von BK-Bob | 30.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Artel „W“ Miniatures: Iron Nookhaz

Sie sind groß, grün und bereit eine Horde anzuführen.

Artel W Smazhkila Ardmighta Nookah 1 Artel W Smazhkila Ardmighta Nookah 2 Artel W Smazhkila Ardmighta Nookah 3 Artel W Smazhkila Ardmighta Nookah 4 Artel W Smazhkila Ardmighta Nookah 5 Artel W Smazhkila Ardmighta Nookah 6 Artel W Smazhkila Ardmighta Nookah 7 Artel W Smazhkila Ardmighta Nookah 8 Artel W Smazhkila Ardmighta Nookah 9 Artel W Smazhkila Ardmighta Nookah 10

Smazhkila Ardmighta-nookah – 23,99$

Iron Nookhaz – bodyguards of the Iron Khan. They are biggest, baddest, most fierce, brutal and cunning leaders of the Horde (except for the Khan himself, of course). Each of them tried to challenge the Khan once, and was defeated. Khan sends his Nookhaz to the most trusted Bosses … or vice versa, to those he doesn’t trust at all.

ME `ARD UN` MIGHT! Me smazh! Me kill! Me lauv!

Sculpted by Alexey Sazhin.

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletops and collecting.

Scale: 28mm

Size: 42mm to the eyes; 79mm total

The kit contains of 18 parts, including numerous options

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 40mm base included.

Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 1 Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 2 Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 3 Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 4 Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 5 Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 6 Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 7 Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 8 Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 9 Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 10 Artel W Tah Ya Faze Witkunna Nookah 11

Tah-Ya-Faze Witkunna-nookah – 23,99$

TAH-YA-FAZE!!! Run, ya stump, or be burned, stomped un` partially chewed!

Sculpted by Alexey Sazhin.

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletops and collecting.

Scale: 28mm

Size: 47mm to the eyes; 84mm total

The kit contains of 22 parts, including numerous options

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 40mm base included.

Artel W Dum Dum Blitza Nookah 1 Artel W Dum Dum Blitza Nookah 2 Artel W Dum Dum Blitza Nookah 3 Artel W Dum Dum Blitza Nookah 4 Artel W Dum Dum Blitza Nookah 5 Artel W Dum Dum Blitza Nookah 6 Artel W Dum Dum Blitza Nookah 7 Artel W Dum Dum Blitza Nookah 8

Dum-Dum Blitza-nookah – 25,99$

Dum-Dum Blitza-nookah – datz me! Un` dere iz mah trusted gobbo-gunnah! Faze me, un` me slice ya, dice ya un` rip ya tah piezes!!!

Sculpted by Alexey Sazhin.

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletops and collecting.

Scale: 28mm

Size: 46mm to the eyes; 81mm total

The kit contains of 26 parts, including numerous options

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 40mm base included.

Artel W Iron Nooknaz Ov Da Horde

Iron Nooknaz ov da Horde (3 miniatures) -62,99$

Three Nookhaz to lead your Horde to victory! Three additional heads! All arms and weapons totally interchangeable – make your own Nookhaz!

Sculpted by Alexey Sazhin

Miniatures for wargames, roleplaying tabletops and collecting.

Scale: 28mm

Material: high quality resin.

Miniatures are unpainted, unassembled, 40mm bases included

Quelle: Artel „W“ Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Geile Meganobs. Die sind denen von GW meilenweit überlegen, obwohl das sogar ein recht neuer Plastikbausatz ist.

    Klar, recht teuer sind die schon, aber hey, die sind ja auch recht groß und für die Dreierbox gibt es immerhin etwas Discount.

    • Finde die sogar sehr günstig…

      Gibt momentan 10%, ab 100 Dollar Versandkostenfrei, und ab 300 Doller noch mal 25% + den momentan ganz gut stehenden Euro. Habe irgendwas um 35€ für die 3 gezahlt. Vorausgesetzt der Zoll macht mir keinen Strich durch die Rechnung 😂

      • Zollprobleme hatte ich bei Artel W noch keine und hatte auch schon mal größere Bestellungen gehabt.

        Klasse Firma und sehr schöne Modelle!

  • Einfach nur genial die ganzen Miniaturen von Artel W. Ich liebe die Eldar Modelle und die hier sind auch fabelhaft. Die Designer sind so gut!

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