von BK-Marcel | 20.01.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Artisan Guild: Februar Neuheiten

Artisan Guild haben ihre Patreon Produkte für den Februar per Video vorgestellt.

Hello friends, and welcome to all the newcomer!
We are really happy to show you what we have been working on the last 15 days!
Now it’s time for us to start actually transform these „half-gigabyte sculpts“ into proper light STL, starting the testprint phase and correct the issue that might happens between a print and the other.
As always, the plan is to finish the sculpting phase before day 20 to have enough time to test and makes adjustments… honestly we didn’t think we could finish it in time, those sculpting nights have surely helped!

The Abyss Demons Set will be live day 3 February

With the new year plan of +2 modulars, all-modular heroes and 1 Scatter Terrain the sets are looking really big, we can’t wait to see the combinations you’ll obtain mixing models and equipments!

0 Promo Demon PORTAL

Double Pinup month: meet the Lust Demons Vanos & Aya

If we have to make a male pinup, this was really the month to do that! Succubus and their male counterpart are really useful in most tabletop games, so not only we have 2 Pinups in february (lady and guy): both also come in their alternative „hidden form“ version,without horns and wings. There’s a third version of the female Lust Demon Aya, a topless demon version.
This is really the exception, we are not going to make a male pinup during another month 😉

0 Promo Demon PINUPS

There’s definitely not enough space to show all the variants and the modular options (and weapons), so here a brief summary of the set.

0Cover Abyss Demons

Patronage kostet bei Artisan Guild 10,00 USD. pro Monat.

Link: Artisan Guild auf Patreon


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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