von BK-Bob | 25.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Artel „W“ Miniatures: Neuheiten

Von Artel „W“ Miniatures gibt es zwei korrumpierte Battle Sisters und eine Inquisitorin.

Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 1 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 2 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 3 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 4 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 7 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 8 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 10 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 12 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 5 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 6 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 9 Artel W Lady Inquisitor Alba Snow 11

Lady-Inquisitor Alba Snow – 14,99$

Beware, vile evel-doers, as Lady-Inquisitor Alba Snow is coming to make right from the wrong! Do not try to deceive her with your poisonous fruits – her loyal Skull Charming is on guard with probes and analyzers.

Sculpted by Evgeniy Nefedov and Sergey Rynkov, based on the art of Mikhail Savier

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletops and collecting, can be assembled with different options, fitting for various settings.

The kit contains of 16 parts, including numerous options.

Scale: 28mm

Size: 30mm to the eyes; 35mm total (to the tip of the sword);

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 25mm base included

Artel W Sister Bloodshedda 1 Artel W Sister Bloodshedda 2 Artel W Sister Bloodshedda 3 Artel W Sister Bloodshedda 4 Artel W Sister Bloodshedda 5 Artel W Sister Bloodshedda 6 Artel W Sister Bloodshedda 7

Sister Bloodshedda – 14,99$

Thay fell from grace… to rise into Corruption!

Sister Bloodshedda dedicated herself to serving the Dark Gods through infinite violence. From now on, her life is an endless battle, the only goal of which is furious bloodshed.

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Evgeniy Nifedov

Consists of 19 parts, including numerous options!

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 32mm from the feet to the eyes; 35mm total

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 32mm base included.

Artel W Sister Pestilencia 1 Artel W Sister Pestilencia 2 Artel W Sister Pestilencia 3 Artel W Sister Pestilencia 4 Artel W Sister Pestilencia 11 Artel W Sister Pestilencia 17 Artel W Sister Pestilencia 19 Artel W Sister Pestilencia 7 Artel W Sister Pestilencia 10 Artel W Sister Pestilencia 16 Artel W Sister Pestilencia 18

Sister Pestilencia – 15,99$

Thay fell from grace… to rise into Corruption!

Sister Pestilencia swore an oath of loyalty to the forces of Decay, Death and Infection. Now she is the Reaper of Souls, carrying the unholy gifts of her Master to the doomed worlds.

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Evgeniy Nifedov

Consists of 16 parts, including numerous options!

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 33mm from the feet to the eyes; 37mm total

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 32mm base included.

Quelle: Artel „W“ Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Bei Lady-Inquisitor Alba Snow fühl ich mich an Shakespeares Hamlet erinnert: „Sein oder Nichtsein, das ist hier die Frage…“

  • Mehr eigene Sachen, bitte!

    Tatsächlich finde ich die chaotisierten Schwestern einen ganz netten Zug.

    Die Feigenblatt-Eldar sind zwar irgendwie gut, dennoch sehr nah dran und dabei doch so daneben. Lieber den Gesit treffen oder weiter weg mMn.

    Doch, wenn man sich schon anlehnen will: Da wären doch ein paar „klassische“ Slots frei, die keiner mehr wirklich belegt. So Spitzohren in Schuppen mit hohen Helmen z.B. Auch so fantasyierte Renaissance-Soldaten wären mal schick.

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