname for a new italian sculptor that’s trying to show his imagination to the miniature world. We’ll talk about Achab in the near future, right now i’m just presenting you the two sculpts he made: Lucignolo and Tyto. Others are coming, he’s very prolific in imagination and production!

The release date is set for the next week, so if you want to support new Artists and their unique vision, this is the way!

p.s.: the two boxarts as you can see are painted by Massimiliano Amon Richiero and Francesco Franciuus Farabi. And the Lucignolo boxart will have a pdf tutorial written by Max.

Link: Kimera Models FB

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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